by Cab Davidson
Weapon Level Range Damage Defence Special Urumi Basic 1d4 - - p=M Skilled 1d6 M-2AC/2 Double Damage (20) Cost: 8gp Expert 2d4 M-3AC/3 Double Damge (19-20) Encumberance: 15cn Master P:3d4, S:2d4+2 M-4AC/3 Double Damage (18-20) 1 hand, medium Grand Master P: 4d4, S: 3d4+1 M-4AC/4 Double Damage (17-20) An Urumi is a sword with a flexible, whip-like blade, the use of which is more similar to that of a whip than to that of another sword. It is typically anything up to 6' long, and can be used to strike at targets at such a distance (but not to strike past friendly creatures at a target in front of them). Uniquely among melee weapons, attacks with an urumi are treated as 'M' attacks for determining weapon mastery based armour class bonuses, as the urumi is difficult to defend against using a weapon.
In case anyone is curious, my version gives it damage like a dagger, defence like a whip (which in use it resembles), and the idea that its a weapon thats more like a monster attack to defend against than a hand held weapon is based on the idea that you might well put your weapon out in the way to stop it, but it keeps bending round that to cause cuts. Its probably not worse than being hit with a sword, but I could see it being as bad as being slashed with a dagger.