The Unofficial Timeline of Mystara
by Daniel BoeseBeginning of Lycanthropy
400 AC: Ostland raiders range south to Thyatis and north to Norwold. Mainland Northern Reaches tribes are victimised by the sea raiders and by giantish clans.
The Flaems discover that other, enemy Alphatians are in possession of the mighty Alphatian empire to the east.
The Traladaran village of Marilenev begins doing more trade business than fishing and begins slow, gradual growth from the increasing trade. Thyatian clerics learn the "Song of King Halav" and commit it to writing for the first time. The Church of Traladara is founded. (GAZ1)
Rogue Alphatian wizards attempting to develop a hardier, more powerful Alphatian race create fast-spreading magical strains of the curses of vampirism and lycanthropy.
401 AC: A two-month epidemic of lycanthropy in Alphatia results in thousands of werecreatures and dozens of weretypes. The newly-formed Alphatian Centre for Disease Control acts quickly to limit the effects of the epidemic.
406 AC: The magical strain of lycanthropy stabilises into seven primary weretypes - wolf, boar, tiger, bear, bat, fox, and giant hawk.
410 AC: Minroth traders unwittingly help spread the new vampirism and lycanthropy throughout the seafaring world, including the Kingdom of Undersea.
411 AC: The first wererat awakens to intelligence and the stunning revelation that he can take human form. He calls himself Mrikitat.
415 AC: Weresharks first appear in Undersea, triggering an epidemic of lycanthropy among the sea peoples.
419 AC: Normal seals carry lycanthropy to the sub-polar regions of Mystara.
425 AC: Minrothad traders unwittingly introduce lycanthropy to Sind. The disease threatens to overrun every level of Sindhi society. Weretigers are especially prevalent. Other shape shifters already in Sind see this as an opportunity to unite their kind - doppelgangers and mujinas allying with lycanthropes - and seize complete control of the area.
Ka the Preserver, an Immortal, fears this would irrevocably alter Sindian culture and transplants nearly half of the Sindhi population to the Hollow World before the shape shifters can effect their takeover. Ka gives false memories to those he transplants - memories of an outer world Sind once ruled by shape shifters called /chambahara/, or "deformed animals." (HW)
Those left behind also receive false memories of a devastating plague that killed half the Sindhi population. They are left with many shape shifters to contend with, as Ka transported only a fraction of the shape shifting population to the Hollow World. For a while, a Sind ruled by shape shifters becomes a reality.
443 - 445 AC: Expeditions of elves and humans attempt to purge Dread Island of all lycanthropes; human population is decimated; this time is called the Silver Purge. Similar events take place in Undersea, during the Night of the Long Knives; many weresharks flee to deeper waters. Werecreatures know this time as the Great Persecution.
445 - 450 AC: Lycanthropes fleeing from the Great Persecution establish colonies on every continent.
450 AC: Malf Quickhand leads a halfling slave revolt; newly-freed halflings take ships and migrate to the island they name Open Isle.
The Flaems build their capital city, Braejr, in the region that is now Glantri.
Traldar arrive in the Savage Coast region. They establish several city-states on the eastern shores of the Gulf of Hule. Traldar who settle on the western shores are absorbed into existing human cultures descended from the Oltecs. Humans of the eastern coast begin to establish permanent villages and begin to intermingle with elves of the region. (RS)
451 AC: Mrikitat establishes a nation of wererats in the sewers beneath the City of Thyatis.
Sindhi mages led by Maga Aditi, a name-level female magic-user, unite and overthrow the shape shifters. A brutal purge follows. Elaborate tests and carefully plotted traps expose a great many shape shifters - doppelgangers and lycanthropes alike - who are promptly executed. When the dust settles, the magic-users of Sind establish their own caste, the /Jadugeryas/, and claim themselves high-born, like the Himayas (warriors) and Rishiyas (clerics).
460 AC: Wereseals join the list of persistent weretypes.
475 AC: The forest elf trading port of Verdon is founded on Alfeisle.
478 AC: Ostland is united under King Cnute the Bold.
488 AC: Hadric Corser, the Great Uniter, brings the remaining Minroth humans together; founds the city of Minrothad and lays foundation for an organised trading federation.
491 AC: Mrikitat the wererat attains Immortality in the Sphere of Time.
500 AC: The Colonial Wars. Thyatian and Alphatian colonies in Ylaruam begin what will become three centuries of warfare. The Alasiyan tribes are constantly feuding.
Conflict between Alphatian and Thyatian empires begins; Minroth traders maintain neutrality and dominate merchant shipping for both sides.
Traders bearing vampirism and wolf, bear, and boar lycanthropy settle in Traladara's deep woods and flourish there.
Big Chief Sitting Drool unites the Broken Lands. Siege of Corunglain. Orcs threaten Darokin City.
Three of Cnute's sons colonise the mainland near Ostland. Troll and giant raids are discouraged by punitive expeditions.
Korotiku now transfers whole pirate villages of Ostlanders to the Hollow World, placing them among the other pirates. Within a few generations, the Ostlanders merge with the other pirates. (HW)
Humans move into the areas that will eventually become Eusdria and Robrenn; some elves and dwarves ally with these humans. Lupins and rakasta form permanent settlements along the central Savage Coast, in lands that will eventually become Renardy and Bellayne. (RS)
501 - 504 AC: Darokin blames the elves for an attack on a farm near the Alfheim border, and battles Alfheim in the Elfwar.
502 AC: Corunglain freed. Darokin Punitive Expedition massacred and devoured in Trollhattan. Scandal in Darokin.
510 AC: A Northrock chief named Qeodhar organises his people and persuades the Alphatian emperor to accept his nation as a subject territory of Alphatia.
520 AC: The halfling trading port and capital city of Open Isle, Malfton, is established.
Second Punitive Expedition from Darokin is massacred in Kol. First caravans attempt to cross Broken Lands.
522 AC: Second Siege of Corunglain. Villages torched.
523 AC: In Darokin, Corunglain falls to the orc armies of Big Chief Sitting Drool. Thousands are killed and the entire city is looted. Enslaved population taken back to Broken Lands.
525 AC: Third Punitive Expedition from Glantri and Darokin. Sitting Drool brought back in chains.
526 AC: Sitting Drool traded for slaves and gold taken from Corunglain, causing great political uproar in Darokin. Truce with Darokin and Glantri.
527 AC: Adventurers assassinate Sitting Drool. Tribes break up again. Various humanoid hordes invade Red Orcland.
550 AC: The beast man invasion of the wizard Illodius scars the magical forests of Alfheim. Alfheim Town founded in the blighted area.
560 AC: Alfheim/Darokin alliance crushes the shadowelf invasion.
570 AC: First settlement is started on the Island of Ierendi by cast-offs from the Five Shires. The island is already inhabited by small tribes of native aboriginal peoples.
571 AC: Thyatis establishes prisons on five Ierendi islands currently inhabited by shipbuilding halflings.
575 AC: The hin begin using the Ierendi islands as year-round naval bases; their seaborne trade flourishes.
582 AC: Telemon, the current shadow-elf King, is crowned at the Temple of Rafiel.
585 AC: Ethengar raiders oppose the Flaemish in numerous skirmishes; the Khan's horsemen are driven out.
586 AC: The Thyatians, in need of funds and resources, conquer the Ierendi islands and seize the shipbuilding facilities there. The halflings retaliate with piratical raids on Thyatian shipping.
593 AC: Ruaidhri kills the last of the werehawks.
600 AC: On Ierendi, Mad Creeg leads a rebellion among the prisoners. With native help, Mad Creeg's improvised army drives Thyatians from the islands.
The Sylvan Lands are conquered by humans led by the wizard Moorkroft; the surviving elves of the Sylvan Lands, the Feadiel clan, make the dangerous passage to Alfheim.
The northern barbarians unite into a tremendous army that nearly overruns Hule. With city after city falling, Bozdogan reveals that he has reincarnated Hosadus. The legendary hero combines warfare with trickery and deceit, driving the barbarian hordes from Hule.
601 AC: Gregus Verdier, the "Second Uniter," is born on Alfeisle in Minrothad.
602 AC: Monarchy formed as Mad Creeg claims all islands, establishing the Kingdom of Ierendi, and declares himself ruler.
604 AC: Vestlanders revolt against Ostland in response to increasingly increasing taxes.
609 AC: Decades of feuding between the Jadugeryas and Rishiyas of Putnabad end as the Jadugeryas flee to the southern portion of Putnabad and carve their own mumlyket out of the badlands. They call their small kingdom Jaibul.
610 AC: A band of a hundred elves fleeing their recently conquered Sylvan Lands far to the northwest encounter a group of Graakhalians on the Plain of Fire. Most decide to stay; the rest, having problems accepting the gnolls, leave at sword-point.
614 AC: Ottar the Just defeats King Finnbogi of Ostland in the Battle of Bridenfjord, and establishes the Kingdom of Vestland. Ostland continues to raid southern mainland coasts. Vestland pursues trade with Alphatian and Thyatian colonies.
623 AC: Devil swine first appear in Alphatia.
637 AC: Black Toes assumes rulership of Ierendi upon the death of his father. He marries Kethy Matrongle from Glantri and assumes her surname. The Matrongle family begins long control of the island.
642 AC: Ierendi's Council of Lords is formed.
644 AC: Ierendi repels Thyatian raids.
645 AC: Ethengar attempts a major invasion of what is now Glantri but is defeated at Skullhorn Pass.
646 AC: Gregus Verdier forges forest elves of Minrothad into unified political and economic faction.
662 AC: The Flaemish attempt to invade Ethengar, but the expeditionary force is utterly massacred in the steppes.
675 AC: King Celedryl purges shadowelf infiltrators from Alfheim, but is only partly successful.
687 AC: Ierendi merchants discover the rich trade opportunities Sindhi ports offer. Jaibul and Putnabad compete fiercely for foreign trade.
691 AC: Gregus Verdier establishes the Council of Dread and the Minrothad Guilds.
Yubraj Narenda ul-Nervi, the Crown Prince of Sindrastan, nearly dies when his favourite elephant goes mad and gores him. A holy man saves his life, calming the elephant and healing the prince. While he lies unconscious, Narenda experiences a terrible vision of danger Sind will face in the future - a danger the Sindhi people will be powerless against unless Sind's independent mumlykets are united. When Narenda awakens, the holy man is gone; no one can say who he was or where he went. Narenda's father, Sanjiva ul-Nervi, dies later in the year, leaving the rulership of Sindrastan to his son.
695 AC: Rajah Narenda ul-Nervi's army initiates the slow and bloody process of the unification of Sind by conquering Gom, Karganj, and Naral.
696 AC: Sandapur falls to Narenda's onslaught. Backed by the allied forces of the rajahs of Jalawar and Putnabad, the village of Pramayana stands against Sinddrasan's armies for more than a year.
698 AC: Pramayana falls at last, but Rajah Narenda realises he cannot hope to conquer all of Jalawar. He strikes westward instead of south, taking Sindri and Khamrati and the rest of Jhengal.
700 AC: Warfare intensifies between Alphatian and Thyatian colonies in Ylaruam.
The Immortal Korotiku adds hin (halfling) and human pirates from the Ierendi islands to the area he calls the Merry Pirate Seas. (HW)
Gregus Verdier is assassinated.
Doriath, a former adventurer, assumes the throne of Alfheim. The Erewan faction of Erendyl clan leaves Alfheim for Glantri.
Largest orc horde in modern history defeated in the Five Shires.
Rajah Narenda establishes Gola Keep to encourage desert trading caravans to enter the Asanda Plain via Jhengal. His generous trade agreements with Slagovich bring fabulous trade and wealth to Jhengal. The Rajah also marries his first wife, Drisana, who bears him a son the next year.
703 AC: Rajah Narenda's forces conquer Baratpur, bringing Baratkand under Sindrastani control. The rajah assumes the title Rajadhiraja, allows the former rajah of Baratkand to retain his title and some governmental privileges, and places Rajah Javis Nandin on the throne of Jhengal.
704 AC: Still resistant to being conquered by force, both Putnabad and Jalawar agree to unite with Sindrastan (and pay annual taxes and tribute to Rajadhiraja Narenda ul-Nervi) in return for sharing the benefits of trade with Slagovich. The ruling Jadugeryas of Jaibul reach an agreement with the rajadhiraja, allowing them independence in return for promises not to interfere with Sindhi affairs, and to allow caravans travelling through the Barren Plain to pass through Jaibul to Putnabad.
705 AC: The Rajadhiraja turns his attention northward, his eyes on the fertile lands of Nagpuri. Within six months, the rajah of Nagpuri swears fealty to Rajadhiraja Narenda ul-Nervi. The deal is sealed with the marriage between the Rajadhiraja and Kumuda, the rajah's daughter.
706 - 713 AC: Bloody wars to control Kadesh and Gunjab nearly exhaust the Rajadhiraja's resources. In AC 712, Raneshwar falls to Narenda's troops. The next year, Kadesh agrees to unite with lower Sind, provided the Rajah of Kadesh retains his rulership under the new title of Maharajah (Great King), just as the Rajah of Gunjab was allowed the year before. The Maharajah of Kadesh also betroths his infant daughter to the Rajadhiraja's twelve-year-old son.
707 AC: Heldann the Brave unifies independent petty kingdoms, names this northern land Heldannic Freeholds.
709 AC: In Laterre (an alternate world), Michel d'Ambreville, leader of the d'Ambreville family, dies in battle; his wife Camille assumes control of the family.
710 AC: Heldann the Brave breaks the back of the trolls' nation, is poisoned.
713 AC: The Ierendi Navy destroys a Thyatian naval patrol. The Royal Navy achieves instant pre-eminence among the powers of the Known World.
714 AC: Rajadhiraja Narenda ul-Nervi announces the total unification of the Kingdom of Sind with the treaty reached between Sindrastan and Peshmir. Rajah Ravi Prabhapravitha of Peshmir assumes the title of Maharajah. Mandara, the maharajah's eldest daughter, becomes the Rajadhiraja's third wife.
717 AC: The Rajadhiraja charges Jahore and its ruling families with the task of building a Sindhi Navy. The first problem is to find suitable timber; most bust be imported from eastern lands.
722 AC: In Graakhalia, a rebellion by some of the Sylvan Lands immigrants is quickly put down, and the leaders executed.
723 AC: Santhral II dies, ending the reign of the Darokin Kings. The nation breaks down into independent dominions ruled by whoever can afford to pay troops to keep the roads passable.
725 AC: In Laterre, King Hber the Kind of Averoigne begins investigating the rumours of witchcraft in the d'Ambreville family.
726 AC: The newly-completed Sindhi navy of four merchant vessels and a war galley mysteriously sinks in Jaibul's outer harbour shortly after returning from their maiden voyage to Tanakumba. The rajah of Putnabad suspects sabotage on the part of foreign merchants jealous of their own lucrative positions as middlemen in the trade between the eastern and western lands.
728 AC: The Alphatian colonies in Ylaruam destroy the Thyatian colonies there; Thyatian colonists flee.
In Laterre, Etienne d'Ambreville creates a magical gate, enabling the d'Ambrevilles and their dependents to leave the world of Laterre. Marcel killed in rearguard action; Marie-Helen badly injured but survives.
The d'Ambrevilles and their vassals arrive in Mystara from Old Averoigne in another dimension, establishing a French-like culture in the wooded valleys of northwestern Glantri. They are made welcome by the Flaems of Braejr and found their own dominion, Nouvelle Averoigne.
730 AC: Settlers come to Glantri, including fair elves (descendants of the elves who fled the area in 1700 BC) and humans from Traladara and Thyatian colonies in Ylaruam. Frictions begin between the Flaems and settlers.
733 AC: Camille, increasingly erratic, abandons her duties as leader of the House d'Ambreville. After a Fractious family council, Etienne becomes leader of the family.
735 AC: The elderly Narenda ul-Nervi dies in his sleep. His son, Kistna, proves a just and capable Rajadhiraja.
Andre-David de Fort appointed Huntsman of Nouvelle Averoigne.
738 AC: The king of Braejr, following the advice of Etienne d'Ambreville, institutes an official policy of welcoming and integrating the settlers. His subordinates follow an unofficial policy of making life unpleasant for the settlers. Frictions build.
747 AC: The Braejr Council of Lords outlaws clerical teaching and clerical magic, upon penalty of death.
748 AC: The merrow of the Sunlit Sea agree to help the Ierendi Navy in return for Ierendi agreeing to protect sacred merrow shrines from pirate plunder.
750 AC: A distant descendent of Yav leads the People of Yav on the road to the prosperous Yavdlom civilisation.
The Great Burning: Flaems burn threescore captured clerics - all of them of Thyatian or Traladaran descent.
754 AC: A second Great Burning is interrupted by maddened mobs. Armed revolt erupts in many of the small Thyatian and Traladaran communities. The army of Braejr ruthlessly suppresses the rebellion. Most of the able-bodied men of Thyatian and Traladaran descent are killed.
758 AC: Yav becomes an Immortal.
775 AC: King of Ierendi becomes an elected position after a rebellion against the Council of Lords.
776 AC: Rajadhiraja Kistna ul-Nervi dies of a fever after reigning for four decades. His strong rulership cemented Sind's unification. A grandson, Hansh ul-Nervi, succeeds Kistna as Rajadhiraja.
784 AC: A third-generation Thyatian settler kills a Flaemish lord. Flaemish forces attack his village. War erupts again between Thyatians and Flaemish.
784 - 788 AC: The Followers of Flame (the Flaemish) war with other settlers in Glantri. With defeat come the executions of Flaemish lycanthropes who fought against the elven and Thyatian settlers.
785 AC: Battle of Braejr; the settlers are driven south of the Vesubia by the Flaemish.
786 AC: An Alphatian wizard named Halzunthram the Free Sword arrives in Flaemish lands and helps the humans and elves there against the Flaems, organising the settlers into an efficient fighting force.
788 AC: The settlers defeat the Flaemish at the Battle of Braastar. Halzunthram captures the council and declares this land to be a protectorate of Alphatia; war breaks out again. The elves become independent and the Flaemish revolt. Many Flaemish lycanthropes fight and die in the ensuing rebellion. Beginning of the "Forty Years Without Peace."
790 AC: Ierendi's Council of Citizens is formed.
793 AC: Rajadhiraja Hansh ul-Nervi is found dead after eating a poisoned fig. His son Ramanan takes the throne.
800 AC: Birth of Suleiman al-Kalim, a great philosopher and warlord of the desert nomads of Ylaruam.
Orcwars. Desperate Broken Lands hordes ravage neighbouring nations for food, treasure, or shelter. Caravans systematically plundered. Cities torched. Agitation in Darokin.
Devilfish appear in the Sunlit Sea. War breaks out between them and Undersea, characterised by localised skirmishes and terrorist attacks by the devilfish.
802 AC: A gold rush in Glantri brings many Rockhome dwarves into that nation. A plague sent by the orcish Immortal Yagrai spreads into Glantri, and the Glantrians are convinced that the dwarves are responsible, resulting in a vicious war on the dwarfs by the people of Glantri. Lycanthropes seem peculiarly susceptible to the plague - few werecreatures survive.
805 AC: Dwarves fleeing the anti-dwarf policies of Glantri establish small communities in the mountains of Nagpuri, Gunjab, and Peshmir.
808 AC: The Order of Vanya is founded in Hattias by priests banned from the Thyatian Storm Soldiers.
812 AC: Rajadhiraja Ramanan ul-Nervi dies after eating a bowl of figs. His eldest son, Kulpakh, assumes the throne, claiming his father's death is the result of Immortal justice. Within a week, Kulpakh begins issuing bizarre proclamations - exhorting the Jadugeryas to find a way to make it snow in the Great Waste, proclaiming all Rishiyas to be vampires feeding on the people of Sind, and insisting all animals be set free of their bondage and not asked to do man's work. Within a month, Kulpakh dies when a ceremonial elephant freed to wander the streets runs amok and tramples him. Kulpakh's brother Balin, barely in his twenties, takes the throne.
814 AC: A massive Schattenalfen invasion of the Azcan empire is turned back at the Battle of Huixtla. (HW)
815 AC: The Azcan attempt to carry the war onto the Schattenalfen lands ends in ambush and disaster at the Battle of Wondyviel. (HW)
825 AC: al-Kalim captures the village of Ylaruam and establishes it as his tribal seat.
826 AC: al-Kalim captures Cinsa-Men-Noo, Parsa, and Ctesiphon, and unites the Makistani and Alasiyan tribes under the banner of the Eternal Truth.
827 AC: Campaign against Alphatian overlords in Ylaruam ends with successful siege of Jaboor, removing Alphatian presence in the region.
828 AC: Lord Alexander Glantri, of Thyatian descent, captures Halzunthram and confirms the land's independence from Alphatia. The population names the land Glantri in his honour. The Forty Years War ends.
Principalities of Glantri expel all dwarves, some of whom migrate to Darokin. They depart on Minrothad ships to join the craftsmen of the Minrothad Isles; they settle on Fortress Island.
829 AC: Lord Glantri founds the Republic of Glantri and reforms the Council of Lords into the Council of Princes.
830 AC: The Ylaruam campaign against the Thyatian overlords ends with the successful siege of Tameronikas, driving Thyatian influence from the region.
831 AC: Founding of the Confederated Tribes of the Emirates of Ylaruam.
832 AC: Rajadhiraja Balin ul-Nervi drowns in the Asanda's flood waters while trying to rescue a child caught in the churning river. His eighteen-year-old daughter (and only heir) Nitara ul-Nervi claims the throne of Sind and the title of Ranidhiraja. After a rocky start - plagued with assassinations and failed coups - her rule stabilises into fifty years of peace and prosperity.
835 AC: Suleiman al-Kalim's pilgrimage to the Immortals. al-Kalim begins quest on the Path of the Dynast.
841 AC: The dwarven port of Stronghold is established on Fortress Island in Minrothad.
845 AC: Under Etienne's guidance, construction begins on the School of Magic in Glantri. Richard and Isidore appointed Werewolf Executioners of Nouvelle Averoigne.
846 AC: Orc horde from the Broken Lands loots Ardelphia, utterly destroying the city.
850 AC: In Glantri, Richard and Isidore become werewolves.
850 - 862 AC: The Council of Minrothad refines government structure and establishes office of ruling guild master. The first ruling guild master, Missan Meditor, is appointed. Severe laws restricting immigration are passed.
855 AC: Suleiman al-Kalim composes the Nahmeh, an important work of Ylari religious thought.
858 AC: The Light of Rad, a cadre of Glantrian leaders, proclaims nobility limited to wizards only and declares that Council members gain the hereditary title of Prince. The Republic of Glantri is decreed the Principalities of Glantri.
Establishment of the Eternal University and Council of Preceptors in Ylaruam.
859 AC: Illegal Glantrian nobles are expelled and the wizards crush a minor rebellion.
860 AC: Suleiman al-Kalim retires from public life.
867 AC: "King of Ierendi" becomes a ceremonial title; kingship becomes the reward of the annual Crown Tourney.
875 AC: Construction is completed on the School of Magic. Etienne d'Ambreville becomes its first Grand Master.
880 AC: Fire Island is declared off limits to all shipping. The Minrothad thieves' guild secretly establishes Cove Haven as a pirate base on this island.
882 AC: Ranidhiraja Nitara ul-Nervi abdicates the throne of Sind in favour of her grandson, Anandarun ul-Nervi. Nitara then embarks on a ship bound for Alphatia, ostensibly to tour Floating Ar and other wonders of the world. She doesn't return.
889 AC: Rajadhiraja Anandarun ul-Nervi is assassinated, leaving no heirs. Those close to him suspect the rajah of Nagpuri, but can present no proof. Vadin, Kulpakh ul-Nervi's great-grandson, seizes the throne.
890 AC: Ruling Minrothad guild master Kitrina Meditor passes Isolation Act prohibiting immigration and most visitors to Minrothad.
896 AC: Etienne d'Ambreville is confirmed as a new prince, and Nouvelle Averoigne as his principality. Sire Henri and Catharine assassinate him. Etienne's magic exacts revenge, killing them and sending Chateau d'Ambreville into a deadly dimension from which no one can escape. The Council of Princes forbids new settlement in the abandoned lands, lest the same fate befall others.
897 AC: The Srinivasans of Sandapur petition Rajadhiraja Vadin ul-Nervi to allow them to secede from Nandin-ruled Jhengal, claiming incompetence on the part of the rajah of Jhengal. Amid rumours of graft, bribery, and corruption, the Rajadhiraja orders Jhengal divided into East Jhengal (named Azadgal by its new rajah) and West Jhengal (stubbornly called "Jhengal" by its inhabitants).
898 AC: New immigration wave to Glantri. The population mixes freely, and frictions decrease.
900 AC: Marilenev is a flourishing trade village of 500. Emperor Gabrionus IV of Thyatis moves on Marilenev, conquers it, and claims all of the Traladara region as a Thyatian protectorate. Marilenev is renamed "Specularum." Many refugees from Traladara flee to Darokin. The Thyatians also conquer several areas of the Isle of Dawn, and build and settle the city of Oceansend in Norwold.
North Isle is annexed by Minrothad. The refuge colony of Gapton is established there.
Suleiman al-Kalim falsely spreads reports of his death to conceal his disappearance as he continues his quest for Immortality.
A new wave of colonists begins to reach the eastern Savage Coast, including people from Ylaruam, Yavdlom, and the Thyatian Empire. They bring feudalism and class structure. Adventurers begin to establish domains that eventually develop into the Savage Baronies, and absorb the elven, dwarven, and human cultures already in the region. Settlers discover the Red Curse, but decide to stay anyway. A few halflings also begin to arrive on the Savage Coast, and are absorbed into local cultures. (RS)
901 AC: Kers Zeberdesti, a Jadugerya claiming to be Anandarun ul-Nervi's illegitimate son, heads a successful coup against Rajadhiraja Vadin ul-Nervi. Kers takes the throne, as well as the ul-Nervi name.
902 AC: The Barony of Narvaez is founded along the Savage Coast by an expedition of Ispan people from the distant Thyatian Empire. Narvaez claims a great deal of land, from the Claw Peninsula to the Bay of the Siren (Baia da Sereia), including land already occupied by human, elven, dwarven, and tortle inhabitants. (RS)
903 AC: The Dominion of Vilaverde is founded by Ispans and people from Yavdlom. (RS)
905 AC: Nueva Esperanza (New Hope) declares independence from Narvaez. (RS)
906 AC: Dwarves and elves in lands claimed by Narvaez declare themselves the Barony of Montoya. (RS)
908 AC: The State of Copetez is founded in the plains of the eastern Savage Coast. (RS)
909 AC: The Barony of Montejo is founded inland from Narvaez; the Dominion of Tanaka is founded by people from Yavdlom. (RS)
913 AC: Rajadhiraja Kers ul-Nervi dies in a blazing fire - apparently the result of a magical experiment gone awry - - that destroys the royal palace and much of Sayr Ulan. His son Darshan becomes Rajadhiraja, and orders the palace rebuild. The architectural plans call for an artificial lake with the splendid new palace built on an island in its centre.
The Barony of Narvaez splits between two heirs; the northern section remains Narvaez, and the southern portion becomes the Barony of Sotto. (RS)
914 AC: Toktai Khan of Ethengar repelled at Hayavik - last serious invasion of the Freeholds from Ethengar.
915 AC: A Himaya named Sarad Ylayci seizes the throne in a bloody coup. He claims to be yet another illegitimate son of Anandarun ul-Nervi. Once his power is secure, he orders construction on the palace continued. Like Kers Zeberdesti, Sarad takes the ul-Nervi name as well as the throne.
The State of Aranjuez is founded in the plains near Montejo. (RS)
916 AC: The Barony of Cristobal is founded several miles north of Narvaez. (RS)
919 AC: Ethengar attacks Heldann Freeholds, repelled.
920 AC: The war between the Kingdom of Undersea and the devilfish ends indecisively.
Economic agreement signed between Glantri and Darokin, allowing free passage for all merchant caravans. Business is booming in Glantri City.
921 AC: The inland State of Escudor breaks from Sotto. (RS)
926 AC: The Barony of Rivera is founded within Sotto, causing a small civil war; Rivera achieves independence. (RS)
927 AC: The Great Merger. Darokin's largest and richest merchant families agree on a central government for the entire country. Charles Mauntea picked to lead Darokin, beginning the reign of the Merchant Kings.
929 AC: The State of Texeiras is founded along the eastern part of the Bay of the Siren. (RS)
930 AC: The Barony of Marino declares independence from Narvaez, claiming the western shores of the Bay of the Siren. (RS)
931 AC: A /cinnabryl/ mine is discovered near Nueva Esperanza. Sages discover its protective value when used against those affected by the Red Curse, but others discover that it harms those unaffected by the curse. /Cinnabryl/ is known, but not generally coveted. At this time, depleted /cinnabryl/ is discarded after use. (RS)
932 AC: Lydia Mauntea takes over rulership of Darokin after the death of her husband, Charles. She assumes the title "Chancellor".
934 AC: Chancellor Mauntea calls the Second Great Merchants' Council in Darokin. Many of the reforms started in 927 are finalised, including the election of a new president upon the death of the current leader by a standing Council of 15 major merchants.
934 AC: The Barony of Gargoña is founded in western Sotto; after a short civil war, Gargoña is granted independence. (RS)
935 AC: The Barony of Quimeras declares independence from Narvaez. (RS)
Participation in Ierendi's Crown Tourney is opened to any individual willing to swear allegiance to the Council of Lords, the Council of Citizens, and Ierendi.
936 AC: Sotto declares war on Gargoña; after a few months, Gargoña conquers Sotto and absorbs all but the southern portion, which organises into the State of Almarrón. The official name of the culture of all Savage Baronies except Vilaverde and Texeiras is changed from Ispan to Espan; the language spoken is Espa. (RS)
937 AC: Narvaez attacks Quimeras and Montoya, and reabsorbs both after a short war. (RS)
939 AC: Rulership of Sind passes to Timin ul-Nervi when his father, Rajadhiraja Sarad ul-Nervi, dies in bed.
To encourage internal consolidation, Almarrón strikes south and takes over Nueva Esperanza and surrounding territories. (RS)
940 AC: All Minrothad trading vessels are now captained by merchant-princes and carry marines.
A boatload of refugees from the Stonecarver culture, driven ashore by a titanic hurricane onto Azcan lands, found the town of Colima. (HW)
The Barony of Alcazar is founded near Cristobal. (RS)
941 AC: The Barony of Torreón is founded south of Cristobal and Alcazar. (RS)
942 AC: The Azcans defeat the Schattenalfen at the Battle of Ploiec, and are consequently able to maintain the Tepetitlan gold mines. (HW)
A human smith in Torreón experiments with depleted /cinnabryl/; she discovers its usefulness and names the substance /red steel/. A few small weapons of /red steel/ are produced. (RS)
944 AC: Most recent orc horde to invade Five Shires defeated in Eastshire.
947 AC: The State of Bigotillos is founded north of Copetez. (RS)
948 AC: Stefan Karameikos III born.
Thyatian Emperor grants Priests of Vanya the right to emigrate fro Hattias.
Dwarves near Nueva Esperanza begin experimenting with /steel seed/ found in the local /cinnabryl/ mine. When they accidentally mix it with /vermeil/, they stumble upon the formula for /smoke powder/. They begin searching for ways to use the new substance. (RS)
949 AC: Birth of Moctitlapac, the current Tlatoani (Emperor) of the Azcan Empire. (HW)
Vardon Kalimi named Chancellor of Darokin after the death of Lydia Mauntea.
Zyndryl, an Alphatian nobleman, founds Seashield.
950 AC: Minrothad signs neutrality pacts with most mainland countries.
A small but powerful army of Hattian clerics of the Immortal Vanya conquer the Heldannic Territories. Freiburg falls; Halvardson family massacred.
The Nordhartar Defence League is formed at the Council of Soderfjord, creating the Soderfjord Jarldoms. Treaties with Vestland and Ylaruam aid Soderfjord in securing Overland Trade Route through Castellan and challenge Ostland to desist coastal raiding. Ostland in turn allies with Thyatian Empire.
951 AC: A pet tiger seriously mauls Rajadhiraja Timin ul-Nervi. Although he survives, Timin is crippled and abdicates the throne in favour of his son Kapil. The new Rajadhiraja is only sixteen years old, but quickly proves himself a capable leader in repelling the worst humanoid raids known this century.
The Barony of Babosas is founded east of Vilaverde. (RS)
952 AC: Siege of Altendorf, last Heldann city to surrender. The conquerors rename the Heldannic Freehold the Heldannic Territories; the Thyatian Order of Vanya is recast as the Heldannic Knights.
954 AC: The World Elevator is constructed to facilitate trade with the Atruaghin Clans living atop the Atruaghin Plateau.
957 AC: The first arquebus is constructed in Nueva Esperanza; a function for /smoke powder/ has been found, but it is rarely used because of the dangers. (RS)
958 AC: Texeiras conquers the Barony of Marino and the Dominion of Tanaka. (RS)
959 AC: Alphatia begins another direct war upon Thyatis.
960 AC: The Alphatian assault forces reach Thyatis City and kill the Thyatian emperor, but are repelled by a counterattack led by Thincol the Brave, a famous gladiator.
962 AC: The Barony of Los Elegidos is founded north of Torreón, Alcazar, and Cristobal. (RS)
963 AC: The Azcans discover the Stonecarvers at Colima, and send a small troop to wipe them out. The Colimans prevail, however, and maintain their way of life. (HW)
Yazi gnolls attack Montejo and Aranjuez. (RS)
965 AC: Kitrina Meditor, ruling guildmaster of Minrothad, is assassinated. The council of guild Leaders acts as regent until Oran Meditor comes of age.
Prince Haldemar of Haaken begins his voyage on the Princess Ark, discovering the southern polar opening into the Hollow World and the invisible moon, Myoshima. (KW/HW)
966 AC: Montejo and Aranjuez unite diplomatically to form the Barony of Saragón. (RS)
967 AC: The Barony of Morales is founded just north of Torreón, between Cristobal and Alcazar. (RS)
968 AC: Torreón wars on its neighbours, conquering and absorbing Morales and Alcazar; Cristobal and Elegidos are weakened but do not fall. Elite Torreóner warriors use swords of /red steel/, the first recorded instance of that metal's use in a large battle. (RS)
969 AC: Torreón discovers deposits of /cinnabryl/ in Terra Vermelha, and moves to take over those lands; to forestall a possible war over mining rights, diplomats gather and form the Treaty of Tampicos, which is signed by Torreón, Vilaverde, Texeiras, and Hule. (RS)
970 AC: Duke Stefan Karameikos III trades his ancestral lands (the Duchy of Machetos) to Emperor Thincol for independent rulership of Traladara, which is renamed the Grand Duchy of Karameikos. Duke Stefan sails to and takes possession of his duchy, then begins parcelling out land and titles to his Thyatian followers. He begins building roads across the Duchy and a strong military to protect it. A minor rebellion and several assassination attempts follow his move to Specularum.
Elegidos disappears without a trace. (RS)
971 AC: Corwyn Hoff named Chancellor of Darokin after the resignation of Kalimi.
Babosas is conquered and absorbed by Hule. (RS)
972 AC: Moctitlapac is installed as Tlatoani - Emperor of the Azcans. (HW)
975 AC: Rypien Hallonica named Chancellor of Darokin after the death of Hoff.
King Thar unites Broken Lands, threatening Darokin commerce. Enforces Tharian Code of Conduct. The Legion is created. Thyatis frowns at the military threat.
The wheel-lock pistols is developed in Nueva Esperanza. Certain leaders, including a warrior named Cimmaron, encourage the secret production of the weapon. (RS)
977 AC: Almarrón conquers and absorbs Escudor, then turns north and initiates hostilities with Gargoña and Rivera. (RS)
978 AC: To help defend itself from Almarrón, Rivera agrees to be absorbed into Gargoña. While Almarrón is distracted, Nueva Esperanza begins hostilities; Cimarron's pistoleers make quite an impression. (RS)
The Heldannic explorers of the Hollow World become aware of the Oostdok dirigibles and decide that they would nicely complement their fleet of Warbirds. (HW)
979 AC: Adventurers are drawn to le Chateau d'Ambreville and break the curse. Etienne is released from his dormant state. The chateau crumbles into ruins; all the d'Ambrevilles except Etienne age and die. Etienne visits Old Averoigne, and brings his friend Genevieve de Sephora, Lady of Sylaire, and her spacious tower (the House of Sylaire) back to Glantri. He wishes his family back to life and sets about restoring Nouvelle Averoigne to its former status. Sire Malachie du Marais enters Glantri from Old Averoigne. An epidemic of wolf lycanthropy begins.
Duke Stefan Karameikos marries Lady Olivia Prothemian.
Devilfish resume their attacks on the Kingdom of Undersea.
The revolution in Nueva Esperanza continues, led by General Cimmaron. Almarrón and Gargoña end hostilities, and both ratify the Treaty of Tampicos. (RS)
980 AC: Lycanthropes are again discovered in Minrothad and in Undersea; fear spreads that more may have escaped the Silver Purge (443-445 AC). Devil swine and wererats seem particularly numerous. Weresharks reappear in Undersea.
Etienne is confirmed once again as a Prince by the Glantrian Council of Princes. Catharine departs for Thyatis City as Glantri's ambassador.
Wulf von Klagendorf becomes High Cleric of Vanya in Freiburg.
Ierendi Council of Lords is renamed the Ierendi Tribunal, becomes an advisory council consisting of elected and appointed officials.
Lady Adriana Karameikos born.
Armed with a wheel-lock pistol and a /red steel/ sword, General Cimmaron leads his forces to victory over troops from Almarrón at the Battle of Hondo; his followers declare him Earl Cimmaron, and Nueva Esperanza becomes the centre of the newly independent Cimmaron County. Dissatisfied with recent leadership, the people of Almarrón revolt against their leader and overthrow him. Making use of old Traladaran philosophies, they establish a democracy. (RS)
981 AC: Cristobal relinquishes claims on its holdings, except for one tower and a few square miles of land; the Lord of Torre Cristobal gives up the title "Baron" but maintains independence from other powers. (RS)
982 AC: Sire Malachie du Marais wins control of the Barony of Morlay deep within the Valley of Wolves, in Glantri.
Lord Justin Karameikos born.
984 AC: Saragón ratifies the Treaty of Tampicos. (RS)
Moglai united the Murkit tribe in Ethengar.
985 AC: Founding of the Canine Protection Society in Glantri.
Copetez and Bigotillos unite through marriage; the lands are merged to form the State of Guadalante. Guadalante ratifies the Treaty of Tampicos. (RS)
986 AC: Lord Valen Karameikos born.
Moglai Khan unites the tribes and becomes Great Khan of the Ethengarians.
Dona Esperanza comes to power in Gargoña and leads her state into peace, beginning a policy of neutrality regarding all the other Savage baronies. (RS)
988 AC: After Hallonica's death, the Merchant's Council names Corwyn Mauntea, great-grandson of Charles and Lydia, president of Darokin.
989 AC: Oran Meditor takes office as ruling guildmaster of Minrothad, instituting reforms.
Black Eagle Barony invades Eastshire in the Five Shires in search of slaves and ill-gotten booty; is repelled. Attacks continue for two decades.
990 AC: Cimmaron ratifies the Treaty of Tampicos. (RS)
991 AC: Oran Meditor rescinds the Isolation Act and opens Minrothad to outside contact.
992 AC: Rajadhiraja Kapil ul-Nervi dies of injuries sustained while battling a blue dragon that had plagued Baratkand. A grandson, Chandra ul-Nervi, becomes Rajadhiraja.
The Treaty of Cortesillas, between Guadalante and Saragón, solves the question of watering rights for cattle between the two nations. (RS)
994 AC: Almarrón faces a time of troubles. An opportunist seizes control of the state and declares himself dictator of the nation. (RS)
Heldannic settlers move west into Ethengar lands, are massacred.
995 AC: First assassination attempt on Oran Meditor. Clan Kasan is behind the attempt and is removed from control of the water elf guild. Clan Elsan is promoted to replace Clan Kasan.
997 AC: /Cinnabryl/ is discovered in Slagovich; it is mined and traded to Torreón, Texeiras, and Cimmaron for /red steel/. (RS)
998 AC: Second assassination attempt on Oran Meditor. The assassin is believed to be a hired wizard from Glantri.
Punitive raids by Heldannic Knights against Ethengarians.
Undead are reported in the waters to the south.
999 AC: The first vial of /crimson essence/ is produced by an alchemist in Saragón. The secret spreads to a group of adventurers, who become the first of the Inheritors. Some of the Inheritors rise to power in the Brotherhood of Order and the Friends of Freedom. To balance them, other Inheritors join the Neutral Alliance. (RS)