Overhauling the GAZ 9 & 11 trade good prices and weights
by Anarion_ElendiliThis is where I am currently:
Type Merchandize Load Wt. (tons) Cost (gp) Cost (gp) / lbs Class Wood Common (logs) 4 40 0.005 Bulk Wood Common (logs) 2 60 0.015 Bulk Wood Hardwood (logs) 4 80 0.01 Bulk Wood Hardwood (planks, spars) 2 120 0.03 Bulk Wood Rare (logs) 1 200 0.1 Common Wood Rare (planks, spars) 0.5 300 0.3 Common Metals Iron 2 160 0.04 Bulk Metals Steel 1 200 0.1 Common Metals Copper 1 200 0.1 Common Metals Tin 0.25 250 0.5 Common Metals Silver 0.5 1000 1 Valuable Metals Gold 0.1 2000 10 Precious Food Grain 4 120 0.015 Bulk Food Vegetables 2 100 0.025 Bulk Food Fish, preserved 1 200 0.1 Common Food Meat, preserved 1 300 0.15 Common Food Salt 1 200 0.1 Common Food Beer and Ale 1 200 0.1 Common Food Wine, common 0.5 200 0.2 Common Food Wine, fine 0.5 500 0.5 Common Food Cheese, hard 1 100 0.05 Bulk Food Cheese, hard, fine 1 250 0.125 Common Food Olive oil 0.5 300 0.3 Common Food Tea, coffee, tobacco 0.5 1500 1.5 Valuable Food Spices 0.1 2500 12.5 Precious Clothing Textiles (rope, sacks) 2 200 0.05 Bulk Clothing Cloth 2 160 0.04 Bulk Clothing Cloth, fine 1 200 0.1 Common Clothing Hides and Furs 0.5 200 0.2 Common Clothing Furs, rare 0.1 800 4 Valuable Clothing of 4 120 0.015 Bulk Clothing Silk 0.5 1000 1 Valuable Clothing Dye and pigments 0.5 1000 1 Valuable Items Nails and other small iron goods 1 300 0.15 Common Items Wooden poles, handles 1 200 0.1 Common Items Bows 0.1 2000 10 Precious Items Arrows 0.5 1000 1 Valuable Items Swords 0.5 2000 2 Valuable Items Spears, javelins 0.5 1000 1 Valuable Items Armor 0.5 800 0.8 Common Items Pottery 0.5 500 0.5 Common Items Porceline, fine 0.1 2500 12.5 Precious Items Glassware 0.5 2500 2.5 Valuable Luxuries Ivory 0.1 1600 8 Valuable Luxuries Semiprecious stones 0.05 2000 20 Precious Luxuries Gems 0.05 5000 50 Precious Luxuries Books, common 0.1 600 3 Valuable Luxuries Books, rare 0.05 3000 30 Precious Animals Sheep, goats 30 animals 120 4 per animal Animals Cattle 10 animals 200 20 per animal Animals Horses 5 animals 300 60 per animal The Class is basically based on the gp / lbs price: < 0.1 is Bulk, < 1 is Common, < 10 is Valuable and everything above 10 is Precious.
The weight per Load has been tweaked so that by and large, Bulk goods are around 100gp per Load, Common ones cluster around 200gp or so, Valuable ones around 1000 - 2000gp, and Precious ones 2000gp and up.