Vaults Note: The Guadalante referred to here is from the adventure Fortune Favors the Dead in Dungeon #80 by Lance Hawvermale, not the Estado de Guadalante.
Good afternoon, and thanks for the message! "Fortune Favors the Dead" was my second professional publication and helped me get into the writing business, so I will always cherish it. Trivia: the NPC depicted on the magazine's cover, Tonja, was named after my girlfriend at the time. The direct inspiration for the adventure was the Emilio Estevez western, "Dollar For the Dead," which in turn was inspired by the spaghetti westerns of Clint Eastwood; basically I wanted to write a D&D western. But if you see echoes of "The Savage Coast" in there, it's probably not coincidence. When I first started playing D&D in the early 80s, I owned only the PHB, DMG, and two modules: "When A Star Falls" and "X9: The Savage Coast," by Merle and Jackie Rasmussen. I'd love to hear about your experience in playing the adventure!inspired by the spaghetti westerns of Clint Eastwood; basically I wanted to write a D&D western. But if you see echoes of "The Savage Coast" in there, it's probably not coincidence. When I first started playing D&D in the early 80s, I owned only the PHB, DMG, and two modules: "When A Star Falls" and "X9: The Savage Coast," by Merle and Jackie Rasmussen. I'd love to hear about your experience in playing the adventure!
This is her 2E stat block:
Tonja, human female W7: AC 10; MV 12; hp 16, THAC0 18; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type or spell; SD stoneskin spell; Str 8, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 15; ML 14; AL LE; XP 975; wand of paralyzation tied to her crossbow and rigged to fire with a trigger pull rather than command word, potion of flying (two doses), waterskin.
Spells (4/3/2/1): 1st--charm person (x2), magic missile (x2); 2nd--blindness, invisibility, Tonja's touchtrap (see below); 3rd--lightning bolt, wraithform; 4th--stoneskin.
Tonja's touchtrap
Level: 2
Range: 50 yards +5 yards/level
Components: V, S, M
Casting time: 2
Duration: 1 turn/level
Area of effect: 1 object
Saving throw: Negates
This spell can be cast on any non-living object of roughly man-sized or smaller. Casting this spell coats the object in an invisible and magical adhesive that automatically bonds to whatever touches it. Only a successful saving throw vs. spell prevents the offending article from being stuck to the touchtrap for the limit of the spell's duration. The only way to extricate oneself from the touchtrap before the spell expires is by a timely application of universal solvent, a successful dispel magic, or a limited wish. The material component is the object to be trapped.