Treatise on Glantri
by Magistar2I am working on a pamphlet for the land of Glantri that is meant for PCs, tell me what you think (It contains Aalban and The City of Glantri):
Glantri: Kingdom of Magic, or Malice?
Astrius Hilltopper
Gnome Illusionist-AdventurerGlantri was once a land of joy, incantations and a complete feeling of wonder so that I, awe-struck as I was, became enchanted with it at a level that could transverse any magical bonds. However, ever since the great event that was so entitled 'The Wrath of the Immortals', such a name brought more then great horror and pain unto the people of the world than ever before conceived, the land itself has changed. I have toured the land of Glantri both prior and subsequent to the great upheaval that I have so described, I will begin at first with the great city itself that was at one time such a shining force, nay a gem of cultivation, in the known world.
Glantri City
Erstwhile the Wrath
Such great effort was placed within the city that it forced such an insight into me that my very fantastic mind was so instructed with an essence of power and beauty, all of which was fused with the very essence of the land: magic. Calm, cool waters, brightly painted gondolas pushed along by long, red poles held by friendly gondoliers, and the sounds of the passer-by merchants and those of who live within the city talking to each other so well; these were phrases that came to mind when one spoke of the canals of the great city of Glantri.
The city itself was (and still is) divided into a great many of sectors (one more sector has henceforth been added, but upon the time in which I had visited, was not in existence). These sections are so extensive that an attempt to try to trivialise their vast differences would be sent to futility, therefore, I will give them a separate subsection for each district.
The Citadel District
Governmental quarters dominated this district, as well as governmentally run facilities. The first and foremost was the great School of Magic, which was used basically to aid the magocracy of the land and to allow magical applications to reach a new level of practicality and usefulness in the lives of all men, women and people of not just Glantri, but the entire world. The next great area was given the appellation 'The Citadel.' Such a fitting name for such a place it was. It was, and yet still is, a huge pentagonal building that housed the highly elegant troops of the great battalions, called banners in this country, was housed here to be used in fortification for the city in the extreme case of invasion (which occurred during the great Wrath). The two administrative buildings in this land, denominated The House of Ministers, which houses the people in charge of the maintenance of the city, and the Parliament, which is used by the nobles, echoed with the very force of magic. (It is worth note to comment on the law of the land, it is ruled not by a king, but by a council of thirteen princes who meet and vote, as well as the nobles voting as well, this is how the land is governed). The great penitentiary of the land, the Tower of Sighs was well populated, of course, but nearly as crowded as it is now. The final place is the Alexander Platz, it was a loud, social place that was filled with so many people of affluence that one could not feel the culture in the air. This was the portion of town that was the great centre of the land.
The Merchant's Quarter
This name was, and still is, a bit of a misnomer, as it was not the only centre of commerce in the land. However, it is populated almost exclusively by the members of the merchant class. The spokesmen's guild, merchant's guild, and other guilds all were based here. The open market, a loud, lively place, was a place that was held in high esteem as a place of were both members of the lower echelon and those of a higher caste to mingle in the same locality, and was a place of greatness and equality.
Port Quarter
The very gateway into the very heart of the city, which is situated on the very nexus of the greater Isoile and Vesubia rivers, and saw treasure and spice laden ships from far off lands and was greatly related to the forms of travellers and tourists of who came in to revitalise the city.
Entertainer's Quarter
This was a place which was the very epitome of both culture and magic. The largest and greatest Thespian performances in the land was held at the great Metropolitan Theatre, a huge, beautiful building that was as common for the outsiders in the land, but also a favourite trysting place for the local inhabitants of the land as well. Another great place was the Mages' Hostelry, a store which treated the visitors with the largest amount of convenience and respect through the use of great magical incantations. Such places drew in nearly half of all the visitors to the land.
Nobles' Quarter
Prosperity is the very essence of the land that is held within such an area that I remember the scent of expense and the sight of silk was as common as water in this area. The people were open, friendly and generous, and they acted so much in grace that I wished only that so many men of wealth of the world were blessed with such a generosity. Two other sites of importance, the expensive Silver Tower Inn and the great Temple of Rad which was, at the time, the only religion tolerated in the land, were in this area as well.
West Side Quarter
The poorer district of the town was not one that was so frequented by myself, but according to my research that was conducted at the time, it was not so severely rooted with crime, and the great rampart organised crime that is now so rampant was not nearly so evident.
Middle Class Quarter
This land is held with a great throng of the average people in the land. These people, mostly of a scholarly pursuit, work as a major percentage of the wizards in the city. It holds the four greatest scholarly institutes in the land that is not associated solely to effort of magic. These four edifices, the Scribes Association, The City Library, The Sages' League, and the Scholars' Fraternity, were at one time filled with generous scholars who worked in order to aid mankind, and such aid was surely in great demand.
Since the Wrath
The first and foremost feeling that has been implanted into the very psyche of the land is that of utter mistrust. Now the once cool and crisp water have been replaced by murky depths with a sharper lesser number of people walking the streets, most of which are silent and rude. The land itself is marked by a lower average temperature and far more cloudy days and a greater number of both crimes and a feeling of unease. The most strange feeling that has befallen the city, however is the fact that now the continual light spells that have been used to illuminate the streets are starting to fail, making most of the areas dark and mysterious. The feeling has caused a sharp decline for people to travel to this land, as it has seemed to become a bit less desirable as a place to be visited.
The Citadel District
The most startling changes of which I noticed are that the people of the various institutions have become much more self-serving. Instead of the schools and judges working in order to aid the common man have now seemed only to serve themselves. Also, a strange event has caused a sharp increase of crime, the Tower of Sighs is now greatly overpopulated and such criminals have been known to vanish, no one looks into such disappearances.
The Merchant's Quarter
The mercantile district has not changed in such a dramatic way, however, it is more diversified along a cultural level set towards the rich, while a decrease in the importation of goods from lands beyond the border. It is now very difficult to purchase goods without almost being run down by a noble, and a feeling of unease and mistrust has extended to outsiders, especially dwarves, gnomes and halflings.
Port Quarter
This is an area which has suffered the lowest level of change in recent years. This area is now slower and a bit less lively, it is a rarity that foreign ships come these days, and such ships are treated with indifference. The oddest thing is that murder has sharply inclined in this area, while the amount of constables has sharply declined within this precinct.
Entertainer's Quarter
This area manages to retain an air of utter joy and grace within a land that has started what appears to be a descent into darkness. Such happiness, however, is quite obviously a mask for feelings of both unease and a sense towards dread.
Noble's Quarter
This district, which used to be the very body and exemplary force for the greatest charitable force in the land. Now, however, the nobles are using only their wealth and social facilities to serve only themselves. Also, the sense of fashion that was at one time spread towards optimism now highlights people of beauty to be pale with dark hair and dark clothing and a sullen attitude. Do to this stark contrast the feeling of discomfiture is not situated by the visitors to the residents, but the citizenry to the guests.
The West Side Quarter
Although this area of less affluence was also marked by a steady wave of both crime and corruption, such areas of the underbelly of the city have blossomed in the recent years. Now, various thievery factions vie for control of the land, including the evil thieves in the Fellowship of the Pouch to the indecorously dark 'Beggars' Court.' Do not frequent this area unless it is of most importance.
Middle Class Quarter
The land that was, at one time, the household for the greatest scholarly workers in the land and remains mostly unchanged, and yet, something is amiss. The scholars themselves are no longer focused on arts such as medicine and science, but now seem geared towards darker arts, despite the fact very few texts in a magical nature and situated here. Also, the libraries and gargoyles that adorn this area seem to be in a state of terminal decay, and no effort has been placed to rectify the now ominous decorum.
Outer District
Although the areas directly outside of the city gates always were inhabited, it is now a time for a rush towards the city itself. This area has grown in popularity for the lowest level of people to live in squalor without any protection from the ravaging monsters that now stalk the countryside. Such workers, however, appear ignorant of any danger that might befall them; I only hope that they survive long enough for the walls to encompass their districts as well.
Erstwhile the Wrath
Aalban always was a militaristic country that was ruled by the great prince Jaggar von Drachenfels, the powerful mage who also was placed as the head of the Glantrian Army, personally leading the first (magical) banner of the great army. However, his militaristic ways were curbed by the understanding nature of his wife, Gertrud. Another fantastic enigma that I found most interesting was the complex mechanical devices that were so common in this land to aid in life. Such inventions were not nearly as advanced as a gnome's inventions, of course. Since the Wrath
After the great upheaval in the land, Gertrud died and there was no one to stay the violent nature of the prince. The number of people forced into military servitude has raised sharply, and most of the mechanical devices have become offensive in nature. Such people now seem concerned with defence against all side, even allies like Wendar. Their anxious nature has caused the men and women to feel a seething enmity towards anyone related to their age old enemies, those of Ethengar, especially the principalities of Bramyra and Krondahar.