Traladaran Priest Spells
by Jennifer GuerraConsecration
Sphere: AllLevel: 2
Range: 10 yards
Components: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: NoneThis is a simple ceremonial spell, performed often by priests of the Church of Traladara. However, the power of the spell is increased by the use of a special material component.
Consecration is used by a priest to ritually cleanse the ground before it is put to any religious use (i.e., the site of a church or cathedral, a graveyard, or a future ritual circle). [Note: as in the first-level spell Ceremony (Priest's Spell Compendium, Volume One), cemetery ground consecrated in this manner serves to turn undead with the effectiveness of a third-level cleric.] The spell imbues the ground with power, making it holy in the sight of the Church's Immortal patrons (+1 to morale of Church followers; +1 attack and damage to faithful defending this ground from attack), and hostile to the Church's enemies (-1 morale and -1 to attack and damage). The spell's effect is permanent, unless the ground is defiled (as per the reverse form of the spell Sanctify).
If, however, the priest casting this spell is in possession of the Panel of Glory (see below), the blessing of the Immortals upon the consecrated ground is magnified. In this case, defenders receive +2 to the above situations (and attackers likewise receive a -2 penalty), and any graveyard so blessed turns undead as a fifth-level cleric. Furthermore, Chaotic Evil beings are so overwhelmingly reviled by the holiness of the land that they incur 1 hp of damage for each turn they spend upon it.
The Panel of Glory
This is a wooden panel painted upon in thick oils. The Panel is a religious icon, and depicts Halav Ascendant - following his death at the hands of the Beast-King and resurrection by the Immortals. The Panel is so called because, within, Halav is depicted with bright garments within a transparent and interrupted circular "glory" that follows the contour of the crown of light upon his head. Halav, having descended into the afterlife at the height of his power, is seen with a firm footing and a powerful stance upon the gates of Limbo, which have fallen before him. In his left hand, Halav is holding a huge golden-glowing bronze sword, the symbol of his victory. His companions Petra and Zirchev, already anointed by Immortal fire flickering above their heads, await him. This is believed to be the only Church icon in which all three Traladaran patrons are depicted together.
Church elders have not been able to successfully date the Panel, beyond knowing that it is so old as to have been painted perhaps just after the events depicted. However, for all its age, the Panel is never affected by the ravages of time; the paints are just a bright and uncorrupted as the day the Panel was finished.
In 663 AC, Patriarch Ilya Kolyak was transporting the panel from Marilenev to the cloister of his order, for study when he came upon a small country village, whose inhabitants asked him to bless their new graveyard. Ilya performed the Consecration with the Panel in hand, then left. But soon thereafter, rumours spread that the ceremony had unusually potent effects. An investigation ensued. And ever since, whenever a powerful Consecration is needed, the Panel is brought forth.
Freedom's Path
Sphere: Travellers, Wards, ProtectionLevel: 6
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: 1 hour per level of the priest
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: NegatesBy means of this spell, the priest calls upon an illusion which conceals a group of travellers in his charge (as well as himself); up to ten persons. No person or creature passing within feet of the group will know that they are there, as their sound, speech, smell, and sight are masked by the spell, blending them with the surrounding terrain so well as to render them temporarily nearly invisible. The travellers may, so disguised, continue in their journey, knowing that they are safe from spying eyes. However, the spell may not be cast upon an unwilling subject (who receives a saving throw at +5). Furthermore, the recipients, while concealed, are still there - anyone touching a disguised person will immediately know that someone is there, and may see the disguised party thereafter (Intelligence check at +2).
This spell was developed by a specialty priest of Petra the Defender during the tyranny of the Black Eagle Baron in Halag. The priest used Freedom's Path to smuggle Traladarans to nearby Luln after the Barony's borders were closed. The spell has since made it into the regular canon of Petra's spells; it will only be granted to priests who have such a noble need as its creator.
Conceal Base
(Abjuration, Illusion)
Sphere: Wards, Protection, WarLevel: 7
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 hour
Duration: 1 week + 1 day per level of the priest
Area of Effect: 1 yard cube per level
Saving Throw: NoneEver since the Thyatian invasion, Traladarans have struggled to regain the freedom of their homeland. Guerrilla groups abound in this heavily-forested land, using the haven of the wilderness as a platform from which to launch surprise attacks against Thyatian settlements. Many priests have also committed their lives to this goal, travelling with guerrilla groups and bestowing upon them the protection of the Immortals.
One such priest is Vladimir Darovich, an accomplished cleric-mage devoted to the service of the Immortal Zirchev. Vladimir developed this spell for the express protection of a band of guerrilla fighters, the Sword of Volaga. It is based upon a mage spell, Sequester [Wizard's Spell Compendium, Volume Three], which Vladimir found in a defiled crypt and thereafter studied.
When cast upon the base-of-operations of a guerrilla group (or any other small, isolated location, for that matter), this spell prevents detection and location spells from working upon that structure or area. It also renders the location virtually invisible for the duration of the spell (unless powerful, magical means such as a gem of seeing are utilised). Of course, the spell does not prevent the camp, etc., from being found by tactile means (i.e., stumbling against a concealed building). People can also move in and out of the concealed area, though if more than three persons per hour (total, in either direction) move through the sight barrier, the spell will be disrupted.