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Utter Island Albinos: upgraded as a 5e Sorcererous Origin?

by Marc Saindon

Probably an under-used group in Ierendi, the Utter Island Albinos (better name needed) could have their strange connection to sand and weird architecture be tied to "psionic powers" they develop as a bloodline, with Sorcery providing the game mechanics of these psionic powers along the lines of the Aberrant Mind subtype.

Additionally, lore-wise, they could be made as distant descendants of the Taymorans who survived the cataclysm (perhaps a crew sailed to distant shores to trade and explore, only to find their homeland vanished upon their return). They could have from this a unique language unrelated to nearby cultures (e.g. Taymoran as Etruscan) and the Albinos have their own an endonym that evolves from the original name (e.g. the "Tamaroans").

(Image from: