On The Ethnicities of Tilerna
by ViktorD20The Tilernans are a mixed breed. They were once Milenians, who were driven out of their homes due to some kind of religious differences, but over the centuries those Milenians intermingled with other groups of people and became the modern Tilernans that people know today.
A typical Tilernan male is around 5'9”, and a typical Tilernan female 5'5”. Their skin is lightly tanned, their hair is usually dark brown or black, they have slightly pointed noses. Tilernans are known for their excellently kept facial hair, something the men take pride in and their women flaunt to foreigners.Traditional Tilernan clothing for men consists of a linen shirt, velvet pants, a leather vest, some jewelry of the wearer's choice, and a pair of leather shoes or boots. Women dress in fine linen and silk clothing and dresses, and often wear fine jewelry inherited from family or received as gifts from suitors and friends. Tilernans are also often known to carry a stiletto up the sleeve or under the belt as a means of self defense in case of violence, as the cities are not always as safe as they appear.
Hats are common in Tilerna. Large felt hats, De'Midicis, and bicorne hats are a common fashion choice, but hoods and small caps are not an uncommon sight in the free kingdom either.
Other minor groups of humans are Darokinians, Thyatians, Antalians, some Ethengarians, Glantrians and Alasiyans whose ancestry dates back to the Milenian conflicts when the cities were hiring mercenaries from across the world, and even Alphatians who came with mercenary bands and left behind the empire.