Azem-ahtrah (Skittering Vipers)
by John CalvinMedium aberration
AC: 14 (natural armor)
HP: 21 (3d8 + 9)
Speed: 30 ft., climb 30ft.
Damage Immunities: poison, psychicAzem-ahtrah are created in the Pit of Shadaur with dark magic that requires the blood of elves be mixed with sacrificed serpents. The resulting abominations resemble vipers with heads the size of a wolf’s and short thick bodies. When they open their mouths, a mass of segmented legs ending in sharp claws and pincers is revealed, which they use to run across the land and capture prey.
Nightmare Bite
The bite of an azem-ahtrah injects a curious poison, causing the victim to lose consciousness and fall into a nightmare filled slumber for 1d4 hours.Unnatural Carry
Azem-ahtrah may carry one medium creature or smaller, in their mouth while still maintaining their full movement speed, as long as that creature has succumbed to their nightmare bite ability. Any creature carried in this way may be automatically injected with the azem-ahtrah’s nightmare bite ability to keep them sleeping.