Patres et Conscripti: Characters and Factions of the Thyatian Senate
by Giulio Caroletti and Giampaolo Agosta from Threshold Magazine issue 2Introduction
The Senate is one of the most important institutions of the Empire. It is probably right to say that Thyatis is not a monarchy, but rather a diarchy, in which Senate and Emperor are the two rulers. Whether the Senate or the Emperor is the true ruler, depends mostly on the individual strength of the Emperor and on the strength of the various factions inside the Senate.
The Senate is a very conflictual unit. In Thyatis, traditionally, there are no political parties in the modern sense of the term, however the rivalries among the noble houses, the churches and the fact that part of the Senate is elected by the common citizens of the Empire makes it important to forge bonds between groups and individuals with similar goals, and act together to achieve results.
Feudal Nobility and Senatorial Nobility
A unique feature of Thyatis is the presence of two different types of nobility, the feudal one and the senatorial one.
The most ancient nobility is the senatorial one. The first Thyatian Senate was founded in BC 297, before the Alphatian conquest of Thyatis. As part of the policy of appeasement devised by Empress Valentia, the Senate was re-created in AC 20, and it was open only to the descendants of these aristocratic families. There was no landed aristocracy, no land titles (nor were there democratically elected senators until AC 59). The only exception to the rule were the ruling houses of Hattias, Ochalea and the Pearl Islands – but Ochalea and the Pearl Islands had been independent kingdoms before the Alphatian invasion, and Hattias after all had a separate culture altogether.
This situation changed in AC 59, when a revolt had Emperor Zendrol killed1. The new Emperor Aemilius Scaurus and his supporters in the Senate introduced at the same time elections and the Hattian feudal system in the mainland, to weaken the ancient aristocratic families. Developed from ancient proto-Hattian inheritance laws,2 it was reproduced over parts of the Empire to weaken the control of the Senate over the land, and correspondingly the new dominion rulers got their own senators to represent them in the Senate. At the same time, the demi-human rulers got official recognition, although they had always been de-facto rulers of their lands.
These noble Senators, holding office by virtue of their families’ prestige, are called “Patres” (fathers) or “Matres” (mothers), in reference to their being the household leaders.
The Conscripted Senators
A large number of Senators are either elected for a term (usually 4 to 6 years, depending on the Emperor’s decision about when to call for a new election), or conscripted by the Senate. The latter option was established in the early years of the Empire as a way to include senior political and military officers, valued for their experience and competence, in the Senate, even though they were not the heads of noble families. These Senators were called “Conscripti”, in reference to their being Senators by election rather than by right.
The Ecclesiastic Senators
There are 15 ecclesiastic senators: the 3 Flamines (the chief patriarchs of the cults of Solarios3, Tarastia and Valerias) and 12 Pontifices. The Pontifices are 12 priests, chosen among all the clerics, divinators and sages of the land. 6 are designated by the Church of Thyatis, which represents the priests of all main Immortals of Thyatis (Asterius, Diulanna, Halav, Khoronus, Korotiku, Odin, Protius, Tarastia, Thor, Valerias, Vanya), while 6 are elected for life by the population of the Mainland. They can be of all faiths. Among them is also the Emperor, the 13th Pontifex, that bears the symbolic title of Pontifex Maximus ("Greatest Pontifex").
In the early years of the Empire, Thyatians had three main deities: Solarios, Tarastia and Valerias. However, with the new feudal regime introduced by the Hattian ruling families, there was a great switch from the cult of Solarios to the more warlike and opportunistic cult of Vanya, that appealed more to the expansionistic and practical nature of Thyatians. The decadence of Solarios’s cult increased during the events that led to the migration of Ispan Thyatians4 to the Savage Coast, resulting also in the expulsion of Solarios’s priests from the Church of Thyatis. The slip in Solarios’s cult was so great that in AC 1000, Solarios is not even included among the main Thyatian immortals and his cult is a minor one. However, an aspect of the Thyatian society is also its traditionalist nature, so the ancient seat reserved to the Flamen (patriarch) of Solarios is still present, and the head of the cult of Solarios is therefore a member of the Senate.
Rumors say that Thincol’s son Eusebius is devoted to Solarios. Although he has never dispelled the rumors, many think that this is a confirmation enough of his religious views.
Structure & Composition of the Senate
The Thyatian Senate is composed in the following way5:
21 senators are direct representatives chosen by the Dominion Rulers6. A Dominion Ruler with the status of Baron or Count can choose to be his own representative, but for practical reasons, only some Mainland rulers do so -- usually those whose fiefs lie within a day or so from the capital, or who have regular access to magical transportation.
11 senators are the Dukes and Arch-Dukes themselves. Some of them prefer to step down from this seat and leave it to their chosen heir. This is also the custom for the Emperor himself, who never takes the seat of the Duke of Thyatis, leaving it instead to his heir.
40 senators are members of the aristocratic families of Thyatis (traditionally, these were the original “Patres” and “Matres”). They have hereditary right to the seat, and if one of them is guilty of accusations that result in the stripping of title, then a member of the family inherits the seat. The Council of Inheritance, a Senatorial committee in charge of awarding senatorial seats to the aristocratic families, then proceeds to select the closest relative who is free of accusations, and awards the senatorial seat to him.
16 are ecclesiastic senators: 12 Pontifices and 3 Flamines from Thyatis (see above), 1 chosen by the Church of Karameikos (see below).
67 senators are elected, with elections called by the Emperor every 4-6 years.
The constituencies that elect the Senators are distributed according to the following formula:
1 senator from each Barony
2 senators from each County
3 senators from each Duchy except Thyatis.
5 senators from each Grand-Duchy, plus Thyatis
1 senator from any city, protectorate or alliance of towns/cities/protectorates which reaches at least 10,000 inhabitants and does not belong to a dominion7
A varying number of senators are meritory persons, such as generals, diplomats, resigning rulers, etc; these senators are elected by the Senate (and therefore called “Conscripti”), receive their position for life, and their seat is personal; thus, at the death of one of them, the Senate elects one more; there cannot be more than 39, since, in the time when the first Conscripti were introduced, by law they could not outnumber the Patres. In AC 1000, there are 35 meritory Senators.
Multiple Seats
If a Senator has access to more than one seat, he must select only one, and leave the other(s) so that each seat is held by a single person. The details vary depending on the nature of the seats.
If the senator is an aristocrat or a dominion ruler, he can resign his family or dominion seat for the benefit of his heir, and keep the other seat.
For example, an aristocratic cleric with a seat for his family becomes Flamen. He resigns the seat as member of the family to his first son and keeps the Flamen seat.Another example is the Crown Prince, who traditionally occupies the seat of the Duke of Thyatis, while the Emperor is traditionally awarded one of the 39 seats reserved to the meritory Senators as soon as he is elected. At that point he resigns from his seat as Duke of Thyatis, which is awarded to his chosen heir. This is also done to give a stronger claim to the throne to the heir.
If the Senator is a privateer (has been elected by the Senate as a meritory member, or is a representative of the people), he must renounce one of his seats. If he renounces a representative seat, a by-election is held in the region he represents. If he renounces a meritory member seat, nothing happens, although the Senate might select a new meritory candidate if the number of meritory Senators drops below 39. However, a meritory Senator usually renounces his other seat, since the meritory seat is for life.
Note that the same procedure also takes place if a senator loses his seat not due to having a choice between two seats, or resigning for other personal reasons, but rather because he has been stripped of the title by the Senate due to some major charge (betrayal of the nation, etc.). This is usually the way Emperors replace political opponents with more suitable senators, when they are especially displeased by the current ones.
But it is noteworthy that the Senate can also do this at the expense of the Emperor's loyalists, and thus collect enough votes to dethrone a weak Emperor.
The Karameikos Question
A dense population, in extreme distress, inhabit an island where there is an Established Church, which is not their Church, and a territorial aristocracy the richest of whom live in foreign capitals. Thus you have a starving population, an absentee aristocracy, and an alien Church; and in addition the weakest executive in the world. That is the Karameikan Question.
- Abbott Teng Lee-Dai, Senator of the Philosophers
The issue of the Grand-Duchy of Karameikos’s status in the Empire is extremely controversial. The Grand-Duchy is a de-facto independent state, as is proven by the presence of ambassadors, especially of a Thyatian ambassador, at the court of the Archduke in Specularum. However, the treaties signed by the Emperor and presented to the Senate were especially vague in its phrasing. The Senate debate surrounding the approval of the Karameikos bill has gone down into history as the most heated of Thincol’s reign. In the end, the easiest solution was not to vote anything substantial, and to freeze the status of all Karameikos senators. Stefan, though Arch-Duke of an unresolved-status dominion (from the Senate’s point of view), is not entitled to a Senatorial seat. Nor can he choose a representative as would be the right of dukes and arch-dukes.
However, Gens Aurelia managed to pass a bill (backed by Sergii, Zendrolian, Pure Ones and many Populares) by which the Church of Karameikos, although officially a different church altogether from the Church of Thyatis, might propose one of their members to the Senate. It is then up to the Church of Thyatis to approve of the suggestion, or to ask for another name. The Church of Thyatis and Gens Aurelia try in this way to hold some control over its daughter Church. How all this will change in the future, when and if Stefan decides he is strong enough to declare himself King, is uncertain. But Gens Aurelia has done this also to separate the fate of Karameikos from that of its state Church. And to secure themselves an extra senatorial seat.
Organization of the Senate
When in session, the Emperor holds the position of Princeps Senatus; if he is not present, the Crown Prince acts as Praesidens Pro Tempore of the Senate (and holds the Emperor's vote in proxy). If neither are present, the most senior Senator present functions as Praesidens Pro Tempore. These officers function as speakers (Dictators) of the Senate, recognizing individual Senators in debate and scheduling topics of discussion (which gives them a great deal of influence over what is discussed).
Note that every Senator has the right to speak on every topic if he or she chooses, and so the Senate officers must be fair in recognizing those who stand to speak. However, the ability to guide the order in which topics are discussed and the order in which Senators are recognized to speak before the body can be critical.
While there are no true "political parties" in the Thyatian Senate8, there are a number of informal factions which cover a similar function.
Senatorial Factions
Ok Boy, here's the hall. What’s troubling you, Boy? The seat? You wanna know where to seat? Nobody told you there ain’t fixed places here in the Senate, huh? Well, well, you're really a green boy, Boy. Let me help you out, I've been an official here so long I can tell you the affiliation of any one senator just by looking how he or she walks around the place!
Now, there you see that big mass of people seated at the center in front of the speaker? Those are the Optimates, the aristocratic faction. Many of them are rulers, like Callastian Retebius, see the guy with the symbol of the Knights of the Air on his cloak? He's one of the Emperor's main followers among the Optimates, those are called the Gens Zendrolian. At their right you see the Aurelii, the clerical faction among the aristocracy. See that grim man with the square jaw who seems like to swallow his teeth in a moment? He's Malderius Kerendas, the brother of Duke Maldinius. They'd like to swap the Senate with a religious council, and speak all the time of Immortals and vows and you-name-it. If you're a pious Boy, that's the place for you to sit, Boy. Next to big jaw Malderius.
Then… Let me see.. At the left of the Zendrolian you see there's two groups, one sits in the front and one on the back benches. Those in front are the Aemilii, they are the Senate’s aristocratic champions. Speak all time of how the Senate is the true ruler, not Thincol. Emperors like them not much - they tend to plot a lot when things get sour in the Empire, just as likely to overthrow an Emperor as they are to get all exiled or without a head. Backing them, in the literal sense of the word, are the Sergii. Those are nice chaps, they just want to get along well with everyone. Not possible in Thyatis and especially not in Thyatis, I'm afraid. You see that old woman who is scolding that man like he was her half-witted son? It's Aemilia Scaurus, spokewoman of the Aemilii, she's not happy with poor Lucinius, he's one of the Sergii. Probably she didn't feel the Sergii helped’em well enough in the opposition to the latest Arms bill presented by the Zendrolian.
You wanna know who IS happy with the outcome of the bill? Look on the far right and you'll see the Pure Ones. Nasty, if you ask me. You're not Hattian, are you? You might well be, with that dark hair and blue eyes. Well if you are, that might be the place for you: Pure Ones always boast about how they want to increase army expenses and go out to conquer one place or the other. One day it’s Helskir, the other one Aegos, or Selenica, or Tameronikas. They were bigger before half the Vanya madmen left for Heldann.
See how they're mocking those other fellas on the left to the Optimates? Those who seem most unhappy of all? They are the Philosophers, you see Samuel Puar, that thin pearl-islander there who stands up facing the Hattian who is mocking him? He's one of their leaders. Philosophers are pacifist eggheads, they like to use complicated words and to discuss bills about schools and universities. 'f you’re a scholarly lad mighthaps they're the ones you'd like to work with.
To the left of them there's another big bunch, those there, you see that mixed-up collection of merchants, soldiers and commoners? Those are the Populares. They boast they're true representatives of the people. Surely they're friendly with a lot of merchant families, guild members and worker's unions. Not always easy to balance that, if you ask me, they quarrel a lot among themselves, they do! Especially the union people.
See the last bunch on the left? Those are the Republicans. You're not one of them, Boy, are you? Troublesome guys. Some of them got hung some years ago. Not good idea to try and turn Empires into Republics, if you ask me. And that's all... What? Those few up there squeezed between Populares and Philosophers, all looking very dignified and detached from the others? They are the Free Thinkers. If you need their vote it's just as well you got some money or position to feed them with, and they'll vote with you, doesn't matter whether you're republican or clerical…
So, Boy. Have you chosen where to sit? There? Ah, Boy, I knew you were a good guy as soon as I met you… That’s a nice, nice choice for a young lad as you… Welcome to the Senate!
Pure Ones
VF=very friendly, F=friendly, N=neutral, U=unfriendly, VU=very unfriendly
This faction is built up around the aristocratic ancient families and their followers (Clientela) and allies. It is a very large group, comprising 112 senators, but it is roughly divided in four smaller groups, called Gentes (“families”), which share different views on the political conduct of the Senate and the Empire.
The four Gentes9 are:
Gens Aemilia
25 senators
We are the cream of the Senate. The top of the Empire. Thyatians have ruled these lands for over one thousand years. They can tell you it’s thanks to the Emperor, they can tell you it’s because of the troops. It’s all true, up to a point. But the Emperor has only a lifetime before him, and if his heirs are not top-notch, they will go down as a footnote in history and be forgotten forever. On the other hand, the Senate will always be here as long as the Empire stands. And since the Aemilii are the soul and heart of the Senate, we are also the soul and heart of the Empire.
- Aemilia Scaurus, Senator of Gens Aemilia and mater familias10 of the ScaurusIdeology: Expansion of Senatorial & Aristocratic Prerogatives
Gens Aemilia, led by the related families Paulus and Scaurus, represents the part of the Senatorial aristocracy that always tried to reinforce the Senate's power at the expense of the Emperor. Good examples of their political practices are the politics of the Emperors of the Scaurus family (59-117).
The Aemilii have been particularly influential in the Duchy of Kantrium, where they possess vast estates and are an economic power. The Paulus family is now planning to send their younger members to the Hinterlands, to establish a personal dominion with strong ties to the Senate instead of the Emperor.
They try to gather the support of the other factions, although they are not especially close to any of them -- actually, the policies they would implement are not too different from those of the Zendrolians, except for the balance of power between Emperor and Senate.Enemies:
Gens Zendrolian, Gens Aurelia, RepublicansThe Aemilii and their attitude are dangerous. They are trying to make the Emperor just a figurehead - and they are so stupid that they don’t understand that they are just playing in the hands of those Populares and their scarecrow friends, the Republicans. Sooner or later there will be a war with Alphatia, and then we will see who is really a friend of the Empire and how many of them will turn out only as agents of the enemy or raving revolutionaries.
- Kymon Cubitius, Zendrolian Senator and staunch supporter of Emperor ThincolThe Gens Aemilia directly opposes the Gens Zendrolian and the Gens Aurelia, as they perceive the Emperor and the clerical establishment as the other two true powers in Thyatis.
Ties with ruler dominions:
Duke Maldinius Kerendas, Duke Tarik Ben Nadir and Baron Babrak Biazzan are ruling Senators of Gens Aemilia. Baroness Gilla Blyskarats also supports the Gens.
Important Senators:
In addition to the aforementioned rulers, prominent Senators of the Aemilii are Tiberius Paulus (head of the Paulus family), Aemilia Scaurus (head of the Scaurus family), Thrain Kalskirt11 and Helenites Osteropolus12.Gens Aurelia
23 senators
Politics without ethics is not politics. Without a spiritual guide, there is no rightfulness nor justice. All right and justice come from above, not from the hands of feeble humankind, and so comes the power of the Emperor - from the Immortals, and thus from the Church. The Senate is an old and honorable institution, we're agreed. It's just that it needs some revision. We do not mean to replace the Senate, much less the Emperor. We only mean to improve the Senate by increasing the role of the Church of Thyatis in it. How can there be anything wrong in this?
- Gaia Ephore, Flaminia Tarastiana (Supreme Patriarchess of Tarastia)Ideology: Theocratic Influence
This faction is represented by the Vorbian aristocratic family and is heavily influenced by the Church of the Trias. Members of the Gens Aurelia includes Adrian Aurelian, the most influential Pontifex of Thyatis, Werner Van Holze, the lieutenant of the Flamen of Solarios, and several dominion rulers.
Their political goal is to support the Emperor through the organs of the Church, but they also use their power to strengthen the Church itself, and try to substitute the Church instead of the Senate in the role of the political counterpart of the Emperor. Many hands-off clerics of the Church do not like the machinations of the Gens Aurelia.
Church of Thyatis, Church of Solarios, Thyarius Palykratidius13I guess the Aurelii are the most close to our point of view, at least they are honorable and loyal enough that we can discuss with them and vote on military fundings and most administrative issues. They are just a bit too pompous with all their talk of religion. But as long as the Emperor can fund the religious ceremonies, they will stay true to the Crown.
- Demetrion Karangeteropolus, Senator of Gens ZendrolianEnemies:
Republicans, Gens Sergia, Populares, Gens Aemilia, PhilosophersGens Aurelia is not corrupt, but that’s probably the only compliment they can get. The Aurelii would like to change the Empire into some wretched clerical theocracy. Moreover, in Thyatis we have more deities than dominion rulers, and most of them are not even Thyatian in origin. If they had their way, we would probably end up in a civil war between exalted Patriarchs and Pontifices of one cult or another.
- Tiberius Paulus, Senator of Gens Aemilia and pater familias of the PauliiThe Gens Aurelia, due to its closeness to the interests of the Thyatian clergy, has gathered a lot of opponents -- all those who have other social groups to support. Essentially, they are on good terms only with the Gens Zendrolian, on the basis that the enemy of their enemies is their friend. Indeed, the social classes that would benefit from a weakening of the Imperial power are the same that would benefit from a weakening of the clerical power.
Ties with dominion rulers:
Archduke Derentarius is a Senator and the most important ruler tied to Gens Aurelia.
Important Senators:
Kallistos Vorbian (head of Vorbian aristocratic family), Albrecht Reus (Pontifex and Patriarch of Vanya), Gaia Ephore (Flaminia (Supreme Patriarchess) of Tarastia)Gens Sergia
19 senators
Let our fellow Optimates say that we don't commit ourselves enough to the Senate or the Emperor; let the Populares say we don't strife enough for the good of the People. They are all stubborn partisans that forget how different situations require different responses, and not decisions clouded by prejudice and political hatred. The great thing about the Empire is its flexibility, provided by the many cultures and ideologies that have built it. We are the oil that keep all those different cogs and wheels well-lubricated - and we are those who enable the Empire to respond quickly and efficiently to any challenge or threat it might face.
- Lucius Scaevola, Senator of the Gens SergiaIdeology: Moderate Conservatives
Both leading families of the Gens Sergia trace their origin back to Sergius Trenzantenbium, cousin of Lucinius, the King of Thyatis during the Struggle for Freedom. Sergius had two sons, Lucinius and Mucius. Mucius was later nicknamed "Scaevola" ("Left-Handed") due to the loss of his right hand.
The two sons of Sergius gave their names to the two branches of the family that descended from him. Both families have distinguished themselves as moderate Optimates, far from the excesses of the nationalistic aristocratic families. They have supported the Empire but also strongly the rights of the Senate; this ambiguous position has resulted in several violent deaths and proscriptions at the hands of imperial usurpers or intransigent senatorial leaders.
The Sergii are true aristocrats, a good backbone for the Optimates; most of them are scholars, diplomats, intelligent and capable, trustworthy in most administrative posts, but not as leaders. They are too soft, some of them outright craven, and content to leave to us the reputation of ‘tough guys’ - but as long as they vote our proposals and for our candidates at important posts, that’s not an issue for us Aemilii.
- Silenus Porpora, Senator of Gens AemiliaAmbassador Ettore Ottaviano, like several other members of the Imperial diplomatic corps, is a supporter of Gens Sergia. Many diplomats see the Sergii as true supporters of the Empire, rather than followers of individual Emperors, and appreciate their awareness of foreign affairs beyond their impact on senatorial bickering.
Gens Aurelia, RepublicansNever trust a member of Gens Sergia. They are just smiling hypocrites that spend their time switching sides and calling their policy ‘moderate’. Half of them are just trying to stay out of trouble by refusing to take any stance, and the others are the most honey-tongued liars in all the Empire - and that’s not a small accomplishment at all.
- Archduke Derentarius, Senator and ruler of TerentiasThe Gens Sergia has few enemies in modern times, thanks to its moderate stance. The Gens Aurelia is disliked for its focus on religion, whereas the Republicans are the more directly opposed faction -- but they are a shared enemy to all Optimates.
Ties with dominion rulers:
Count Geraldan Actavius, and more in general the Actavii family have been long time supporters of Gens Sergia. Count Baldassarre Patrizio is about the only other dominion ruler to support this Gens. The Furmenglaives’ support to the Gens is almost only formal, as Count Phileus hasn’t shown up in the Senate for several years now.
Important Senators:
Lucius Scaevola (head of Scaevola family), Julian Lucinius (head of Lucinius family), Geraldan Actavius (Count of Actius), Irene Pallathakis14.Gens Zendrolian
40 senators
The mere fact that we have in the Senate someone like the Republicans is proof enough of how languid this institution has become. We don’t need a majority and opposition, we barely need elections and surely we don’t need all this self-serving cronies and potential traitors. Bad or good, the Emperor is the incarnation of the Empire, and the only thing the Empire needs is good counseling and an united front against all of his enemies. That is why the Senate exists - and we are here to remember everyone of this FACT.
- Maria Evergetes, Senator of Gens ZendrolianIdeology: Support the Imperial Family
The Zendrolian faction takes its name obviously by the first emperor of Thyatis, and the Emperor's counselors, advisers and political allies (Clientela) represent it. Many heavy nationalists and imperialists list themselves in the Zendrolian gens, but so do such people as Demetrion Karagenteropolus.
Vivianna Romanones, Tredorian, Justin Karameikos, Demetius Vannopolis. The Zendrolians gather a wide support from outstanding individuals with personal ties to Thincol and/or Eusebius. Both the Emperor and the Prince have strong personalities and are competent individuals, who easily command the respect of people who they meet, even in unusual or awkward circumstances such as those of the Alphatian hostage, Tredorian.Enemies:
Republicans, Populares, Gens AemiliaGens Zendrolian is a parasitic worm attached to the belly of the Emperor - whoever he or she might be. And if it is someone that doesn’t buy them up well enough, they will conspire to replace him or her with someone fit to the task. They are cronically corrupt.
- Publio Kelophorios, elected Populares Senator from ActiusThe Gens Zendrolian opposes directly those factions who would most weaken the Emperor’s grip on the Empire’s policies. The consider the Pure Ones as misguided, and the Hattian secessionists as potential traitors, but also as inconsequential due to their limited following.
Ties with dominion rulers:
The Gens Zendrolian enjoys support from several dominion rulers, especially those who, like Archduchess Triella Tien Tang and Archduke Donegal Firestorm, have been personal friends and adventuring companions of Thincol Torion.
Important Senators:
Emperor Thincol Torion, Prince Eusebius Torion (Duke of Thyatis), Demetrion Karagenteropolus15, Archduchess Triella Tien Tang, Duke Callastian Retebius.The Pure Ones
6 senators
The purpose of the Empire was to conquer other countries and bring enlightenment to those who knelt, and death to those who didn’t. Not to be conquered by the soft and morbid doctrines of savages and barbars. And now one of them even sits on the Imperial Throne! If things will not change soon, the Empire is doomed to crumble. Hattias will not stand and watch in astonished silence while the very root of our culture is eradicated from the Earth. We will secede and prepare the war against any menace that will threaten the true heartland of Thyatian ideology and culture.
- Tobias Von Richter, Hattian Senator of the Pure OnesIdeology: Ultranationalists and Hattian Secessionists
These senators believe that the conduction of the Empire is wrong. Either the Empire will reopen a conquest politics and put out the non-Thyatian elements of its culture, or Hattias will leave the Empire. Although the latter aspect of Hattian secessionism is voiced only by the Hattian senators in this faction, many ultranationalists agree on the baseline ideology of Thyatian supremacy.
Extremist Hattians are the main allies of the Pure Ones. The Storm Soldiers, in particular, are close if secret allies. Hattian members of the faction also entertain cordial relations with the leadership of the Heldannic Knights, whom they see as having taken the flag of Hattian glory from the decaying Empire.Enemies:
All other factionsThe Pure Ones see all other factions as weak and untrustworthy. The Gens Aemilia and the Gens Zendrolian would be politically closer to the Pure Ones than others, but the Pure Ones see them as the primary culprits of the current state of the Empire. It is worth noting that most other factions consider the Pure Ones as inconsequential due to their unwillingness to deal with their potential allies.
Ties with dominion rulers:
Count Heinrich Oesterhaus is the only dominion ruler supporting this faction. His support is likely tied to Hattian secessionism, although it is not clear whether the Count actually supports the secessionists or merely wants to remain in their favour, as he actually does not publicly commit to their ideology.
Important Senators:
Tobias Von Richter16, Alkybiades Nemeicus17
15 senators
The Empire is as good as the worst of its rulers. It is therefore our duty to improve on the quality of the Senate first of all. An Empire has no value in itself, no more than a box full of many things. The name “Empire” gives no clue on either the value of the box or of the things it holds inside.
- Archduke Teng, Senator of the PhilosophersIdeology: Anti-interventionists, pacifists
The Philosophers faction is a pacifist group, led traditionally by the Ochalean ruling family. They oppose the traditional imperialist policies of the Thyatian Emperors, calling for the establishment of cooperation and alliance policies with foreign nations, with the aim of bringing them peacefully within the Thyatian sphere of influence. Some members of this faction also aim at obtaining more autonomy from central government for areas that have widely different culture, such as Ochalea, the Pearl Islands and the County of Vyalia. The Philosophers are opposed to political involvement of the Church of Thyatis, and more in general oppose the aggressive attitude of the Gens Aurelia. Their members range from moderate conservatives to moderate progressives.
Internally, the Philosophers have few allies beyond Ochalea and the Pearl Islands, where they are the dominant faction. Abroad, they maintain cordial relations with nations and rulers allied with Thyatis, such as the Elven Kingdom of Wendar.Enemies:
Gens Aurelia, Republicans, Pure OnesThey boast how they don’t want religion meddling into politics. But it’s just that they don’t want OUR religion meddling into politics. If they had our power, they would use it exactly like us. It is not our fault that their ideas are not as popular with the citizens of the Empire. So they try and pretend that OUR religion has no place in the Senate, that WE shouldn’t influence the Empire with the ideas of the Church of Thyatis. That is Koryis’s philosophy - if you can’t beat a chariot on the tracks, ask the referees to disqualify it!
- Archduke Derentarius of TerentiasThe Philosophers oppose the Republicans for their destructive ideas, and the Gens Aurelia for their closeness to Thyatis’ religious establishment. Their dislike of the ultra-nationalist and racist Pure Ones is all too evident. They are also on a cold neutrality with the Gens Zendrolian, due to their militant stance.
Otherwise, they are friendly with the Populares, although their relations are occasionally strained by the Populares support of certain Republican elements, and with the Gens Sergia, which shares a similar moderate attitude, although the Philosophers tend to see themselves as moderate progressives rather than moderate conservatives.
Ties with dominion rulers:
Besides the Archdukes of Ochalea and the Pearl Islands, the Vyalia elves’ and Countess Sabrina Andreana’s representatives in the Senate generally support the Philosopher faction. In the case of the Countess, this is likely due to the wealth of her dominion and its proximity to the borders, which make the Halathians less willing to enter wars than the average Thyatian citizen.Important Senators:
Arch-Duke Teng Lin Dieu, Arch-Duke Nurokidu Nuar, Baralidu NuarFree Thinkers (Independents)
7 senators
Today we want, with our vote, to set in history a choice painful yet full of righteousness and significance, which goes beyond the limits of the understanding of some citizens and senators in this hall. Our homeland, Thyatis, must take precedence over all personal or partisan interests!
- Senator Canolocarius, trying to justify a sudden change of opinions
Ideology: none.
These senators do not feel part of the other factions, but their support often proves critical in close votes, and thus they are influential beyond their apparent numbers. Canolocarius, the most prominent member of this group, likes to consider himself a power broker of sorts. Most of the members of this group are quite greedy, and ready to sell their votes to the highest bidder, or at the very least to negotiate their support in exchange for benefits to themselves (and their constituency, in the case of elective Senators).
Free Thinkers’ allies tend to change often, as the Free Thinker Senators avidly look for political support -- most of them are elective Senators, and must periodically face elections.
Important Senators:
Angelarian CanolocariusThe Free Thinkers are, by definition, neutral towards all other factions, although they usually side with the richest and more powerful while at the same time flirting with the underdogs.
38 senators
An honest, common citizen of the Empire who would like to help his or her country has only one means: get elected to the Senate. We Populares are not of a single mind, and it is for the best: among us there are men and women of every nationality, wealth, rank and position inside the Empire. We are those who best represent the Empire in all its aspects. Some of us are union workers close to the Republicans, others are scholars and enlightened rulers close to Sergii and Philosophers, others are close to merchant families and artisans. But we all share this view of the Empire: that the common citizen is the backbone of the Empire, not those stiff, powermongering aristocrats sitting at the other end of this Senate.
- Publio Kelophorios, elected Populares Senator from ActiusIdeology: Progressivism
This faction is composed of the most influential "progressives" in Thyatis, and especially opposes interferences in the Senate politics by external forces (Church and Emperor); similar to the Philosophers, they do not favor expansion politics, and currently they want to open more friendly policies towards other nations, although they focus more on the respect of Thyatis' imperial rights, and most of them do not subscribe to the autonomist views of many Philosophers -- some of them actually push for greater integration of remote areas in the Thyatian culture. The Populares are a contradictory group, with some of their members bordering the Republican extremism, and others very close to the Gens Aemilia.
Depending on their current policies, the Populares sometimes court Republicans, Gens Aemilia and Free Thinkers for support. However, most of their true allies come from the mercantile class -- rich merchants like the Viator family are the backbone of Populares strength. The Populares also have ties outside the Empire, mostly with trade partners of the Empire, such as the Minrothad Guilds.
Gens Zendrolian, Gens AureliaWell well, if the Populares are the future of the Empire, that shows why the future is not looking too bright. I’ve never seen such an opportunistic rabble. The aristocrats divide themselves on every small issue, that’s true enough, and plain stupid, if you ask me. But at least it’s honest, from an ideological point of view. The Populares stay close together - merchants and workers, guildmen and private enterpreneurs… But just in order to reap some benefit in the Senate for the groups that back them. And they are willing to go so low as to ask for help from the Republicans and so-called Free Thinkers to achieve their goals.
- Duke Callastian Retebius, Senator of the Gens ZendrolianThe Populares oppose the conservative nationalists. Their relations with other parties vary depending on the current stance of the majority of the Populares, although they are usually friendly or neutral towards all except the Pure Ones, who are seen as ineffectual and useful only to draw some support away from the Gentes Zendrolian and Aurelia.
Ties with dominion rulers:
Although it might seem contradictory, several dominion rulers, such as Duke Leonidas Ruggiero and Duke Callastian Jowdynites support the faction. These are mostly homines novi coming from the ranks of the military or wealthy businessmen who bought into dominion rulership after the Spike Assault crisis, so they feel no loyalty towards the Optimates. Besides, their own dominions are populated by hard-working folk who resent the overtaxation and exploitation imposed by the Emperor’s war efforts, so supporting the Populares faction helps stabilizing their own rulership.
Important Senators:
Seline Valleides (taleswoman of the Populares), Corus Viator, Leonorius Kelophorios, Appius Glantri.Republicans
5 senators
There is no need for an Emperor. No need for an Empire. The Senate is pointing the way to the necessary future of our country: a Republic, all of elected representatives. And there is nothing any of you can say to prevent us to bring this idea to the people, so long as we follow the letter of the law. Last time we needed a foreign mercenary to save the throne. But the next time, maybe, our time will come.
- Senator of the RepublicansIdeology: Republicanism.
The Republicans are extremist thinkers who want to drastically alter the Empire's government and substitute it with a Republic. Many are ideal disciples of Fabritius Luscinia, a subversive and political thinker of the X century who authored a seminal treatise, “The Republic of Thyatis”, which sparked first a debate and later on a number of rebellions which ended with Luscinia’s exile and then his death at the hands of the Phorsis Guard in the Marilenev Rebellion against Duke Stefan Karameikos III. At this point, the Republicans in Thyatis had morphed into a true political party, with an internal organization, a statute and a legal status.All of the Republican Senators are elected, except the occasional eccentric aristocrat -- the Emperor would never select a member of this faction as a meritory Senator, and aristocratic families with similar tendencies were excluded from the Senate in Luscinia’s times.
They are often excessive, I know, but not everything they say is always wrong. You know, when the Republicans start to get too much support among the citizens, then it means that the aristocrats are getting too much power, or that the Emperor is thinking too little about the common citizens. And it’s when that happens, that we Populares step in, and, taking the hint, if we make the right proposal we can save the situation. Only problem is, those Republican muttonheads end up complaining that we save the Empire when they’d prefer to have a revolution. But since they can’t have a revolution, and know it, in the end we get along well.
- Senator of the PopularesNone, although the Populares are sometimes close to the Republicans, especially when a weak Emperor seats on the throne. Outside the Empire, the Republicans have maintained some ties with the Traladaran insurgents, due to the involvement of Republican exiles in the Marilenev rebellion. Also, several exiled Republicans live in Specularum, Darokin, and Glantri City.
Optimates, PhilosophersThe Republicans oppose all Optimates factions, as well as the conservative Philosophers. They try to sway the Populares to their side, and have no special consideration of either the Pure Ones or the Free Thinkers.
Ties with dominion rulers:
No dominion ruler sides with this faction, since one of the goals of the faction is to replace the Emperor and the dominion rulers with elected officials.
Important Senators:
Darian Lentulus18, Tiberius Traianus191 See James Ruhland's "History of the Thyatian People"
2 Analogous to the Salic law of the Frankish feudal system in the real world.
3 Ixion
4 See “History of the Savage Baronies”, Tim Beach and Bruce Heard, in “Savage Coast Campaign Book ”.
5 In “Dawn of the Emperors” the Senate was said to have 200 representatives, but a system was presented that provided only 49 senators in all: “Each city (pop. 15,000 or more) elects two Senators (20 senators); each duke or count ruling a dominion choses one Senator (18 senators); each alliance of ten or more towns (pop. 1,000 or more) not belonging to a dominion elects one Senator.”
6 Originally, in “Dawn of the Emperors”, only Counts and Dukes sent representatives to the Senate. See also Note 5 above.
7 This includes: 1 senator for the Protectorates of Sclaras, Borydos and Carytion; 1 senator for the Western Imperial Territories; 1 senator for the Central Imperial Territories; 1 senator for Redstone & surroundings; 1 senator for West Portage & Central Isle of Dawn; 1 senator for the Shadow Coast; 1 senator from the Thyatian Hinterlands.
8 With the exception of the Republicans, see below.
9 Gens (family), plural Gentes. They can be called either “Gens Aemilia” or “Aemilii”, “Gens Sergia” or “Sergii”, etc.
10 The head of a family in Thyatis is called pater familias (“father of the family”) or mater familias (“mother of the family”).
11 Representative of Gilla Blyskarats, Baroness of Burohur
12 Elected Senator from Thyatis City. See modules DDA1 and DDA2.
13 Commander of the Thyatian Cavalry Officers School in Kerendas.
14 Representing Count Baldassarre Patrizio at the Senate.
15 Thincol’s chief advisor in matters of magic holds a meritory seat in the Senate.
16 Count Heinrich’s representative at the Senate
17 A former general and meritory Senator
18 The odd noble-turned-republican from an old, empoverished and bitter family.
19 Secretary of the Kantrium Chapter of the Republican Party, one of the biggest in the Empire.