by AshtagonHD: As fighter
Attack, Saves: As fighter
Weapons, Armour: As fighter (any)
XP costs as a magic-userInstead of making an attack, he may grant one ally within 30 feet an extra melee attack. This extra attack is made on the warlord's turn, but uses the ally's attack bonus and damage. The extra attack can only be with a weapon that is already in hand. This ability is usable at will.
Instead of making an attack, can grant a +2 bonus to all allies within 30 feet AC and saving throws for one round.
Instead of making an attack, can grant a -2 penalty to all enemies within 30 feet AC and saving throws for one round.
Spell progression as a cleric of 1/3 his level. Spell list is limited to healing, morale boosts, and "non-showy" spells only.