Klantyrish Warrior Poets
by RobWhen I knocked out that list of bardic kits, I was thinking about Klantyre (I'm a major Braveheart fan, and during the WotI IMC I intend to have the PCs helping out with the Followers of the Claymore (they have NO MAGES and two priests in the party!)).
Skalds are appropriate, but then skalds use mage spells, which I don't consider appropriate at all. I thought perhaps give them priest spells instead? A good solution...
However, I then checked out the dwarven chanter (not dissimilar to a Skald) and they get all sorts of neat stuff, which with a bit of conversion would make a Most Excellent non-spellcasting Klantyrish bard.. here it is, a mishmash between Skalds and Chanters...
Qualifications :- Standard ability scores Weapon Profs :- Must take claymore, broadsword or axe when starting at 1st level
NWPs :- Bonus - local history, poetry, singing, ancient history (note - Laterre, not Mystara!)
Armour :- Nothing heavier than splint mail Benefits :-
Counter Song :- Over the years of life in the magocracy, warrior poets have devised a means of countering certain magicks. If the bard is able to find a spell and learn it (ie put it in their "spellbook") they become highly resistant to the effects of that spell. When targeted by a spell the bard knows the counter for, a successful "learn spells" roll will counter it, as if the bard had 100% magic resistance.
In addition, if the bard can actually "dispel" durational magic if he knows the spells counter. Again, a "learn spells" roll is required for success. If successful the target spell is cancelled for one round per level of the bard.
War Chant :- By chanting a war song, the bard can inspire his allies as they go forward into battle. The warrior poet must chant for three rounds before combat begins. The chanting has a range equal to 10' radius per level of the bard, and the chants effects end when the bard receives his first wound, or after 1 round per level of bard. The bard may choose one of the following six benefits per three levels, due to inspiration (keeping men's minds focused on battle, giving them an unbeatable feeling etc.).
Bonus hit points equal to the bards level A morale bonus of 1 for every six levels of bard +1 to attack rolls
+1 to damage rolls
+1 to saving throws
-1 to armour class.Battle Chant :- When the bard fights while singing or chanting (even under his breath) he gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls. In addition, if using a broadsword, claymore, axe or spear he gains a +1 damage bonus. These bonuses apply in almost all situations, unless the bard is silenced, underwater etc.
Oratory :- These bards can influence the reactions of a crowd by use of skilled oratory, historical stories etc. The bard may only influence wizards in a negative manner (ie making them hostile), although any non spellcaster allies of the wizards may have second thoughts about attacking the bard. Such oratory takes 1d10 rounds, at the end of which the subjects must save vs death with a -1 penalty per three levels of the bard or have their reactions adjusted one level up or down.
Hindrances :- These bards cannot cast mage spells, their counterspell ability replaces that.
These bards hate and distrust all mages, thanks to their experiences in Glantri. A warrior poet will never associate with any Glantrian mage, although mages from other lands may be allowed to prove their worth (the Claymore needs all the allies they can get!)
These bards often gain a reputation in Glantri, often being the more visible aspect of the Followers of the Claymore (recruiting, inciting uprisings, etc.). Disguises are often necessary, or the bard may find that his reputation with the wizards of Glantri has preceded him...