Vilaverde and Texeiras
The easternmost baronies of Vilaverde and Texeiras maintain strong navies. These are lands of seafarers, adventuresome souls who travel the length of the Savage Coast and visit other lands. The people of these lands tend to ignore the Red Curse, yet are just the types of people with enough daring and wanderlust to perhaps complete a quest to end it, could they be so motivated.
The Chronicle of the Curse
by Don Luis de Manzanas
Sometimes called the Sea Powers, Vilaverde and Texeiras are the strongest naval powers on the entire Savage Coast. These rivals, with their strong seafaring presence, virtually control the western half of the Gulf of Hule. The two states often clash with the aggressive City-States, especially Hojah, Slagovich, and Zvornik.
Like the humans of the other baronies, those in the Sea Powers are primarily Ispan descent, mingled with Oltec, Nithian, and Traladaran blood. In addition, the people of the Sea Powers have intermarried for decades with settlers from Yavdlom tall, ebony-skinned humans with traces of elven blood.
Though the peaceful aspects of Yavdlom culture have done little to cool the hot blood of Guardianos with whom they have intermarried, the present culture of the Sea Powers does revere seers and prophets. Diviners are popular among the seafarers of Vilaverde and Texeiras for their usefulness in predicting the weather on seafaring journeys. Verdans make many long ocean voyages, and their ships have travelled from the Gulf of Hule to the far side of the Orc's Head Peninsula and beyond.
The Sea Powers, besides having an effective, ocean-based fighting force, also boast skilled merchants; they carry goods to many places along the Savage Coast. Despite some jealousy over the Sea Powers' control of Savage Coast shipping, the other nations of the coast value the transportation, communication, and commerce provided by their ships.
In addition, Vilaverde and Texeiras are known for the colonies they have started in various places along the coast. Vilaverde's colonies include Terra Leãoça, O Bastião das Tartarugas, and the recently independent colony of Porto Escorpião. Texeiras maintains the successful colonies of Protectorado da Presa and the Colony of the Horn.
Based roughly on Portugal of the 1500s and 1600s, the Sea Powers are home to explorers, swashbucklers, merchants, and pirates. The people of Vilaverde and Texeiras are a proud folk who form a distinctive political unit among the Savage Baronies; when they ally, none can stand against them at sea. Because few Savage Coast nations are without ports, the threat of naval retaliation is enough to keep other nations from molesting the land holdings of Vilaverde and Texeiras. Both countries prefer the title "Barão" for their lords.
Dominio de Vilaverde
Vilaverde is home to high-spirited people who travel widely across the Savage Coast. Among other nations, Vilaverde is known as a haven for pirates and outlaws, a lawless realm that cares little for civilised society. While this reputation has elements of truth, the dominion is not quite as lawless as it is painted. Its independent people are fiercely patriotic, willing to unify to defend Vilaverde from any difficulty.
Vilaverde's biggest challenge is the defence of its eastern border, the only place Hule has direct contact with the baronies. Along with Terra Vermelha and the eastern reaches of the Yazak Steppes, Vilaverde might seem a flimsy obstacle to Hule's expansion into baronial territories. However, the Vilaverdan fleet is an effective deterrent to Hule's aggression because it could easily destroy Hule's navy and all its coastal assets. Four years ago, Huleans met and defeated a hastily assembled Vilaverdan force at the Battle of Burdür, but before Hule could take advantage of the victory, Vilaverde destroyed most of Hule's shipping ability in two battles in the inlet near Karakoy and sacked several settlements. Rather than risk its other coastal properties, which it had believed well-defended, Hule withdrew from Vilaverde.
The Nation
Vilaverde's landscape is dominated by grasslands, broken by cultivated farmlands, ragged forests, and a few hills. The nation is geographically divided down the centre; a few miles inland from the coast, the land sweeps upward to a plateau several hundred feet above sea level. This slope, known as O Grande Escarpamento, is miles long, stretching the length of the barony. The cliff is broken in many places by gentle slopes leading down to the coastal lowlands; these breaks allow ready travel from lowlands to highlands in every sector of Vilaverde.
Vilaverde has existed for more than a century. Its borders have been relatively constant during that time with occasional minor setbacks and conquests. Vilaverde has never absorbed or conquered another state, nor has another state ever owned, absorbed, or broken away from Vilaverde.
The People
Vilaverdans are known as explorers, adventurers, thieves, pirates, and whalers. The typical citizen encountered in Vilaverde is a Swashbuckler fighter, though Nobles and Local Heroes are relatively common as well. Spellcasters are uncommon, and most mages of Vilaverde are Swashbucklers who prefer a flashy style of magic. Feared on all seas, Vilaverdans are a light-hearted, high-spirited people whom others regard as highly audacious.
The Yavdlom background of the Vilaverdans gives them great respect for divination. Since most of their divination is used at sea, the effects of the Red Curse do not muddle the results as much. Fortune tellers are common in the settlements and are usually consulted before important ventures. Vilaverdans believe in fate and luck and enjoy testing both with games of chance.
The Red Curse
Vilaverdans view the Red Curse simply as a hazard of life, one that causes pain for the "other guy." They seldom think about the Red Curse because life is too short to spend worrying about that which Fate has already planned; whatever happens, happens. Inhabitants of Vilaverde mostly ignore Afflicted because their visages are unpleasant and depressing. In response, Afflicted band together to form their own communities where they blithely ignore the various deformations of their neighbours, acting as if everything is perfectly normal.
Industry and Trade
Vilaverde brings in money through whaling, shipping, and raiding. The people of Vilaverde are skilled whalers, and the seas off their coast have an abundant supply of whales. The Vilaverdan fleet also trades all along the Savage Coast, carrying goods from port to port. Vilaverde controls most sea trade with Herath and Bellayne and has a monopoly on trade goods out of Nimmur, the far-western homeland of the manscorpions. Its other customers include some ports in Renardy and Robrenn.
To protect and expand their commerce, Vilaverdans explore constantly. They have built numerous settlements and outposts along the coast, including three fairly large and successful colonies (Terra Leãoça, O Bastião das Tartarugas, and Porto Escorpião). Most of Vilaverde's holdings are no more than small forts or fortified villages used for commerce and navigation. Vilaverde once established a small colony on the Arm of the Immortals, Porto Maldição.
Vilaverde controls the only two large cinnabryl mines so far discovered in Terra Vermelha. They use most of the cinnabryl internally, reducing the number of Afflicted in Vilaverde, but they export significant amounts, primarily to the other baronies and Eusdria. Vilaverde also conducts heavy trade in the red steel gained from use of cinnabryl.
While not overly religious, the Vilaverdans do venerate the Immortals, especially Milan, Valerias, and Faña. The Ambassador is favoured over the General; the Judge receives little reverence because leading an honourable life is not an overriding concern to most Vilaverdans.
The Ruler
Vilaverde is ruled by Barão Jorge "O Temerário" de Vilaverde. Baron Jorge "The Intrepid" is a charismatic human fighter with the Swashbuckler kit. At 55 years old, he shows little sign of age. Proud, quick, and fit, he still holds his own in a sword duel. While a dynamic and dashing individual, Baron Jorge is also a profound thinker who cares deeply about his nation and the welfare of his people. He is ruthless in protecting Vilaverde.
Baron Jorge's rule is supported by an oligarchy of wealthy sea captains, many of whom achieved wealth through piracy. These captains and their families are the land's ruling class, the nobility of Vilaverde. A Captains' Council, made up of representatives of the ruling families, serves as an advisory board to Baron Jorge; the Captains' Council also admits new members of nobility based on activities, wealth, attitude, and bribes. While it is said that any native can rise to the nobility in Vilaverde, few are actually admitted by the council. Despite bribes and corruption, the council does take pains to insure that those chosen have some semblance of noble bearing, knowledge of etiquette, and grasp of politics. Currently, 22 families are considered nobility; each holds a seat on the Captains' Council. The council is growing slowly, with a new seat added once every two or three years. Still, occasionally a family is destroyed or disgraced and removed from the council.
The Captains' Council meets once a month to conduct its own business and offer advice to Baron Jorge. While the baron is not obligated to act on this advice, he always considers council recommendations closely because he knows the Captains' Council represents the most powerful families in Vilaverde.
Technically, all of Vilaverde and its colonial holdings are the property of Baron Jorge. However, he grants indefinite leases to noble families. The nobles mediate over local disputes and act as custodians of their (leased) estates. In return for the use of the land, they are obligated to provide ships and warriors for the protection and enrichment of Vilaverde.
Baron Jorge has two heirs. His eldest son is Dom Jorge, ruler of Porto Escorpião, a colony which Baron Jorge recently granted independence. The baron's second son is Dom Fernando, who represents the baron's family on the Captains' Council. Since Porto Escorpião was granted independence, some speculation exists as to who will inherit Vilaverde when Barón Jorge dies. The baron has not yet stated his preference.
The Capital
Porto Preto, a town with 9,800 permanent residents, serves as the capital of Vilaverde. A notorious pirate haven, Porto Preto is also the home port of a large fleet of armed merchant ships. It is heavily defended, as are all other towns in this region.
The majority of the residents of Porto Preto are human, though a few established families of demihumans and lupins also live here. However, Porto Preto hosts many visitors of widely varied races. Most townspeople are merchants and labourers, including a large number of innkeepers, tavern owners, and dock workers all those whose livelihood involves keeping a navy afloat and reasonably happy. Farms surround the town, and their produce decorates Porto Preto's open markets regularly. Some foodstuffs are sold in town, and a small percentage is exported to other nations.
Porto Preto is an exciting town with a spirited nightlife. Intrigue lurks in alleys, rogues are common, and duels occur several times a day. More than a little dangerous for the unprepared, a new experience awaits around every corner in Porto Preto.
Other Places of Interest
Tiny hamlets with fortified keeps dot the Domain of Vilaverde. While most are too small to appear on the map (and are left for the DM to design as desired), the larger and more important places are briefly discussed in the following text.
The village of Cafundo is the only other major settlement in Vilaverde. A quiet, busy place, it is a farming and fishing village with a population of a few hundred humans.
Torre do Perdão, the "tower of the lost one," sits at the edge of O Grande Escarpamento, where a major break in the cliff has allowed a road to be built from Porto Preto to the mines in Terra Vermelha. Once a major stopover on this important trade route, the tower was sacked in the recent wars. Formerly garrisoned with soldiers, Torre do Perdão now stands empty, waiting for someone to clear out whatever bandits and monsters have moved in, and enable Baron Jorge to devote resources to rebuilding it.
A few miles off Porto Preto's waterfront lies the site of a major naval battle some 30 years ago. The conflict was between Texeiras and Vilaverde. More than 40 sunken ships rest here and in the surrounding waters. While some have been ransacked, others lie at the bottom of the sea with untouched treasures and hidden dangers.
O Bastião das Tartarugas (Bastion of the Turtles)
On the coast southeast of Robrenn, this small Vilaverdan colony claims several square miles of beaches and cliffs. It is named for the only settlement, a foreboding castle perched high on the windswept cliffs. The castle is home to several dozen humans and is staffed by a like number of tortle peasants. A complicated system of winches and pulleys allows provisions to be hauled up the cliff with relative ease; from the castle, goods are sent on to settlements in Robrenn.
Terra Leãoça
This Vilaverdan colony sits on the western Savage Coast and borders Bellayne and Herath. Established to control naval access to the city of Theeds in Bellayne, Terra Leãoça enforces Vilaverde's quasi-monopoly on sea trade in the region. Bellayne's ships are allowed passage to the trade routes, but they pay dearly for the privilege.
Vilaverde maintains a strong military presence at Rocha dos Gatos (the "Rock of the Cats"), a large fortress and a port in Terra Leãoça that garrisons Torreóner swordsmen and rakasta outcasts. The colony also operates a sulphur mine and a lighthouse. It encompasses the ruins of Espora-Verde and two villages, Três Coraçães and Postera (both centres for commerce with Herath). Espora-Verde was a tower sacked by goblinoids in the recent wars. It has not yet been rebuilt.
Terra Leãoça receives quiet support from the Great Magus of Herath because it is costly to Bellayne, keeping that nation from threatening Herath. In return for the support, the Vilaverdans allow Herathian merchant ships to sail through the colony's territorial waters without interference.
Porto Escorpião
This small state, on the western coast of the Orc's Head Peninsula, consists of little more than a castle and a lighthouse. Established as a Vilaverdan trading post, it was granted independence about two years ago, when Vilaverde recalled troops and relinquished official control of the colony.
Dom Jorge de Vilaverde, son of Baron Jorge, runs Porto Escorpião. In an effort to cut costs and to bring veteran soldiers back to Vilaverde in times of trouble, Baron Jorge gave his son complete control over the holding; several troops remained loyal to Dom Jorge and stayed in Porto Escorpião. While Dom Jorge appreciates the political necessity of the decision, he understandably feels abandoned and wonders whether he continues to be heir to all his father's holdings or if Vilaverde will be inherited by his brother, Dom Fernando. While Vilaverde and Porto Escorpião maintain trade and cordial relations, the relationship between father and son has become strained. So far, Dom Jorge has remained loyal, but he is impatient for an answer regarding his status.
Porto Maldição
This former colony consists of the village of Mato Grande and a fortress with the same name as the colony. The small holding on the Arm of the Immortals declared independence when Porto Escorpião was released. Since Porto Maldição is small, far away, and of little importance, Vilaverde released it without a second thought.
Estado de Texeiras
Like Vilaverde, Texeiras is home to a well-travelled, high-spirited folk. Though also viewed by most Baronials as a home for pirates, Texeiras is recognised as having legitimate merchants. While Vilaverde takes what it wants, Texeiras earns its possessions and trade in most people's minds. Ironically, Texeirans are less often considered thieves by outsiders simply because they are more subtle about their practices.
The people of Texeiras are a little less boisterous than those of Vilaverde but are just as independent and proud. In fact, Texeirans are even more patriotic than Vilaverdans, to the point that they hear insults in even the mildest of criticisms.
The Nation
Most of Texeiras is forested, though the state includes grasslands and abundant farmland as well. Forests are carefully protected because they provide the wood for Texeiran ships. Texeiras also claims a small portion of O Grande Escarpamento, the grasslands that border Terra Vermelha. Situated around the Baia da Sereia, Texeiras is shielded from the worst of the weather in the region.
Texeiras was founded 80 years ago along the eastern edge of Baia da Sereia. Almost 30 years later, it absorbed the Yavdlom colony of Tanaka, which had occupied Cabo dos Cães, now the eastern end of Texeiras. In the same campaign of conquest, Texeiras took over the barony of Marino, which had recently broken from Narvaez to claim the western shores of Baia da Sereia. Narvaez has threatened once or twice to take back the Marino lands but has never matched the naval supremacy of Texeiras. At the moment, Texeiras is on reasonably good terms with Narvaez.
The People
Texeirans, like Vilaverdans, are known as explorers, adventurers, whalers, and privateers. The typical person encountered in Texeiras is more likely a thief than a warrior, usually a charismatic Swashbuckler with expensive tastes and a suave demeanour; the Local Hero, Noble, and Honourbound are also common kits. While warriors and wizards are common in Texeiras, rogues are much more common here than elsewhere in the baronies. Citizens of Texeiras are subtle enough about their thievery that people generally believe them to be an honest, hard-working folk.
The more worldly people of the Savage Coast have learned to be cautious in what they say about a Texeiran, Texeiras, or any product of that state. Texeirans have even been known to suggest duels if someone offers a low price for their goods. Texeirans are a proud lot who try to avenge any insult against them real or imagined.
The Red Curse
Like Vilaverdans, Texeirans seldom think about the Red Curse. Life is too short to dwell on something so depressing. Texeiras boasts a thriving trade in cinnabryl, so Afflicted are relatively uncommon. Texeiran enclaves of Afflicted tend to stay rather cheerful and are well-maintained, like those in Vilaverde; deformations are largely ignored by the inhabitants of the enclaves.
Industry and Trade
The main Texeiran exports are wood and cinnabryl. Most timber exports go to Vilaverde and Renardy. Texeiras knows that Narvaez wants to build a fleet to rival its own, so it usually find excuses to not sell wood to Narvaez. Cinnabryl is imported as well as exported; most supplies coming from Slagovich, small deposits in Terra Vermelha, and trade with Vilaverde (usually in return for wood). Narvaez relies on Texeiras for most of its cinnabryl. Texeiras also trades in red steel, especially in return for cinnabryl from Slagovich.
Texeiras has a strong merchant fleet to protect its trade routes and has established numerous outposts along the Savage Coast. These include two important colonies: Protectorado da Presa (near Renardy and Eusdria) and the Colony of the Horn (on the Orc's Head Peninsula). Texeiran crews consist mostly of swashbuckling rogues and are supplemented by Torreóner mercenaries who serve as marines.
The Texeiran fleets carry out much of the commerce along the Savage Coast. They transport trade goods to all the nations of the coast; Eusdria in particular is a consistent trading partner. It is usually Texeiras that trades with the City-States and Robrenn.
Like the Vilaverdans, Texeirans are not overly religious. They revere Milan, Valerias, and Faña; they also hold the Ambassador in high esteem but see the Judge and the General as less important. The Texeiran veneration of Faña provides common ground with the people of Narvaez, who know her as the Inquisitor.
The Ruler
The ruler of Texeiras is Barão Bartolomeu "O Calvo" de Texeiras. Baron "Bart the Bald" is a retired adventurer, a human Swashbuckler thief now in his early 60s. The baron's wife died some years ago, leaving him without an heir. Much speculation exists as to whom he will name to take his place; the front-runner seems to be Dominíca da Solidão (see Protectorado da Presa later in this chapter), but many believe Baron Bart will choose some unknown who impresses him with daring and honour. More than a few adventurers have tried to gain his attention and praise with their activities.
Texeiras functions on a strict hierarchy. The baron claims the top position; the governors he has appointed to different regions (internal and external) are the next level and are considered nobility. Because Baron Bart is a shrewd judge of character, the majority of Texeiran nobles deserve their titles. The people of Texeiras consider him an extremely competent leader.
The overall structure of the government resembles a thieves' guild, and the baron has numerous spies, assassins, and other agents in his service. These help Baron Bart keep track of his holdings, followers, and international events. They also allow him to manipulate others for the good of Texeiras.
Baron Bart sits in a difficult position because he must maintain his borders against many powerful neighbours. All of them covet his rich capital, fleets, and colonial holdings. The barony's overall population and land forces remain rather light in comparison with its neighbours. So far, diplomacy, bribery, and skilful use of political manipulation or assassinations maintain the status quo.
The Capital
Boa Mansão, with its population of 8,700, is by far the largest settlement in Texeiras. Besides being the centre of government, it is also the centre of commerce and culture. Most merchandise brought through the region, including loads of cinnabryl, passes through this town. Far less rowdy than its Vilaverdan counterpart, Boa Mansão is a town with museums and theatres in addition to its inns, taverns, and shipping businesses.
The citizens of the capital are mostly human, though a few representatives of each of the humanoid races along the Savage Coast have taken up residency here. As in Porto Preto, while most inhabitants are merchants and labourers, a large number of artists and crafters reside here as well.
Boa Mansão is a reasonably quiet place. Since commerce is so important to the nation, and the capital is the centre of that commerce, outright thievery is frowned upon within the town. Most Texeirans know better than to rob someone in the capital, and many thieves in the town actually try to prevent miscellaneous robberies and muggings. If a robbery does occur in Boa Mansão, the town's extensive thieves' guild can usually find the perpetrators and return stolen possessions to their owners, giving the town a reputation as safe. This allows Texeirans to work on much more subtle and elaborate schemes than simple robbery.
Other Places of Interest
Besides the capital, Texeiras has only one major settlement, the village of Velha Navalha on Cabo dos Cães. Primarily a fishing village, Velha Navalha also boasts a small garrison of Torreóner mercenaries and a few ships. In case of an attack, these military forces have orders to merely delay any attackers while a message is sent to the capital for reinforcements.
Until recently, two other important villages (Porto Punhaland Vila Franca) prospered in Texeiras, but both villages were ransacked during the recent wars. They have not yet been rebuilt, though a few Afflicted have moved to Vila Franca and are trying to gain a charter for government from Baron Bart.
Off the coast near Vila Franca lies the site of a naval battle, fought just over 50 years ago between Texeiras and Marino. Marino's hopes of independence ended here. Most sunken ships in the area have been thoroughly searched, but a few might still hold treasures.
Protectorado da Presa
This domain consists of two large islands (Ilhas Gémeas, the Twin Islands) and a fair part of Cabo das Baleias (the Cape of Whales), located south of Renardy and sharing a border with Eusdria. During the recent wars, the Protectorado da Presa declared independence from Texeiras. The situation escalated into a small civil war, and the colony's major settlements were destroyed. To end hostilities, the colony was granted near autonomy but is still considered the property of Texeiras.
The main settlements in the region are the imposing fortress Praça Forte de Texeiras and the well-defended Torre Cruzada. Both villages (Solidão and Poracá) and the town (Porto do Sul) remain in ruins. Because Protectorado da Presa's shores are now short on land-based protection, ships patrol the region constantly, periodically relieving crews at the colony's important lighthouses. Permanent settlements are beginning to develop around the two mining camps on the cape. One mine produces opals, the other silver; these important Texeiran assets are well guarded.
The leader of Protectorado da Presa, the lord of Praça Forte de Texeiras, is actually a lady, Dominíca da Solidão. A charismatic Honourbound fighter, she led the rebellion against Texeiras but has enough supporters in Boa Mansão that Baron Bart felt it would be unwise to remove her. The two leaders came an to agreement about the colony's status that seems to satisfy both parties. Some Texeirans speculate that in return for Dominíca allowing the colony to remain part of Texeiras, the baron has named her heir to Texeiras. However, neither leader has verified any such agreement.
The Colony of the Horn
Located on the upper western tip of the Orc's Head Peninsula, the Colony of the Horn consists of a village, a fort, and several square miles of relatively barren land. The tip of the Horn is also known as Cabo do Macaco, the Cape of the Monkey. The land here varies from grassland to sand dunes but also boasts some rich plantations.
Fortaleza da Boa Vista is a small fortress with a substantial military force composed of about 200 Torreóner mercenaries, a like number of Texeiran ground troops, and about a dozen ships. The fort allows Texeiras to maintain a strong presence on the Orc's Head Peninsula, which is rumoured to have many untapped resources and ancient treasure hoards.
Well within the borders of the Haze, the small village of Bom Jardim (home to about 250 people) has become known as a haven for those avoiding the Red Curse. Those who recover from Affliction can go there to recuperate if they can afford passage. On occasion, adventurers retire in the village, where they no longer have to worry about obtaining cinnabryl. Though Bom Jardim is a quiet place, it is jealously guarded by its residents, perhaps half of whom have an adventuring background and are more than able to defend themselves.
Probably the most famous part-time resident of Bom Jardim is Killian, a privateer who ranges up and down the coast, never spending more than a few days at a time in the cursed lands. Killian's ship, the Selwynn, is named for a lost love, a golden-eyed elven woman of gentle manner and surpassing beauty. With his swashbuckling crew and his Texeiran letter of marque, Killian raids ships all along the Savage Coast. He is especially fond of attacking ships from Narvaez to remind the state how pitiful its naval forces are.
Terra Vermelha
Also called the Red Lands, this area consists of badlands, rocky hills, scrub plains, and other inhospitable terrain, including an active volcano, Serra Sanguinea (the Bleeding Mountain). Despite the unattractive nature of its landscape, Terra Vermelha is the object of fierce competition. Claimed by both Vilaverde and Texeiras, the land holds many small, scattered deposits of cinnabryl. Although few deposits last long enough to provide their claimants with any significant advantage, this cinnabryl nevertheless represents a point of contention between both these two baronies and the bordering nations, Torreón and Hule.
Vilaverde currently operates the only two large mines in Terra Vermelha. Scouts and prospectors from Texeiras and Torreón roam constantly, occasionally finding deposits of cinnabryl. Torreón, with its strong military, is in the best position to overrun Terra Vermelha and seize its treasure. However, the Treaty of Tampicos keeps the nations in line, more or less.
The treaty states that the first nation to raise its flag above a desired mining site gains the right to mine there. To raise a flag, a messenger must bring the news to his or her nation's ruler, then return with an official delegate and a mining writ. This first step is the most dangerous since rivals often kill envoys so their own flags can be raised first. More than once have armies clashed over a treacherous ambush or falsified writ.
Settlements in the Red Lands include the two official Vilaverdan mines, Mina do Sul and Mina do Norte (South Mine and North Mine), and two nearby, unsavoury camps. As their names suggest, southern Campo-Ladrão is home to bandits looking for other nation's prospectors, and northern Campo dos Ogros bolsters its might with ogre mercenaries.
Brigands, goblinoids, and foul monsters also reside in the Red Lands. Some of these inhabitants can be persuaded to work with forces from one of the four neighbouring nations for outrageous fees. However, they are not terribly loyal and tend to switch loyalties whenever they receive a higher offer. Like most natives of Terra Vermelha, when not accepting mercenary pay and sometimes even while they are these raiders prey on miners, caravans, and border villages.
One of the more interesting features of the Red Lands is the ruined city known as Antro do Dragão, the Dragon Den. Originally built thousands of years ago by Oltecs, the city shows signs of later habitation by Nithians, elves, and dwarves. The city remains in remarkably good condition for its age because no one has spent enough time in it to cause much damage. Whether or not the place is actually the home of a dragon remains unknown; however, some powerful creature definitely guards the city and its riches.