Vortex Creature
by Jamie BatyThe great dimensional Barrier, whose very existence creates the dilemma and paradox of the missing dimensions, is commonly called the Dimensional Vortex. The few life forms known to arise from dimensional space including the Vortex, are called vortex creatures. All of these beings can be described as either minor or major. A typical minor vortex creature is the spectral hound. Major vortex creatures are incredibly dangerous to both mortals and Immortals. A typical example is the blackball.
The characteristics of all vortex creatures place them within the Sphere of Entropy, though they are not actually part of that Organisation.
Vortex creatures are very rare, and little is known about them. They do come in many types, however aberrations and magical beasts seem to be the most prevalent types.Major
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Creating a Major Vortex Creature
Major Vortex Creature is an inherited template that can be added to any creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature).
A Major Vortex creature uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.Size and Type: Creature's type and size remains the same. It gains the Exalted, Extraplanar and Incorporeal subtypes.
Hit Dice: Same as base creature.
Speed: Same as base creature.
Armour Class: Creature loses its natural AC bonus, if any. Creature gains a Deflection Bonus to AC equal to its Cha modifier (+1 minimum).
Base Attack/Grapple: Base Attack same as base creature. Incorporeal creatures have no Grapple Attack.
Attack: A Major Vortex creature maintains all of the attacks it possessed as a normal creature.
Full Attack: A Major Vortex creature maintains all of the attacks it possessed as a normal creature.
Damage: Attack damage remains the same.
Special Attacks: A Major Vortex creature maintains all of the special attacks of the base creature, with the following adjustments:
• Mind Power (Sp): As a swift round action, a major vortex creature may create a variety of spell-like effects at the expenditure of Power Points (please see Immortals rules for the nature of this power). The exact number of Power Points a major vortex creature has is equal to 50 PP per HD. Major Vortex creatures are associated with the Sphere of Entropy (although not formally); Power Points regenerate at the rate of 1 per minute. Major Vortex creatures can use the following powers:
- A Major Vortex creature can cast any mortal spell at 25th level, but that costs it double the spell level in PP (for example, a fire ball would cost it 6 PP)..
- A Major Vortex creature may cast the immortal spells power attack (2 PP per 1d6, up to 1d6 per HD), probe (5 PP) and probe-shield (5 PP).Special Qualities: A Major Vortex creature's special qualities are identical to those of the base creature, with the following adjustments:
• Dimension Door vulnerability (Su): A vortex creature that passes through a dimension door spell is immediately shifted back to its home plane and vanishes forever, no save throw allowed. A vortex creature knows a dimension door by its appearance, and will avoid it at all cost.
• Major Vortex Immunities: Major Vortex creatures are immune to all forms of physical damage, magic, ability damage and drain, poison, disease, energy drain, all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, death effects, and necromancy effects coming from normal creatures. The only known ways of damaging them are through the immortal spell power attack.
• Potent Magic (Ex): Unlike mortal creatures, a major vortex creature can affect an immortal with its magical attacks.Saves: Remains the same.
Abilities: A vortex creature has no Str score due to its incorporeality. It gains a +2 bonus to its Cha score.
Skills: Same as base creature, with the following exception: they gain a +8 bonus to all Intimidate checks.
Feats: Same as base creature.
Environment: Dimensional Vortex
Organisation: Solitary in Normal Planes,.
Challenge Rating: +5
Treasure: Same as base creature's treasure.
Alignment: Any non-good
Advancement: Same as base creature.
Level Adjustment: Same as base creature.
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Creating a Minor Vortex Creature
Minor Vortex Creature is an inherited template that can be added to any creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature).
A Minor Vortex creature uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.Size and Type: Creature's type and size remains the same. It gains the Extraplanar and Incorporeal subtypes.
Hit Dice: Same as base creature.
Speed: Same as base creature.
Armour Class: Creature loses its natural AC bonus, if any. Creature gains a Deflection Bonus to AC equal to its Cha modifier (+1 minimum).
Base Attack/Grapple: Base Attack same as base creature. Incorporeal creatures have no Grapple Attack.
Attack: A Minor Vortex creature maintains all of the attacks it possessed as a normal creature.
Full Attack: A Minor Vortex creature maintains all of the attacks it possessed as a normal creature.
Damage: Attack damage remains the same.
Special Attacks: A Minor Vortex creature maintains all of the special attacks of the base creature.
Special Qualities: A Minor Vortex creature's special qualities are identical to those of the base creature, with the following adjustments:
• Dimension Door vulnerability (Su): A vortex creature that passes through a dimension door spell is immediately shifted back to its home plane and vanishes forever, no save throw allowed. A vortex creature knows a dimension door by its appearance, and will avoid it at all cost.
• Minor Vortex Immunities: Minor Vortex creatures are immune to fire and cold damage.Saves: Remains the same.
Abilities: A vortex creature has no Str score due to its incorporeality. It gains a +2 bonus to its Cha score.
Skills: Same as base creature, with the following exception: they gain a +4 bonus to all Intimidate checks.
Feats: Same as base creature.
Environment: Dimensional Vortex
Organisation: Solitary in Normal Planes,.
Challenge Rating: +2
Treasure: Same as base creature's treasure.
Alignment: Any non-good
Advancement: Same as base creature.
Level Adjustment: Same as base creature.