The Republic and Surrounding Territories
by Rafael Lopes VivianIn my work inspired in Tower of Doom, I wanted to make a general overland map of all the scenarios being presented. I see most Mystara maps are classic-looking hexcrawlers, and thanks to the work from Atlas of Mystara, they're so great. But since I'm refraining from using overt Mystara references, I thought, why not make a map with a different style?
Anyway, you'll probably recognize this as Darokin and surrounding areas, with a more fantasy-like style, and keeping only major settlements (and key landmarks from the Tower of Doom scenarios). It didn't come out quite as I expected, I've certainly done better before, but it's been over a year since I've touched Wonderdraft, so, I need to train more.
I'd love to hear criticism, I expect this one won't get as much love as the last few.
Back in developing my campaign based on Tower of Doom, this is a work in progress of a map of the Republic of Darokin and surrounding lands, trying some new techniques and Mazlo's assets. Some four hours work up to now, on Wonderdraft.
I know those rivers not moving toward the ocean are a major fuck up but I'm just following the original here.