This seemed just a natural progression from blue and violet dragons (note - I don't hold with indigo, I think its a silly color and Newton only 'saw' it because he wanted there to be seven colours).
Dragon, Ultraviolet (Fluorite)
by Cab Davidson
Stat Small Large Huge AC: 3 1 -1 HD: 6*** 9**** 12***** Move: As White Dragon As White Dragon As White Dragon Attacks: As White Dragon As White Dragon As White Dragon Damage: As White Dragon As White Dragon As White Dragon No. Appearing: 1d4 1d3 1d2 Save As: F6 F18 F36 Morale: 8 9 10 Treasure Type: H Hx2,I Hx3,Ix2 Intelligence: 14 16 18 Alignment: Chaotic (Ultraviolet), Neutral (Zircon) XP Value: 1075 4400 6500
Spells Levels 1 2 3 4 5 6 Small 5 4 3 2 Large 6 5 4 3 2 Huge 7 6 5 4 3 2 Breath, Ultra-Violet: Ultra Violet done, dimensions as white dragon
Breath, Fluorite: As above + blisteringUltraviolet dragons are among the smallest but also among the most magically competent of all dragons. Their preferred habitat is deep caves under the earth, where they are almost invisible hunters of the great subterranean spaces. Among the most potent spellcasters of all dragons, they primarily use their magics to augment their natural abilities, preferring invisibility, phantasms, etc.
They have faultless (120’) infravision, for which they sacrifice their capacity to see violet and ultraviolet light. Alongside the same excellent hearing make them almost impossible to surprise (only surprised on a 1 on 1d12). Their excellent senses mean that they frequently manage to surprise foes, and when they attack from ambush they surprise foes on a 1-4 on 1d6.
Frequently their enemies don’t see them until it is too late. If they are seen, they are almost white, with perhaps the slightest violet tinge to otherwise dull, unreflective white skin. They can however generate tremendous light from all parts of their skin, and up to 3 times per day can flash a bright UV pulse that will blind all creatures not making a save vs. death ray for 2d6 turns. Their breath weapon is pure UV light, in a cone of equivalent volume to that of a white dragon, that inflicts terrible burns to all those within its area.
Fluorite dragons are similar in appearance except for the crystalline appearance that typifies all gemstone dragons, and the fact that in ordinary light they give off a dim glow. While ultra-violets prefer intelligent prey, fluorites are happier taking mundane prey. They often share caves with pilobolus myconids, and collaboratively use their light producing ability with pilobolus to defend the territory. Any creature failing a save vs. dragon breath when in the area of effect of a fluorite dragons breath will suffer painful blistering on all areas of exposed skin, reducing their movement rate by three quarters and reducing inflicting -4 to hit and damage until they have fully healed. The swelling caused means armour and even normal clothing cannot be worn until the character is healed, and damage taken from piercing or cutting weapons (and natural attacks that pierce the skin such as claws and bites) is worse by 6 points of damage per blow.