New Vampiric Spells
by Gilles LeblancVampires have developed their own spells over the centuries. These spells should be rare and seldom known, even by vampires. The DM should be careful not to abuse of them especially when couple with a power which does the same thing, else they will make the vampire to strong.
Vampiric Alarm
Range : Touch
Duration : 1 hour per level
Effect : Ward one coffinAD&D 2E
( Abjuration )
Range : Touch
Components : V, S
Duration : 1 hour per level
Casting Time : 1 round
Area of effect : One coffin
Saving Throw : NoneThis spell can be only be used to ward the vampire's own coffin. When cast the vampire receive a mental alarm when someone or something touches his coffins ( flies and dust should not upset the spell but arrows, people, etc. will ). This spell is often cast when a vampire leaves his coffin unguarded when intruders are present in his lair or when the vampire retreats to his coffin to regenerate and suspects he his being followed.
Protection from Stakes
Range : Self
Duration : 1 day
Effect : Help protects the vampire against stakesAD&D 2E
( Abjuration )
Range : 0
Components : V, S, M
Duration : 1 day
Casting Time : 1 round
Area of effect : Caster
Saving Throw : NoneThis spell gives the vampire opponents who try to stake him a -3 penalty on their attack rolls. If the DM judges the staking to be an automatic success the spell as no effects. The material component of this spell is a rotting tree branch.
Charming Personality
Range : Self
Duration : 2 rounds / level
Effect : Augments vampire charm abilityAD&D 2E
( Enchantment/Charm )
Range : 0
Components : V, S
Duration : 2 rounds / level
Casting Time : 6
Area of effect : Self
Saving Throw : NoneThis spell augments the vampire's charm power. When using this spell the vampire charm is more powerful, thus giving any victims of the charm an additional -2 penalty to the saving throw of the victim. These are added no matter what is the current penalty of the vampire's charm.
Strengthen the pack
Range : Self
Duration : 1 + 1 round / level
Effect : Increase wolves defencesAD&D 2E
( Enchantment/Charm )
Range : Self
Components : V, S, M
Duration : 1 + 1 round / level
Casting Time : 5
Area of effect : 15 feet / level
Saving Throw : NoneThis spell is designed to help wolves under a vampire's command. This spell can only be cast upon wolves summoned/called by the vampire or which are the vampire's pets. The spell can affect up to 3d4 wolves who must remain within 15 feet / level of the vampire. If a wolf leaves the area the spell is dispelled. All wolves under this spell gain a +1 saving throws, +1 bonus to hit, +1 bonus to damage and can hit creature which can only be hit by +1 magical weapons for the duration of the spell. The material component is a drop of wolf blood which must have been collected less than a week ago.
Quick Wings
Range : Self
Duration : 1 round + 2 round / level
Effect : Augment movement rate as a batAD&D 2E
( Enchantment/Charm )
Range : 0
Components : V, S
Duration : 1 round + 2 round / level
Casting Time : 4
Area of effect : Self
Saving Throw : NoneWhen this spell is cast the vampire gains a 50% increase in movement rate when in bat form and flying. Thus giving him a flying movement rate of 27 under AD&D 2E rules and 270' under OD&D rules. If the vampire cast this spell, then assume bat form, then vampire form again, and then bat form another time, he will still be in the effects of this spell given that the duration has not ended.