Spells of the Torquera:
by Carl QuaifThe Torquera, a polyglot race created by the unfortunate magical side-effects of the Torque of the Sea, have, over time, developed a number of magical spells adapted to their undersea existence. The Clerical members of the species, or at least those who follow the Immortal Ymornik of the Shallow Waters (actually Kromyn the Accursed, creator of the Torque, under an alias - the Torquera would be unlikely to worship the being who caused their current state, after all), can make use of new and variant spells provided by their Immortal.
Magical Spells:
Ink Cloud
Level: 1
Range: 60'
Duration: 6 rounds + 1 per caster's level
Effect: creates area of darkness
This Darkness variant was devised to give the Torquera a chance to escape from attackers. It causes a torrent of inky blackness to spurt from the caster's mouth, palms or fingertips (caster's choice) and coalesce into a cloud of darkness, measuring 30' across, at any point up to the full range. The spell is not effective against sonar-using creatures, and works best against those who require light to see.An Ink Cloud spell can, alternatively, be used to cancel a Luminous Deeps or Ymornik's Glimmering spell, or to temporarily negate a Beacon or Light of Truth enchantment.
Luminous Deeps
Level: 1
Range: touch
Duration: 6 Turns + 1 per caster's level
Effect: creates area of light
This spell, a variant of the standard Light spell, calls into being an area of shimmering light, covering a region of 30' diameter. The spell is normally cast on a living creature, to permit that being to see in the darkest depths of the ocean - with the exception of the Elvai, the Torquera can see little better in the ocean than their air-breathing ancestors. Occasionally, the spell is cast on an object such as a stone or seashell, to be used as a stationary light source; it is also used to "mark" prey in hunts, allowing the hunters to track a marked creature from considerable distance.A Luminous Deeps spell can be cast on an existing Ink Cloud or Mark of the Kraken to dispel it; a pre-cast spell cannot.
Master of Sharks
Level: 2
Range: 60'
Duration: see below
Effect: Charms 1 shark
During the early decades of the original Torquera colony, their unfamiliarity with their new environment left them vulnerable to the sharks infesting their watery home. Many members of the nascent species were slain by the sharks, so the few Wizards among them - particularly Seloma the Six-Fingered, a powerful mage who had deliberately chosen to become a Torquera - adapted the basic Charm Person spell to specifically target sharks, turning a deadly enemy into a willing servant.When cast, the shark may make a Save vs. Spells to shrug off the spell's effect; if the save is successful, the target shark will immediately attack the caster to the exclusion of other prey. If the save fails, however, the shark is Charmed, and will obey the caster's commands (over the centuries, a number of simple commands have been developed using the shark "language"). A Charmed shark may make a saving throw once each week to attempt to break the Charm; if successful, it does not attack, but merely swims away at high speed (as if affected by a Fear spell).
Level: 2
Range: touch
Duration: permanent
Effect: creates a light source
This specialised, intensified version of the standard Continual Light spell is usually cast on a pearl, which is sewn into a strip of cloth and worn as a headband. The Beacon casts light in a 40-degree arc, to a range of 120', and is used as a "searchlight" by Torquera when exploring the deeper waters (Humoi and Hindari lack the ability to see in the dark without assistance). A second headband, with half of an oyster-shell sewn into it, is slipped over the pearl to smother the light when necessary.This spell is one of the most commonly-cast among the Torquera; most adults have at least one such Beacon-pearl in their possession.
The standard Continual Light spell is also available to Humoi and Elvai Mages, and is often used to light the homes of the Torquera.
Water of Life
Level: 3
Range: 30'
Duration: see below
Effect: creates globe of water
This peculiar reversed form of the Water Breathing spell was devised to allow the Torquera to travel out of their element without resorting to a Torque. Cast under water, it causes a globe of water roughly 14" in diameter to form about the head and neck of the recipient. The bearer of the globe is therefore able to travel freely in and out of the water, although the effect is somewhat disconcerting to look at, as the water swirls about the bearer's head. The globe is permeable, allowing the bearer to eat as normal.The spell has a normal duration of 1d6 hours + 1 hour per level of the caster; the bearer has warning when the spell is about to expire, however, as the globe starts to drip 1 Turn before it fails. Prior to this, no water can be separated from the globe by any means; even a finger, inserted into the globe, will come out dry. At any time, a second Water of Life spell can be cast on the same person, extending the duration (to 2d6 hours + 2/level, etc). The water magically reoxygenates itself, so that the recipient always has "fresh" water to breathe in.
Apart from its normal function, the Water of Life spell has occasionally been used offensively, creating a globe of water about the head of an air-breather in order to drown him. It's a rather gruesome death, usually reserved for those who repeatedly cause harm to the Torquera - although some of the less moral Wizards have been known to use it in normal combat.
Depth Charge
Level: 3
Range: 240'
Duration: instantaneous
Effect: generates explosive blast
This variant on the standard Fireball spell was adapted for use in an underwater environment. The spell causes the water at the chosen point to explode outwards with tremendous concussive force, causing 1d6 damage per level of the caster to all within 20' radius (save for half damage). Any living thing within a 40' radius is additionally stunned by the shockwave for 1d4 rounds (save for no effect).This spell does not work above water. It can also be used to cause hull damage to ships passing through the waters above.
Lightning Touch
Level: 3
Range: touch
Duration: 1 - 2 rounds
Effect: charges caster with electrical energy
Since the standard Lightning Bolt spell functions as a limited-area Fireball effect underwater, the Torquera Mages devised this variant to restore some of its accuracy in striking individual targets.The spell, when cast, fills the caster with electrical power, which appears to crawl in ribbons across the caster's body, and which may be discharged by touch. The spell causes a total of 1d6 damage per level of the caster; however, the caster may choose to release this energy in two consecutive rounds, dividing the power as desired. A normal "to hit" roll must be made to strike the target, who may save for half damage as normal. Any portion of the charge left unused at the end of the second round dissipates harmlessly.
Should the caster be struck by a metal melee weapon whilst still charged, the entire remaining power of the Lightning Touch is automatically conducted down the weapon into the attacker (no saving throw). The caster takes normal damage from the attack.
Level: 3
Range: touch
Duration: 1d6 + 6 Turns
Effect: allows fast aquatic movement
This spell, an adaptation of the Fly spell, creates a fast stream of water centred on the recipient which is subject to his will. It allows the recipient to move effortlessly through the water, in any direction, at up to 360'. The Slipstream itself cannot be used for offence - the recipient cannot command the stream to blast a foe, for instance - but a single being may be sucked along in the recipient's wake, if the enchanted being so desires.The spell is primarily used for transportation purposes, or to provide greater manoeuvrability in combat. It does not function above the water.
Dolphin Song
Level: 3
Range: touch
Duration: 1 day
Effect: grants sonar capability to one individual
This spell, adapted from the Infravision enchantment, grants the recipient the sonar-based echo-location ability possessed by most cetaceans. The enchanted being emits a series of high-frequency clicks (provided by the spell, not the recipient's voice) which fan out from the recipient in a 60-degree arc, ( and bounce back, providing a sonar picture in the recipient's mind. This spell negates the need normal sight.The spell is most often employed by Humoi and Hindari, who lack the Elvai's natural Infravision; the latter sometimes make use of it as well, as it is superior to Infravision in the black depths of the ocean. Dolphin Song is particularly useful for Torquera who wish to sneak up on a foe, as a light-source negates any chance of surprise.
Speak with Sea-Creatures
Level: 4
Range: caster
Duration: 6 Turns
Effect: permits communication with sea-dwellers
This spell is identical to the 3rd-Level Cleric spell of the same name; it was developed centuries ago by Mage-worshippers of Ymornik of the Shallow Waters. The Mage specifies a type of creature (shark, dolphin, jellyfish etc) during casting. For the duration, he may understand and speak to any of that species within 30'. This spell allows a +2 to the reaction roll, so long as the caster's party have not previously attacked the creatures being spoken to.Speak with Sea-Creatures is very useful when combined with the Mage spell Master of Sharks, as it permits the spellcaster to give more intricate commands to his Charmed servants.
Clerical Spells:
Various Immortals are worshipped by the Torquera. The chief Immortal of their "pantheon" is Ymornik of the Shallow Waters, but Manwara, the Old Man/Elf/Halfling of the Sea, also has a large following. The worship of Tallivai the Root-Maker has a sizeable hold amongst those Elvai who have been in contact with their Aquarendi cousins. A few surface-Immortals, particularly Eiryndul (amongst the formerly-Shiye Elvai) and Alphatia (amongst the Alphatian Humoi), are still worshipped by factions amongst the undersea race. The following spells are provided chiefly by Ymornik, although some other Immortals will also grant them. Worshippers of Tallivai, of course, also receive the Aquatic Elf spells listed in PC3, the Sea Peoples.
Mark of the Kraken
Level: 1
Range: 60'
Duration: 6 rounds + 1 per caster's level
Effect: creates area of darkness
This spell is identical to the Mage spell, Ink Cloud.Ymornik's Glimmering
Level: 1
Range: touch
Duration: 6 Turns + 1 per caster's level
Effect: creates area of light
This spell is identical to the Mage spell, Luminous Deeps.Silent Waters
Level: 2
Range: 20'
Duration: 12 Turns
Effect: creates aura of silence
This spell, a specialised version of the Silence 15' Radius enchantment, provides the caster and/or a number of others with a personal aura of silence which extends 6" from the recipient's body. The aura absorbs sound, and renders the recipient invisible to sonar (such as the ability granted by the spell Dolphin Song); spellcasters are unable to use their powers under the effects of this spell, although already-cast spell will function normally. The caster may enchant two individuals of roughly human size at 4th Level; thereafter, she can affect an additional person every two Levels, up to a maximum of eight people. The caster (only) can dispel the effect on any and all recipients by an act of will, allowing them to cast spells when necessary.A saving throw is permitted for unwilling recipients of this spell. Silent Waters can be used offensively, silencing enemy spellcasters, if desired.
Level: 2
Range: 120'
Duration: 9 Turns
Effect: paralyses fish
This deceptively-named variation of the Hold Person spell was granted during the early days of the Torquera colony to help the inexperienced hunters to acquire food, and has become a staple in most Clerical spell lists. The spell paralyses up to 12 HD of normal fish (enchanted, magical, or giant versions are unaffected), leaving them unable to swim away and easily harvested by the caster and others. No saving throw is applicable in this instance, since the fish in question have no measurable intelligence. The spell works best when cast on a school of fish - Clerics on "gatherer duty" normally wait where large schools are known to pass, being careful not to over-fish any one area.In extremes, this spell may also be used to Hold attacking sharks; this is risky, however, as sharks DO receive a saving throw, and will react violently towards a spellcaster whose Mercy-spell fails...
Speak with Sea-Creatures
Level: 3
Range: caster
Duration: 6 Turns
Effect: permits communication with sea-dwellers
This spell is a slight improvement on the 2nd-Level Speak with Animals spell. The Cleric specifies a type of creature (shark, dolphin, jellyfish etc) during casting. For the duration, she may understand and speak to any of that species within 30'. This spell allows a +2 to the reaction roll, so long as the caster's party have not previously attacked the creatures being spoken to.This version of the spell is rated at one level higher than the normal Speak with Animals spell, as it permits communication with intelligent species such as dolphins. The lower-level spell is available to Clerics of Manwara.
Light of Truth
Level: 3
Range: touch
Duration: permanent
Effect: creates a light source
This spell is almost identical to the 2nd-level Mage spell, Beacon. More Torquera have pearls that are enchanted with Light of Truth than with Beacon, since the former is more readily available.The standard Continual Light spell is also available to Torqueran Clerics.
(NB: The Light of Truth spell, when granted by Ymornik, is not dispelled on the Day of Dread; the pearls lose their power on that day only, regaining the light on the following day. This effect is unique to the Light of Truth spell granted to Ymornik's Clerics; the Beacon enchantment is dispelled as normal. If you use WotI-style Clerical Special Abilities in your Campaign, this spell is also granted to Clerics of Ymornik as a Special Power, once per week, upon reaching 7th Level.)