AC 20: Emperor Zendrolion dies; his empire was controlled by force and seems likely to collapse upon his death. The conquered areas have recovered sufficiently from the war against Alphatia that they now feel strong enough to rebel against Thyatis. His wife, Valentia, seizes control of Thyatis and undertakes emergency measures to save the Empire, and place it on a firmer foundation than that of the military despotism that Zendrolion had substituted for Alphatia's magical despotism. She brings the children of the aristocracy of the subject lands to Thyatis, ostensibly to teach them Thyatian ways, but also as a hostage-taking tactic that stalls the revolts. Empress Valentia makes her Citizens' Proclamation, based on Thyatis' old pre-Alphatian conquest traditions. From now on Thyatis will be divided into three classes (Noble, Citizen, Slave), the vast majority of whom will be citizens (even those of the conquered lands), rather than subjects as under the Alphatian system. She establishes a Senate based on Thyatis' old one, with representatives from all over the Empire. The Senate at first has little power, acting in an advisory capacity to the Empress (herself), but conveys the impression that each part of the Empire has a voice in its governance. Local curial bodies, city Senates, are established throughout the Empire as well, to administer local affairs. She also liberates Ochalea and the Pearl Islands, withdrawing Thyatian garrisons from them, then invites them to re-join the Empire under the terms of her Proclamation, with full representation in the Senate. They accept, rejoining the Empire voluntarily as equal members rather than subject nations. As for Zendrolion, after he is interred and folks have forgotten about him, he is revived by his buddy Lucinius as a form of undead. They withdraw deep into the catacombs of Thyatis City, for their own purposes. . .Pax Valentica begins (AC 20 - 313). Throughout the next several centuries, while there are a few wars on the frontiers of the Empire, this is a time when these wars are not very burdensome and do not ravage the territories of the Empire itself.
AC 21-50: Valentia turns her attentions to reforming the Thyatian legal code, establishing a uniform system intended to provide the rule of law to the Thyatian Empire, favoring no one on account of rank or station. This, and harsh penalties imposed on corrupt officials, establishes the sense that justice is available to all throughout the Empire. Valentia chooses to live in the palace on Emperor's Hill rather than the palace in the Zendrolium District. She has the Senate House and other governmental offices constructed nearby, as well as another Civic Forum. During this time in Alphatia Alphas VI and his successor Alphas VII (AC 30) finally subdues most of the overt resistance to that Empire, and Alphas VII begins the process of rebuilding it. A strong trading network throughout the Thyatian Empire brings vitality to it, allowing it to recover from the ravages of the war much faster than the Alphatians do. It will take them another two centuries to truely rebound.