Other Locations of Interest in Tilerna
by ViktorD20Luboli Plains: A large open area carved into Tilerna's vast woodlands not too far away from the city of Luboli. The Luboli plains are about 3 miles across in all directions. It acts as a training grounds for the Tilernan troops, and in time of war it's in the Tilernan force's best interest to face the enemy in the open ground of the plains.
Tunnels of Tilerna: A vast tunnel network carved by kobolds in an attempted invasion against the free kingdom. The tunnels between the kobold nation and the cities have been collapsed for years, but the free kingdom keeps patrols in the tunnels to protect their lands. The underground Fort Tovaros guards the nearest point between the tunnels and Luboli.
The Temple of Panthers: A strange temple covered with the forests of the nation, the area is guarded by large packs of panthers that seem to be trying to prevent passage. That's the extent of what is known of it.