Ultra Focus Special Moves
by tjedge1Ultra Focus Special Moves. Here are so more. 2 more posts of these and then I'll get these organised and listed in the first post with their post numbers listed so they can be located easier. Then I'll start the process of assigning values to the manoeuvres so they can be learned by the mystics.
Name: Fire Strike
Prerequisites: Focus 5, Flaming Fist
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: -1
Damage Bonus: +3
Round Movement: None
Description: A long gout of flame extends from the mystic's hands, setting ablaze anything in its path. Most mystics shoot the flame from their hands, but it can come from any part of the body. The flame extends in a straight line from the fighter.
System: The character uses the modifiers above to produce a long gout of flame that is in effect a "line of death" on the arena floor. The fighter uses his Focus level to determine the length of the flame in 5' squares. Each level is equal to one 5' space. The Fire Strike must travel in a straight line and, like the Yoga Flame, occupies the spaces for the duration of the combat round. This damage is applied to any character standing within the affected space.Name: Stone
Prerequisites: Focus 4, Punch 2, Wall
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: -2
Damage Bonus: See Below
Round Movement: None
Description: The mystic may form a small boulder from thin air and throw it at his target.
System: This is a projectile attack, very similar to a Fireball or Ice Blast. The more Focus the mystic has, the larger the stone is. Use the Focus damage rating to determine how much damage.Name: Push
Prerequisites: Focus 5, Air Blast
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: -2
Damage Bonus: +1
Round Movement: None
Description: Clasping both hands together and pushing forward, the fighter funnels a hurricane-strength gust of wind toward the target. Unprepared opponents have been thrown dozens of feet by the winds produced.
System: A blast of air with a width (in feet) equal to 5x the character's Focus level starts one 5' space-line in front of the character and continues forward for 15'. Anyone in this path suffers one hit, which may be blocked normally. Use the Damage modifiers below. Any fighter who suffers damage is moved an equal number of feet in a straight line away from the mystic. For example: if a fighter receives 14 points of damage, he will fly backward 14 feet. Jumping or airborne opponents will suffer a knockdown as well. The damage is caused by the concussive force of the air, not the fall, so tumbling abilities do not apply to lessen damage.Name: Spontaneous Combustion
Prerequisites: Focus 5, Heatwave
Manoeuvre Cost: 6 Any Style
Usage Cost: 3/2 Chi
To Hit: -2
Damage Bonus: +5/+2
Round Movement: -10'
Description: With this awesome power, the mystic can make his opponent literally burst into flames. Unsuspecting or unfocused opponents will suffer horribly as they burn uncontrollably. Victims of this attack will continue to burn until they either extinguish the flames or the mystic allows them to go out.
System: The mystic must defeat the defender in a contested Wisdom roll. This is done by rolling 1d20 and adding the Wisdom rating to the roll. Whoever has the highest roll wins the Wisdom contest. If the mystic succeeds, the defender bursts into flames, taking the damage listed above. Each round thereafter, the mystic can continue to expend Chi to keep the fire burning. The affected character can counteract this expenditure of Chi by spending one round rolling on the ground and putting the fire out. Unfortunately, it is not always wise to do this in the middle of combat: any character who rolls out a fire suffers a -2 To-Hit penalty on his next round. If the mystic loses concentration of the burning opponent, the fire will also go out.Name: Vacuum
Prerequisites: Focus 5, Air Blast
Manoeuvre Cost: 4 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: -2
Damage Bonus: +2
Round Movement: -10'
Description: Perhaps the most dangerous of all mystical powers. The wielder may temporarily remove the air in any given area. When this power takes effect. there is a loud crack similar to thunder as the surrounding atmosphere rushes to fill the vacuum. Any target in the area affected will feel the air sucked out of his lungs, while almost simultaneously the air around him smashes into every part of his body.
System: The user of this power designates one 5' square as the target space. Any fighter in that space must succeed in a Save Throw vs. Paralysis or be automatically stunned the following round. He then suffers damage according to the modifiers above. The To-Hit roll is required still to attack an opponent since he may have a chance to move out of the vacuum as it forms and avoid it's effects completely.