The Thyatian Senate
by James Ruhland and Giulio Caroletti
Structure & Composition of the
The Thyatian Senate is formed in this way:
- 27 senators are the direct representatives chosen by the
Dominion Rulers (1 each; there are 27 dominions, so there
are twenty-seven; a Dominion Ruler with the status of Baron
or Count could choose to be his own representative, but
only some Mainland rulers do so)
- 11 senators are the Dukes and Arch-Dukes themselves
- 1 senate seat is reserved for the Emperor of Thyatis
- 40 senators are members of the aristocratic families of
Thyatis. They have hereditary right to the seat, and if one
of them is guilty of accusations that result in the
stripping of title, then a member of the family inherits
the seat
102 senators are elected, with elections called by the
Emperor, but never more than 6 years between them. The
elective Senators are chosen by the following
- 1 senator from each Barony
- 2 senators from each County
- 3 senators from each Duchy
- 5 senators from each Grand-Duchy, Exarcate, plus Heldun and Thyatis
- 28 senators from the City of Thyatis (after AC
- 15 senators are the pontifices [See James Ruhland's "Thyatian Religion" -Ed.]
- 3 are the Flamines [The chiefs of the Churches of Ixion,
Tarastia and Valerias; see "Thyatian Religion" -Ed.]
- A varying number of senators are meritory persons, and will be former generals, diplomats, resigning rulers, etc; these
senators are elected by the Senate, receive their position
for life, and their seat is personal; thus, at the death of
one of them, the Senate elects one more; there cannot be
more than 39.
Thus, it is clear that the Senate varies
in number from a minimum of 171 to a maximum of 210 (in AC
1016 following the changes in the City of Thyatis' status,
this becomes 199 to 238).
If a Senator has access to more than one seat, things
If the senator is an aristocratic or a dominion ruler, he
can resign his seat for the benefit of his heir, and keep
the other (for example, an aristocratic cleric with a seat for his
family becomes Flamen; he resigns the seat as member of the
family to his first son and keeps the Flamen seat; Example 2: the Crown Prince occupies always the seat of
the Duke of Thyatis, while the Emperor occupies the seat
for the aristocratic family of which he is a member)
If the Senator is a privateer (has been elected by the
Senate as a meritory member, or is a representative of the
people), he must renounce one of his seats; if he
renounces the representative seat, a
by-election is held in the region he represents; if he
renounces a meritory member seat, the Senate that
selects a new meritory candidate
Note that these events also proceed if a senator loses his
seat not by his own accord, but rather because he has been stripped
of the title by the Senate due to some major charge
(betrayal of the nation, etc.). This is usually the way
Emperors fill in more suitable senators if they are
especially displeased by the current senators. But it is noteworthy that
the Senate can also do this at the expense of the Emperor's
loyalists, and thus collect enough votes to dethrone a weak
*In 1016, just before the Crown War [See the Mystaran Net Almanac -Ed.], there were 187
When in session, the Emperor (as the "humble" Duke of
Thyatis) holds the position of Princeps Senatus; if he is
not present, the Crown Prince acts as Praesident Pro
Tempore of the Senate (and holds the Emperor's vote in
proxy). If neither are present, the most senior Senator
present functions as Praesident Pro Tempore. These officers
function as speakers (Dictators) of the Senate, recognizing
individual Senators in debate and scheduling topics of
discussion (which gives them a great deal of influence over what
is discussed). Note that every Senator has the right to
speak on every topic if he or she chooses, and so the
Senate officers must be fair in recognizing those who stand
to speak. However, the ability to guide the order in which
topics are discussed and the order in which Senators are
recognized to speak before the body can be critical.
are no "political parties" in the Thyatian Senate, however
there are a number of informal factions:
Factions & Members of the Senate
This faction is built up around the aristocratic ancient
families and their followers (Clientela) and allies. It is
a very large group, comprising 112 senators, but it is
roughly divided in four smaller groups, which share
different views on the political conduct of the Senate and
the Empire.
The four factions are:
- Gens Aemilia (24 senators)
Idea: Expansion of Senatorial & Aristocratic
Gens Aemilia, led by the related families Paulus and
Scaurus, represents the part of the Senatorial aristocracy
that always tried to reinforce the Senate's power at the
expense of the Emperor. A good example of their politics is
the politics of the Emperors of the Scaurus family
(59-117). The Gens Aemilia has been particularly
influential in the Duchy of Kantrium, where they possess
vast estates and are an economic power. The Paulus family
is now planning to send their younger members to the
Hinterlands, to establish a personal dominion with strong
ties to the Senate instead of the Emperor.
Important Senators:
Kritias Paulus (head of the Paulus family), Leana Scaurus (head of the Scaurus family), Duke Maldinius Kerendas, Duke Tarik Ben Nadir -
Baroness Gilla Blyskarats, Baron Babrak Biazzan -
Gens Zendrolian, Gens Aurelia
- Gens Aurelia (23 senators)
Idea: Theocratic Influence
This faction is represented by the Vorbian aristocratic
family and is heavily influenced by the Church of the
Trias. Members of the Gens Aurelia includes Adrian
Aurelian, the most influential Pontifex of Thyatis, Werner
Van Holze, the lieutenant of the Flamen of Solarios, and
several dominion rulers. Their political goal is to support
the Emperor through the organs of the Church, but they also
use their power to strengthen the Church itself, and try to
substitute the Church instead of the Senate in the role of
the political counterpart of the Emperor. Many hands-off
clerics of the Church do not like the machinations of the
Gens Aurelia.
Important Senators:
Kallistos Vorbian (head of Vorbian family), Adrian Aurelian (Pontifex), Arch-Duke Derentarius
Thyarius Palykratidius, Werner Van Holze
Republicans, Gens Sergia, Populares, Gens
Aemilia, Philosophers
- Gens Sergia (22 senators)
Idea: Moderate Conservatives
Both leading families of the Gens Sergia trace their origin
back to Sergius Trenzantenbium, cousin of Lucinius, the
King of Thyatis during the Struggle for Freedom. Licinian
had two sons, Lucinius and Mucius. Mucius was later
nicknamed "Scaevola" ("Left-Handed") due to the loss of his
right hand. The two sons of Licinian gave their names to
the two branches of the family that descended from him.
Both families have distinguished themselves as moderate
Optimas, far from the excess of the nationalistic
aristocratic families. They have supported the Empire but
also strongly the rights of the Senate; this equivocating
position has resulted in several violent deaths and
proscriptions by the hand of usurpers or intransigent
Important Senators:
Sergius Scaevola (head of Scaevola family), Julian Lucinius (head of Lucinius family)
Count Geraldan Actavius, Count Baldassarre Patrizio, Ettore Ottaviano, Iulius Scaevola
Enemies: Gens Aurelia, Republicans
- Gens Zendrolian (43 senators)
Idea: Support the Imperial Family
The Zendrolian faction takes its name obviously by the
first emperor of Thyatis, and the Emperor's counselors,
advisers and political allies (Clientela) represent it.
Many heavy nationalists and imperialists list themselves in
the Zendrolian gens, but so do such people as Demetrion
Important Senators:
Eusebius Torion (Emperor of Thyatis), Demetrion Karagenteropolus, Arch-Duchess Triella Tien Tang, Duke Callastian Retebius
Vivianna Romanones, Tredorian, Justin Karameikos, Demetius Vannopolis
Enemies: Republicans, Populares, Gens Aemilia
The Pure Ones (6 senators)
Idea: Ultranationalists and Hattian Seccessionists
These senators believe that the conduction of the Empire is
wrong. Either the Empire will reopen a conquest politics
and put out the non-Thyatian elements of its culture, or
Hattias will leave the Empire. Although the latter aspect
is condivided only by Hattians, many ultranationalists
share this view of things.
Important Senators:
Harald Van Braun, Alkybiades Nemeicus
Count Heinrich Oesterhaus
Enemies: All other factions
Philosophers (13 senators)
Idea: Anti-interventists, pacifists
The Philosophers faction is a pacifist group, led
traditionally by the Ochalean ruling family. After the
betrayal of AC 1006, this faction was severely weakened
(before the war there were more than 20 senators), although
the return of Ochalea and the Pearl Islands will probably
help things go better. The Philosophers are fiercely
opposed to any political involvement of any Church, and
their members go from conservators to moderate illuminated
Important Senators:
Arch-Duke Teng Lin Dieu, Arch-Duke Nurokidu Nuar
Count Yldysyl Greenheight, Countess Sabrina Andreana
Enemies: Gens Aurelia, Republicans
Free Thinkers (Independents) (9 senators)
These senators do not feel part of the other factions, but
their support often proves critical in close votes, and thus
they are influential beyond their apparent numbers.
Canolcarius, the most prominent member of this group, likes
to consider himself a power broker of sorts.
Important Senators:
Angelarian Canolocarius
Populares (42 senators)
This faction is composed of the most influential "progressives" in Thyatis,
and especially opposes interferences in the Senate politics
by external forces (Church and Emperor); they do not favor
expansionistic politics, and currently they want to open
more friendly politics with the other nations, although in
the respect of Thyatis' imperial rights. The Populares are
a contradictory group, with some of their members bordering
the Republican eccesses, and others very close to the Gens
Important Senators:
Seline Valleides (taleswoman of the Populares)
Duke Leonidas Ruggiero, Duke Callastian Jowdynites
Gens Zendrolian, Gens Aurelia
Republicans (5 senators)
The Republicans are extremists who want to drastically
alter the Empire's government and substitute it with a
Republic. Many are ideal disciples of Fabritius Luscinia, a
subversive of the 10th century.
Important Senators:
Darian Lentulus
Optimas, Philosophers
Copyright (c) 2000, James Ruhland and Giulio Caroletti.
All rights reserved. Used by permission.