Turtle Clan Timeline
by HåvardSome interesting observations. The timeline from Gaz14 includes no events for the last 1400 years that directly involve the people of the Atruaghin Clans. I have omitted events that feel less relevant for the Turtle Clan in this timeline. Most of this information is from Gaz14. Details from other sources and fan additions of my own are given in blue.
BC 3000 Great Rain of Fire
BC 2800 A small group of surviving Azcans and Oltecs in the Outer World move into the Atruaghin Clans area. These become the ancestors of modern day Atruaghin Clans Humans.
BC1750 l Geological upheavl shatters the plateau that has been home to the ancestral Atruaghin Clan humans.
BC1700 Elves accidentally blow up a Blackmoor device causing a cloud of smoke and ash to remain in the air above the Known World for years.
BC1675 Takhati Stormtamer leads the Children of the Horse to become the rulers of all of the Atruaghin Clans. Takhati becomes an Immortal.
BC1500 In the Hollow World, Aziann is one of a few Azcans not to be corrupted by the demon Atzantiotl.
BC1400 – after having found his way to the surface world and discovering a people there who resemble his own culture, Aziann, who now calls himself Atruaghin becomes the ruler of all the clans living in the ruins of the plateau. They now begin calling themselves the Children of Atruaghin.
BC1260 Athruaghin having discovered that he has an unnaturally long lifespan leaves his lover Ahmanni Turtlerider and the rest of his new people behind seeking to understand the nature of his longevity. He appoints new Chiefs for each of his clans.
BC1259 Atzanteotl tricks Takhati Stormtamer into helping to destroy Atruaghin’s work.
BC1257 Red Orcs lead by Wogar conquer the people of the Atruaghin Clans. Takhati Stormtamer realizes he has been tricked and wows revenge. Ahmanni Turtlerider fights the invaders, but is eventually killed. Centuries later, she is brought back to life by Atruaghin.
BC1000 – King Milen accidentally awakens an underwater monster known as The Leviathan and other sea monsters appear in its wake. On Ierendi, the legendary hero Ronowac fights against the Sea Monsters. [Gaz1 and Gaz4 plus extrapolation] Ahmanni sends her heroes to help in the fight against the Sea Monsters.[Fan expansion]
BC900 Atruuaghin travels to the Hollow World where he constructs the Mystic Conveyor, an artifact linking the Hollow World to the Outer World.
BC800 Using the Mystic Conveyor, Atruaghin returns to the Outer World and leads his people in a revolt against the Red Orcs. He magically revives Ahmanni Turtlerider who fights beside her lover as they drive the Red Orcs out.
BC795 Atruaghin recreates the great plateau, but even larger than the original. Upon completing this task, he becomes an Immortal.
BC 792 – Danel becomes corrupted by Atzanteotl and begins turning his Tiger Clan against Atruaghin. He is opposed by Hattani Stoneclaw of the Bear Clan and although Hattani fails to save the Tiger Clan, he becomes an Immortal.
BC610 Inspired by Atruaghin and his people, the Hin revolt against their own humanoid masters and establish the Five Shires to the east. [Havard’s comment: inspired how? Did heroes from Atruaghin fight alongside the Halflings?]
BC 452 Mahmatti Running elk returns to the Plateau.. In his fight against entropy, agents of the Tiger Clan maniupated his clan to send him into exile. After studying all forms of magic, he nearly became the vicim of a deadly Glantrian Magic User, but eventually freed himself. Upon his return, he is redeemed and recognized as the most powerful Shamani in history. He becomes an Immortal. [Havard’s comments: Expanded timeline with details from Mahmatti’s backstory. Who was this Glantrian sorceress who seduced Mahmatti?]
AC410-AC445 – Undersea Lycantropes (Wereseals, Weresharks etc) plague coastal waters until they are finally wiped out. –PC3 Turtle Clan fights off Lycantropes and find new ways to kill these monsters [Fan expansion]
AC 831 Al-Kalim’s pilgrimage leads him to fighting with the Merrow against the Crabfolk and hunting the mighty Dendan Whale with sailors from the Northern Reaches before travelling to the Elemental Plane of Water. – Gaz2
AC800 Devilfish appear along the coast of the Sea of Dread. –PC3
AC970 War between Undersea Races and Devilfish ends indecisively. –PC3
AC 979 Devilfish resume their attacks on the Undersea –PC3
AC998 Lycantropes are once again discovered in the Undersea. Devilfish suspected of being against the new plague. –PC3
AC998 Undead are reported in the waters to the south of the Undersea –PC3
AC1000 The Present. Shark-Kin take up arms against the land dwellers. Devilfish increase attacks on Undersea. Undead and Werecreatures in southern waters are growing. –PC3
I plan on adding more events, but I feel like this is a good starting point. Any other sources that could be relevant?