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Thyatian Days of Week and Planets

by Sionainn T. Mac Innéirghe

Though most Mystara aficionados name the planets after various Immortals, I suggest the Thyatian weekday names can serve as close-to-official planet names. Here's why: the Thyatian Common language is a "parallel" of Latin and Byzantine Greek. In Latin and Greek, the weekday names are from the name of the planets. So, the Thyatian Common weekday names would be from the names of the planets too!

In Greek we have:

hêméra Hêlíou
hêméra Selếnês
hêméra Áreôs
hêméra Hermoú
hêméra Diós
hêméra Aphrodítês
hêméra Krónou

And in Latin:

dies Sōlis
dies Lūnae
dies Martis
dies Mercuriī
dies Iovis
dies Veneris
dies Saturnī

Likewise, in Thyatian Common we have:


This would give:
Luna (the more general word for "moon", while Matera is a more personal name, like the Roman moon goddess "Diana"; in fact, the name "Luna" is a poetic synonym for Diana.)
Grom (Mars)
Tser (Mercury...though this hadn't hadn't been formed by 1000 AC. Perhaps the word element "tser" is somehow related to the Immortal Turmis, who impersonated Hermes.)
Mol (Jupiter)
Nyt (Venus)
Losh (Saturn)

Now, to give them a bit more aesthetic about adding the word "-stara"? M-Earth is the "mystery star" and "my star" (Mystara). The "wandering stars" (planets) would then be:

M-Mercury = Tserstara
M-Venus = Nytstara
M-Mars = Gromstara
M-Jupiter = Molstara
M-Saturn = Loshstara