Wailing Ones (Lesser Banshee)
by HåvardThis creature originally appeared in B4 The Lost City as Banshee and later in AC9 Creature Catalog as Banshee, Lesser.
Wailing Ones, sometimes called Lesser Banshees can be found all over Mystara. Wailing Ones can appear as either male or female and are similar to humans or elves, but thin and pale. Their eyes are glowing, and their mouths are black.
Wailing Ones are not undead, but they are sometimes mistaken for undead Banshees (Haunt). Rather Wailing Ones are Anima; spirits similar to Dryads, Satyrs and Treants. Wailing Ones are drawn to families where one of the family members is about to die and their presence is often seen as a warning. They also mourn the dead and can be found guarding graves or tombs. If distracted from such duties, they will react with hostility.
In combat they may fight with weapons or use their scream ability which deals 1d4 dmg to anyone within a 30’ radius.