Variations about fighter class
by Iacopo TrottaBarbarian
The barbarian is a wild and savage warrior, belonging to a primeval culture, with little if any magical and technological knowledge, except for a raw metallurgy (copper, bronze, hammered iron etc.). This does not mean that the social structure of those tribes is bestial (nevertheless is at least as advanced as that of the so called civilised people), even if the conditions of living impose a significant animal affinity, uncommon strength, agility and constitution. A character by this culture is very different from those cultures usually disdainfully considered as barbarians, like the ancient Germans, Vikings, the west Indians etc. but it is inspired by the archetypal barbarian from fantasy literature and pictures (like Conan for example). This kind of PC is modelled on the Ravager from Barbarian's HB.
Prime Requisite, HP, ST, advancement and levels like a fighter.
Weapons: the barbarian may use (starting with a basic level in weapon mastery) all the weapons which are used by his/her culture (usually spear, javelin, dagger, one handed swords, short bow and/or others as the DM may decide about it). He/she gains weapon mastery slots as a demihuman.
Armour: only shield permitted, eventually a raw leather/skin armour, which gives AC 8. He/she gains a -2 AC bonus because of his/her combat style. If he/she wears heavier armour the special physical abilities are lost.
Jumping: the barbarian is used to move quickly even in the worst terrain and may jump long distances or heights, like an Olympic champion, even better at high levels.
Awareness: the barbarian has a 15%+5% per level chance to spot an enemy which wants to surprise him/her or otherwise to feel a dangerous situation, even waking up from sleep at the least suspect noise (for example an assassin which failed to move silently). It is to applied even for backstabbing.
Climb Walls: as a thief of the same level if the wall is natural, otherwise half that chance if the wall is artificial (as a house or castle wall).
Bonus Skills: He/she automatically gains hide, survival, nature lore in his/her native land and tracking.
Frenzy: if he/she fails a Wis check at the beginning of a combat engagement, the barbarian gets into frenzy and fights with a +2 to hit and damage, ending the attacks only when all enemies are dead and he/she will never retire. If the Wis check roll is a 20, then after killing his/her enemies, he/she must make a check every round or attack his/her friends and allies until the check is made. The initial check is voluntary.
Wicca or Shaman: the barbarian may become a wicca or a shaman exactly like humanoids do, as described in GAZ10.Wizard Slayer
As the paladin is for a fighter, so the wizard slayer is for the barbarian. In fact in the barbarian societies magic is feared and particular warriors are chosen from their childhood to start a strict spiritual and physical training. The wizard slayer as the same abilities as a barbarian, besides he/she gains detect evil as a paladin. He/she learns to use magic like a druid of a level one third (rounding down) of his/her actual level. Every time he/she fights against a magic user he/she automatically is frenzied. He/she must have at least 13 in Wis and always wears specific decorations (even tattoos) and clothing, so that every magic user knows how to recognise a wizard slayer. The wizard slayer may not become a wicca or a shaman and has not any power against undead.Ranger
This kind of fighter likes life in the open. Usually he/she belongs to an advanced culture, but he/she has rejected it since his/her childhood, living in the woods or other wild areas, preferring animals and druids to the crowded urban streets. The ranger has the same requirements and limitations of a standard fighter, but he/she does not wear armours heavier than leather and (if weapon mastery rules are used) he/she must have at least a basic mastery with a missile weapon (bows, crossbows or sling). He/she usually does not own more than he/she can carry. If the ranger has got 13 or more in wisdom, he/she can use spells as a druid of a third of his/her actual level. The ranger gains tracking, survival (in a specific terrain type) and hunting as bonus skills. Other recommended skills are herbalist (or nature lore), animal lore, riding and all other skills useful in the wilds. Even if the ranger is a fighter, he/she does not live to fight but to survive: this is the motivation that sometimes takes the ranger to join an adventuring party or to work as a scout or mercenary.