Lower Kol: Translocation Trap
by RobinLocated 3 miles east from the Surface location of Kalken in Lower Kol
The effect of this powerful natural magical location, is that it warps the magic of any Translocation within its reach.
The result, if effective, will be that the Translocation Magic (be it any Teleportation, Transport Through..., Distance Distortion, and even Passing into the Etheral Plane, Including Immortal Translocation) will result into a Translocation into a roughly spheriod crystal tapestried cave of about 800 feet diameter.![]()
Any Divination magic (Even Immortal) anywhere outside the cave will not be able to reveal the exact location of the cave or any person or item within.
Even Immortals dislike these natural occurances upon Megaliths, yet they can see where they are with their Immortal Eye.
Fairies and Dragon's can detect these areas as well due their Second Sight. They will get an image being distorted/stretched somewhat towards the destination source, and increasing when closer. This vision will be automatically triggered when beginning to cast a Translocation spell and the intended source is brought in the casting (2nd initiative segment after begin), and thus the spell can be interrupted without losing it.
Earth Elementals(and silicon-based lifeforms like Geonids, Stone Giants) will also feel the general location of the cave, and dislike it greatly, as it causes them pain, they refuse to go close there.Any outbound communication to outside the cave will be reflected inside (including ESP, Scroll of Communication, etc).
Within this cave NO Translocation out is possible, and will always reappear within the cave.
Within this cave is no water or food, and as the location is effectively cut off from the Elemental Planes, nothing can be created here.
The only items, creatures, Demi-Human-oids, within are those trapped or belonging to those trapped. Time passes as normal.
Many suffered a horrifying death here by starving from thirst, hunger or simply panick.
There are no tunnels to the outside, and the rock on which the inch large crystals grow are harder than Granite from the inside out.
The only way to get out is by death (travelling into Limbo, and then possibly a reincarnation spell).
From the outside a tunnel could be dug(at 20 feet a man-day at best), if known, and having the right tools, time and/or magic (like Disintegrate, or Shadow Elf Stone shaper magic) available.
Those dying inside will first dry out, they slowly rot due their own moisture and bacteria, yet these bacteria do not propagate well inside. Decaying times will be doubled or even quadrupled. The remains will not become part of the crystals, as these do not grow at all on organic remains.
The crystals do release individually rays of light when on the ceiling, reflected by the lower crystals. They also erode slowly, and after a 100 lighting will explode in a harmless shower of crystalline sand. A new crystal will spawn on the older location within a month.The chance to become trapped in this cave is based on the following formula;
- distance from source cave in miles
+ Level of the Spell
+ level of the caster(for Immortals use 36+Immortal Level),
- Linear rock or water obstructions in miles,
- 1 mile per 3 miles horizontal distance if on surface
- 15 if caster exposed to daylight.
= chance to be come trapped (roll 1d100 above this number and the spell will work more or less as normal (the DM may add a special effect or horizontal displacement of several yards, Too low or too high chances are as normal)This will mean the effect is stronger on the Higher spells and higher casters, and less on the surface due the sunlight. The effect is also linear and weaker due rock obstructions passing from the caster towards the cave linear line.
Example; A 30th level mage at the Rock formation "Mother and a Baskets( within 18 miles west from the Cave) starts a 5th level translocation spell. Use the Lower Broken Lands Map to determine obstructions. The first obstruction is rougly 8 miles, and the 2nd and last towards the cave is linear 3 miles. Add 1 mile of obstructions per 3 miles from the cave if on the surface (due the linear angle going down)
So we get 24-18 miles from cave + Level 30 +level 5 spell-(8+3=11obstructions)-6(angle vs distance) will have a 24% chance to become trapped at night, and only 9% at day light