Verdan names (Portuguese)
by Átila Pires dos SantosWords marked with * aren't canon; Translations between # are the canon ones. Possible corrections are indicated with { }.
*A Sereia = The Mermaid, the Siren (a.k.a. Calitha Starbrow)
*O Mercador = The Merchant (a.k.a. Asterius)
O Embaixador = The Ambassador (a.k.a. Masauwu)
O General = The General (a.k.a. Thor)
A Juíza = The Judge (a.k.a. Tarastia)
Milano = Milan (a.k.a. Mealiden Starwatcher)
Valérias = Valerias
Fanha = Vanya--------------------------------
DOMÍNIO DE VILAVERDE = Dominion of Vilaverde (Vila verde meaning "Green village")
Porto Preto = Black Port
Cafundo {Cafundó} = Middle of nowhere (Bantu origin)
Torre do Perdão = #Tower of Mercy#
*Torre do Perdido = #Tower of the Lost One#, Tower of the DoomedBastião das Tartarugas [colony] = #Bastion of the Turtles#
Terra Leãoça [colony] = Lion-Jaguar Land
+Rocha dos Gatos = #Rock of the Cats#
+Três Corações = Three Hearts
+Espora-Verde = Green Spur
+Postera {Póstera} = Posterior
+Mina Solferina = Solferino Mine (OR Sulphur Mine)Babosas = from the popular Portuguese last name "Barbosa", that means "place with many Capim-Barba-de-Bode (Cyperus compressus)"
Baia {Baía} dos Porquinhos = Bay of the Little Pigs
O Grande Escarpamento = #The Great Escarpment#
Escolhos = Rocks, reefs
Ponto Piratas {Ponta dos Piratas} = Pirates' Point, Pirates' Cape*Batalha de Burdouro = Battle of Golden Burg, #Battle of Burdür#
*Batalha de Porto Preto = (Naval) Battle of Porto Preto--------------------------------
ESTADO DE TEXEIRAS = State of Texeiras (from the popular Portuguese "Teixeira", that means "place with many Teixos (Yew)")
Boa Mansão = Good Mansion
*Senzala = House (Bantu origin; Old name of Boa Mansão)
Vila Franca = Franc Village
Porto Punhal = Port Dagger
Velha Navalha = Old Razor
*Villa Naval = Naval Village (Ispan/Spanish origin of the modern name "Velha Navalha")-GEOGRAFIC FEATURES AND BATTLE SITES
Baia {Baía} da Sereia = #Bay of the Siren#, Bay of the Mermaid ("Bahía" (Galician) could also be used instead of "Baía" (Portuguese); The best translation for "Siren" in Portuguese/Galician is "Sirena")
Cabo dos Cães = Cape of the Dogs
Cabo dos {do} Caos = Cape of the Chaos*Batalha de Vila Franca = (Naval) Battle of Vila Franca
PROTECTORADO DA PRESA = Protectorate of Presa (Presa meaning "Fang")
Porto do Sul = South Port
Torre Cruzada = Crossed Tower
Praça Forte de Texeiras = Stronghold of Texeiras
Solidão = Loneliness
Poracá = ***SEE JIBAR NAMES***
Minas da Opala = Opal Mines
Minas da Silva = Mines of Silva (from Thyatian/Latim, meaning "wood, forest") OR Silver Mines-GEOGRAFIC FEATURES AND BATTLE SITES
Cabo das Baleias = #Cape of the Whales#
Ilhas Gémeas = #Twin Islands#--------------------------------
COLÔNIAS DE IALÚ = Yalu Colonies
Porto Escorpião [colony, Vilaverde] = #Port Scorpion#Porto Maldição [colony, Vilaverde] = #Port Malediction#
+Mato Grande = Overgrowth bush*Colônia do Chifre [colony, Texeiras] = #Colony of the Horn#
+Bom Jardim = Good Gardem
+Fortaleza da Boa Vista = Fortress of the Good SightPreuve [colony, Renardy] = Proof (Renardois/French)
*Estreito de Ialú = #Strait of Yalu#
*Baía de Ialú = #Yalu Bay#
*Baía das Penas = #Bay of Feathers#
*Pântano Podre = #Rot Swamp#Cabo do Macaco = Cape of the Monkey
*Ilhas do Tridente = #Trident Isles#
*Baía do Tridente = #Trident Bay#
*Baía das Lágrimas = #Bay of Tears#
*Pântano Cinza = #Grey Swamp#
*Planícies do Vento = #Wind Flats#
*Terra do Mosquito = #Mosquito Land#
*Terra das Dunas Móveis = #Land of the Shifting Dunes#
*Plantação = Plantation
*Caatinga = ***SEE JIBAR NAMES*** (marked at the map as "The Horn")--------------------------------
*BARONATO DE MAGALHÃES = Barony of Magalhães [Includes all the Yalu Colonies, AC 1020]
Província de Escorpião = Province of Scorpion
+*Porto Abençoado = Blessed Port [new name of Porto Maldição]
+Mato Grande = Overgrowth bush
+Porto Escorpião = Port ScorpionProvíncia Valeriana = Valerian Province
+*Vila Valeriana = Valerian Village (new name of Preuve)
+*Mina Rica = Rich MineProvíncia do Novo Pampa = Province of New Pampa (Pampa meaning "Grassland")
+*Estâncias = Cattle FarmsProvíncia do Chifre = Province of the Horn
+Bom Jardim = Good Gardem
+Fortaleza da Boa Vista = Fortress of the Good Sight-GEOGRAFIC FEATURES AND BATTLE SITES
*Novo Pampa = New Pampa (Grassland)--------------------------------
Mina do Sul = #South Mine#
Mina do Norte = #North Mine#
Campo-Ladrão = Thief's Camp
Campo dos Ogros = Ogres' Camp
Serra Sanguinea {Sanguínea} = #Bleeding Mountains#, Hills of the Blood--------------------------------
*CANAL DE ADÁQUIA = Adakkian Sound
*Porto Cabinda [colony, Vilaverde] = Port Cabinda (Bantu origin)*São Paulo [colony, Vilaverde] = Saint Paul
*Beira [colony, Texeiras] = Shore
*Porto Santuário [colony, Texeiras] = Port Sanctuary
+*Torres Novas = New Towers