Organizations of Tilerna
by ViktorD20The Church of Tilerna: The Church of Tilerna was founded in the city of Luboli in AC 800 based around the faiths of Vanya, Hesodes and Luccios (the Tilernan alias of Minroth) in secret from the Triarchs of the organization that would become the now destroyed Wealthy Ten. Though the organization is still young, only two centuries, their ranks hold many capable acolytes, priests and warriors. The Church has rapidly expanded in their influence in all of the free cities, including Sartroc, and their message of wealth, propserity and victory are found to be quite appealing.
Requirements: Profess beliefs in the Tilernan pantheon and offer your wealth and muscle to the Immortals.
Cost: All churchgoers pay a silver each week to their local church, wealthier goers pay a gold.
Privileges: Joining the Church earns some degree of respect among Tilernans.
Acolytes (Clerics 1-6) tend to the inner courtyards and shrines of their churches and collect the donations. They may also assist Savants in tasks and fight. Savants (Clerics 7+) are in charge of the Chruch's rituals and businesses outside of the walls. They're the commanders among the clergy during times of conflict and war. High Savants are the leaders of churches. They receive a stipend of 20 silver each month, and they hold the final say in all of the church's matters.
Responsibilities: Goers must observe rites, pay tribute at shrines, and pray at least once a week. Clergy must be informed of religious matters.
Hindrances: Disliked by some religious groups.Sunseer's Soldiers: An order of knights armed with flaming blades and lances, led by Nikovik Polachovitz's second in command, Doge Aurelio Sunseer. They are also known as Bellion's Blessed Knights, and they are often at odds with the warriors from the Church of Karameikos. Aurelio has a high standing with Nikovik, and the free lord has written in his will and testament that Aurelio will inherit his throne in the case of his fall, only deepening the grudge between the Church of Karameikos and Sunseer.
The organization has spies from the Church of Karameikos who are looking to eliminate Aurelio from the picture and elect their own leader to the throne of Bellion in case of their generous lord's fall.
Requirements: Those born in Tilerna only. Men wear badges of blazing suns on their chest.
Cost: 2 gold each week, or 8 gold every month.
Privileges: Support from Nikovik Polachovitz, merchants and wealthy families. A magic weapon is granted to you.
Responsibilities: Must attend drills, rallies, councils and courtly matters.
Hindrances: Poor relations with the Church of Karameikos.The Calandrini Coalition: Descendants of an old crime family, the Coalition, now made up of several smaller families, works towards bringing the free kingdom under their control and overthrowing the Free Three. They have made deals with pirate crews, assassins and gangs, and are always looking to expand.
Requirements: Pure Tilernans only. Must prove loyalty by killing law enforcement officer.
Cost: None; the members are expected to host meetings involving expensive foods and wines.
Privileges: Practically immune to law, city guards are easily bribed and many undercover thugs will help you out of trouble.
Responsibilities: You must contribute to the cause of conquering Tilerna under the banner of the great house Calandrini.
Hindrances: Poor relations with all organizations.School of Embers: A prestigious wizard school operating in the city of Salnivon, the School of Embers trains wizards in the art of war and combat. The best battle mages trained by the school are known to be capable of transforming into manticores during battle. The School has plenty of funding and in return their funders have unwavering loyalty.
Requirements: The school is open for wizards only.
Cost: 3 gold a month.
Privileges: Stipend of 1 gold and 8 silver each month. Good standing with the nobility.
Responsibilities: Must spend at least 2 weeks each month studying war magic and battle tactics.
Hindrances: Bad relations with the Church of Tilerna.Aurum Hounds: The elite army of Tilerna, mercenaries that travel the world in search of renown and gold. They sell their blades to various clients and sometimes they even end up fighting each other on opposing sides. This hasn't hindered their friendships as they usually avoid clashing with their fellow regiments. They come from all across the Known World and Unknown World alike, and they come from many walks of life. The regiments are the dream profession of every Tilernan youngster and they usually sign up as soon as they have the chance to do so.
Requirements: Must be enlisted into the organization. Unyielding loyalty until dead or discharged.
Cost: Half of your regiment's earnings go to the free lords' coffers.
Privileges: Good relations with Tilernan population, discounts on gear and housing.
Responsibilities: You must seek out contracts to fulfill, be it long term military campaigns or quick and ruthless skirmishes and sieges.
Hindrances: None.