Mystara Tribes as Organizations
by HåvardI've been thinking about tribal societies in Mystara such as found in Atruaghin, among the Neathar in the Hollow World and numerous other cultures and how they might work in D&D.
BECMI doesn't really have that many rules for running organizations although the Secret Crafts of Glantri or the Darokin Merchant's Guild could be used as examples. I have toyed with the idea of using the Dominion Rules, but that would be pretty complicated and probably work best if the PC controls the organization rather than just being a member.
According to the wikipedia, there are many definitions of this term, but as I see it in Mystara, characters will usually be born into a tribe although it is also possible to be adopted into the tribe at a later point. Starting PCs from such cultures will be assumed to be members of a tribe unless they have an aligmnent that is opposed to the tribe (ie a Lawful member of the Children of the Tiger) or that the player and DM decide that this character has broken with his tribe. Although many tribes are largely egalitarian, there will also often be a hierarchy based on how the members prove themselves with a Chieftain leading the tribe.BENEFITS AND OBLIGATIONS
Members of a tribe will be expected to help the tribe out and contribute based on their abilities. They may help hunt, gather food, protect the tribe from dangers, craft or help out with various chores. The tribe can agree to send a member on a quest that take them far from theSTARTING BENEFITS
The character will be welcome in tribal lands and will be allowed shelter in any camp controlled by the tribe. The character will be given basic weapons and equipment suitable for their class as available in that culture. The character may resupply ammunition such as arrows, slingstones etc and one week's worth of rations as long as the tribe is not struggling or at war. While staying in the camp, the character will be provided 1st level healing spells and similar magic if need for free assuming Clerics or other spellcasters are available. He may ask for one NPC henchman to join the group on quests. The henchman will not fight except to defend himself, but may guard horses, carry treasure and supplies, torches etc. If the NPC is killed, the PC must wait for 1 level before asking for more.LOW RANK (MIN 3RD LEVEL)
The character will be welcome in tribal lands and will be allowed shelter in any camp controlled by the tribe and other allied tribes. The character may be given high quality replacement for any basic equipment available in this culture. While staying in the camp, the character will be provided up to 3rd level healing spells and similar magic if need for free assuming Clerics or other spellcasters are available. He may ask for 1d3 1st level NPC Warriors to join the group on quests. If the NPCs are killed, the PC must wait for 1 level before asking for more.
The character will be welcome in tribal lands and will be allowed shelter in any camp controlled by the tribe and non-hostile tribes in the region. The character may be given low level magical items (+1 arrows, potions) at the DM's discretion. While staying in the camp, the character will be provided up to 5th level healing spells and similar magic if need for free assuming Clerics or other spellcasters are available. He may ask for 1d6 1st level NPC Warriors to join the group on quests. If the NPCs are killed, the PC must wait for 1 level before asking for more.HIGH RANK (MIN 7th LEVEL)
The character will be welcome in tribal lands and will be allowed shelter in any camp controlled by any tribe of the same culture including those hostile to the character's tribe. The character may be given magical weapons (+1) at the DM's discretion. While staying in the camp, the character will be provided up to 7th level healing spells and similar magic if need for free assuming Clerics or other spellcasters are available. He may ask for 2d4 1st level NPC Warriors to join the group on quests. If the NPCs are killed, the PC must wait for 1 level before asking for more.VERY HIGH RANK (MIN 9th LEVEL)
The character may now be a contender for chieftain of the tribe. He will gain 2d6 followers who will fight loyally.
A minimum level is required to gain each rank. Only the Chieftain can award new ranks by showing recognition of the PCs abilities. The player must make a successful CHA check. The DM may also require the PC to perform a task or undergo a test (could involve a simple ability check or be an adventure). If the player fails, he may try again after gaining a new level.