Conquest of Veydra - Land of the Gemstone Dragons
by Håvard
Veydra is an Outer Plane mentioned in the Dragonlord Trilogy. According to these novels, this world was the base from which the Overlord attempted to conquer Mystara in ca AC 497. Apparently, neither the Gemstone Dragons (first introduced in the D&D Master Rules) or the Overlord were natives to this plane.
Zendrolion presented an idea that the Gemstone Dragons were native to Mystara during the Age of Blackmoor and had been banished for using magic involving the special gems in the soil of Blackmoor to alter themselves. I think this is a pretty cool idea.
Do we know anything about Veydra before the Gemdragons arrived there? There must have been some reason why they decided to stay there rather than trying to find a different plane of existence. I assume it would have been dominated by Energy.
Do we know where the Overlord came from? My impression is that he is from the Nightmare Dimension and many of his other servitors are abberation-like creatures like Beholders.
Did the Overlord conquer the whole plane/planet? Depending on its size, I don't think that needs to be true. If the most powerful dragons were found in one region (a mountain chain, or draconic city), that would have been enough as the Overlord's main plan would have been to use Veydra as a staging area for further conquest. Since the Overlord promised to bring the Gemstone Dragons back to Mystara, he might not have needed to even use that much force as he would have been welcomed as a kind of saviour?
So I guess I am looking for ideas on:
1) What is this plane like in general and what was it like before the arrival of the dragons?
2) How did the dragons change the plane?
3) What events took place when the Overlord arrived. Was he met with any resistance? Did he actually conquer this entire plane?