Another Halloween (and somewhat pop-culture) monster for you. Enjoy.
by Cab DavidsonAC: 8
HD: 7*
Mv: 60' (30')
Att: 1
Dmg: 1d6
# app: 3-30
Save As: F7
Morale: 12
TT: Nil
Al: Chaotic
XPV: 850Walkers are among the more serious plagues of undead that can infect a settlement. Appearing as slow, rotting zombies, they are in fact orders of magnitude more dangerous. A single walker can bring destruction to a village within a few short days. Even towns and cities are vulnerable to complete destruction.
Walkers are almost unstoppable, craving nothing but the flesh of living creatures, and will continue attacking any creature until it is dead. They will pursue any creature in sight, and if there are none visible they will follow any noise they can hear. If they succeed in killing a creature they will stop and consume that it. One walker takes an hour to consume a human, dwarf or elf sized creature, or half an hour to consume a halfling. Packs take a corresponding amount of time, e.g. 10 walkers will eat a human in 6 minutes as opposed to 60. While frightening, what poses a significantly greater hazard is the fact that any human, demi-human or humanoid wounded by a walker but surviving must make a save vs. paralysis or will in 2d4 hours fall into a painful stupor, unable to move, attack or cast spells. After a further 2d4 hours that character will die, and rise again as a new mindless, insatiably hungry walker.
The robustness of the walker is explained by their capacity to continue moving until, literally, hacked apart. For each 6hp of damage they suffer they incur a cumulative -2 penalty to attack rolls and slow by 6' per turn (2' per round). Removal or destruction of the head will stop a walker, but this requires a called shot with a bladed weapon (at the normal -4 to hit) that inflicts 10 or more points of damage with a single blow.
Walkers, being undead, can be turned. For turning purposes they are treated as vampires.