Obviously this one is another Scandi beast, this one from Swedish legends.
by Cab Davidson
Stat Trollgädda AC: 4 HD: 3* to 25* Movement (Swimming): 120’(40’) Attacks: 1 bite Damage: 1d6 per hit dice Number appearing: 0 (1) Save As: Fighter of ½ hit dice Morale: 10 Treasure Type: See Below Intelligence: 1 Alignment: Neutral XP Value: 50 to 6500 Trollgädda are pikes – sharp toothed, elongated predatory fish of fresh waters in temperate and cold climates, but with a capacity to grow to astonishing size and ferocity. It is by nature an ambush predator, choosing to hide in the shadows of trees, weeds, and riverbanks before darting out and biting prey.
As they age trollgädda can reach astonishing size, around 1’ long per hit dice. And as they grow their attack becomes ever more savage. At 3HD, on an attack roll of 19-20 they can swallow a pixie sized target whole, increasing to halfling sized at 6HD, dwarf sized at 8HD, and human/elf sized at 10HD. Any creature hit with a bite and not swallowed must make a saving throw vs. paralysis to avoid being held within the teeth of the fish, causing them to automatically take damage from the bite each round until dead.
Larger specimens of trollgädda are confine to the larger lakes of colder climates, but younger specimens may be a hazard in even small bodies of fresh water. Thankfully it is only the mid sized specimens that regularly attack humans and demi-humans, while the very largest typically prefer even larger prey. Huge examples that choose to masquerade as islands in lakes are known, occasionally even with trees growing from between ther massive scales. While of only animal intelligence trollgädda instinctively know better than to attack foes they cannot swallow, unless forced in to a fight.
Being a fish of animal intelligence, trollgädda have no need nor interest in treasure, but they do tend to have favoured grounds for resting, where the remains of unfortunate victims are excreted. There it may be possible to find a range of valuables, depending on habitat. The DM should decide what is possible, but for small specimens may range from treasure type U, and for the most monstrous it may be equivalent of treasure type H or greater.