Skill packages for thieves
by Cab DavidsonThinking about skill packages for thieves...
Avoiding the Law: Find Traps, Hear Noise
Sneaking: Hide in Shadows, Move Silently
Breaking and Entry: Open Locks, Remove Traps
Burglary: Climb Walls, Acrobatics*
Get Away: Escape*, Alertness*
Fast Talk: Deception*, Persuasion*
Gamesmanship: Gambling*, Cheating*
Face Man: Disguise*, Acting*
Fencing Loot: Bargaining*, Appraisal*
Mook: Intimidation*, Muscle*
Street Fighter: Brawling*+, Wrestling*
Larceny: Fence Goods*+, Looting*+
Stalking: Blending+*, Trailing+*
Fooling: Juggling+*, Prestidigitation+** Denotes a skill
*+ Denotes a skill detailed below.Blending (Wis): The ability to meld into a crowd, useful for thieves and others up to no good. The crowd must be at least 6 people, and the character must not be dressed or otherwise act conspicuously. Hiding in absurd crowds (an orc obfuscating among hobbits, for example) may not be possible.
Brawling (Dex): The ability to always have a tankard, hand full of sand, or broken chair leg conveniently to hand in a fight. A successful check will avail a character of a useful advantage in any unarmed dirty fight.
Fence Goods (Wis): Selling stolen or valuable goods through underworld sources. May obtain better prices than legitimate sources, or simply facilitate getting rid of ‘hot’ goods that cannot be liquidated otherwise.
Juggling (Dex): A character can juggle normally with no need for a check, but difficult tricks require a check. If attempting to catch a small object thrown at a character rather than to a character, the chance of catching is based on the hit roll made by the attacker, with a -1 penalty per number rolled above the needed number to hit.
Looting (Wis): A successful check allows a character to immediately ascertain what the most valuable item visible is, even while only glancing for a moment.
Prestidigitation (Dex): The skill of palming small objects to impress others or hide objects. Any single handed object can be handled thus, with objects larger than the palm requiring a -2 or -4 penalty, depending on size.
Trailing (Dex): Following someone in an urban setting without being spotted. Modified by cover, speed, etc.