The Turtle Clan and the Gaz14 Map
by HåvardLooking at the map of Gaz14 the Atruaghin Clans, there is quite a bit we can learn:
There are Six known tribes that make up the Turtle Clan. These are:
- Halibut Tribe
- Shark Tribe
- Sea Snake Tribe
- Pelican Tribe
- Sea Lion Tribe
These tribes could be detailed further. More tribes could also be added. Does the Shark Tribe get along better with Shark Kin?
- The Singing Forest
- The Battle of Cowards (AC905) Battlefield
- Bay of Whales
- Island of Spirits (With known shipwreck to the south)
- Whale Bone Island
- Roaring Surf Island
It is interesting that the Turtle Tribe controls such a large area of the inland forest in addition to their coastal sites. Although control may be the wrong way to look at it. At least they have been able to keep the Tiger Clan out of the area. I don't think the Tiger Clan are much of a seagoing Clan so I am guessing that the islands and coastal regions are for the most part dominated by the Turtle Tribe in addition to other races. The three islands have evocative names. I am sure there are tons of smaller islands and tiny rocks on these waters that can be visited by the tribe in their canoes and boats. I am imagining a massive whale graveyard on the coast of Whale Bone Island. Why is the Island of Spirits named thusly? Sounds like a good location for Shamani to visit.
On the other side of the border we find Sindh. While the Sindhi may not have much contact with the Turtle Clan, we see that the Sindh side of the border has areas with Elephants (south) and tigers (North), so these beasts will likely find their way into Turtle Clan lands from time to time.