Tanadaleyo, Radiant Princess of Shadow Elves
by Giuliano MichelonShadow Elf Female
Aristocrat 5th – Fighter 4th – Windrider 6th
the Windrider from "Sword and Fist" (WotC)
Non-player Character
age: 321 (app. 20)
hair: long and white
eyes: grey
XP 115.000
AL Lawful Neutral
hp 126 (8 +4d8 + 10d10 + 45 constitution bonus)
Init +5 (+5 dexterity)
Spd 30 ft. (30 base)
AC 27 (touch 17, flat-footed 22) ((10 base, +5 from dexterity, +2 from ring of protection +2, +10 from chain mail +5 ))
Atk +20/+15/+10 melee greatsword +2, keen ((+13/+8/+3 base, +4 strength, +2 enchantment from magical weapon, +1 weapon focus)) or+21/+16/+11 missile heavy crossbow +3 ((+13/+8/+3 base, +5 dexterity, +3 enchantment from magical weapon))
Dam 2d6+8 greatsword +2, keen melee crt. 15-20/x2 ((+2 enchantment from magical weapon, +4 strength, +2 weapon specialisation )) or 1d10+3 heavy crossbow +3
SV Fort +14 ((+10 base, +3 constitution, +1 luckstone )) Refl +12 ((+4 base, +5 dexterity, + 2 lightning reflexes, +1 luckstone )) Will +14 ((+10 base, +1 wisdom, +2 iron will, +1 luckstone ))
Abil Str 18 ((16 base, +2 gauntlet of ogre power )) Dex 20 ((18 base, +2 ioun stone )) Con 17 ((15 base, amulet of health +2 )) Int 18 ((18 base, )) Wis 13 ((13 base)) Cha 21 ((15 base, +6 headband of charisma))
Skills ((total skill bonus (ranks, characteristic, synergy, special)) Balance +7 (6,5,0,-4),Climb +6 (6,4,0,-4),Handle Animal+19 (14,5,0,0),Hide +2 (0,5,0,-3), Jump +12 (12,4,0,-4),Intimidate + 13 (8,5,0,0),Knowledge Nature+10 (6,4,0,0), Knowledge Nobility and Royalty +6 (2,4,0,0), Knowledge Radiance +9 (5,4,0,0), Knowledge History +7 (3,4,0,0), Listen +11 (8,1,0,2),Move Silently +2 (0,5,0,-3),Perform [dance, sing, sexual techniques]+8 (3,5,0,0),Ride +23 (18,5,0,0), Search +14 (8,4,0,2),Sense Motive +5 (4,1,0,0), Spot +9 (6,1,0,2),Swim +10 (6,4,0,0*),Wilderness Lore +9 (8,1,0,0) [*-1/5lb.]
Feats expertise, weapon focus (greatsword),weapon specialisation (great sword), improved critical (great sword),lightning reflexes, iron will, leadership, mounted combat, ride-by attack, spirited charge
Languages:, elven (shadow), undercommon, draconic, sylvan, common (Thyatian), goblin
Special Qualities: [shadow elf] proficient with hand and repeating crossbow, immunity to magic sleep spell, +2 racial ST Vs. spell or spell-like abilities, darkvision 120’, +2 racial bonus listen, search and spot, +1 racial bonus hide and move silently, exposure to sunlight cause blindness for 1 round (-1 to hit, saves and checks), spell-like abilities: 1/day: clairvoyance/clairaudience, dancing lights, darkness, discern lies, dispel magic, faerie fire, suggestion; SR 26; [windrider] appraise mount, chosen mount, empathic link, mount proficiency H12, mount assistance, mount feat [ power attack, wingover], mount healing, mount friendship, spells 2 – 1 – 1 [DC 11 + spell’s level]
Possessions : Radiant Princess’s outfit
Magic Item: greatsword +2, keen, chain mail +5, heavy crossbow +3, (8) radiant energy bolts, amulet of health (+2), headband of charisma (+6), cloak of displacement, major, winged boots, ring of protection (+2), gauntlet of ogre power, ioun stone deep red ( +2 enchantment DEX), stone of good luck (luckstone), potion of cure moderate wounds (2d8+10), potion of invisibility, potion of cat’s grace
Radiant energy bolts :ignorano bonus armour and enchantment dall’AC dell’avversario. Creano luce (light) in un raggio di 20’. Non fanno Danni a non-morti e costrutti.
Windrider Spells Prepared: 2 – 1 – 1
Level 1: speak with animals, remove fear
Level 2: resist elements
Level 3: neutralise poisonSkinwing (Yrthak)
Huge Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 16d10 +48 (114 hp)
Initiative: +6 (+2 dex, +4 improved initiative)
Speed: 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)
AC: 24 (-2 size, +2 dex, +14 natural)
Attacks: bite +20 melee, 2 claws +18 melee
Damage: bite 2d8+6, claw 1d6+3
Face/Reach: 10 ft. by 20 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: sonic lance +12 ranged touch, explosion, snatch
Special Qualities: blindsight, sonic vulnerability
Saves: Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +5
Abilities:Str 22, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 7, Wis 13, Cha 11
Skills: Listen +21, Move Silently +12
Feats: flyby attack, improved initiative, multiattack, power attack, wingover, improved flight