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Web Spell's Use and Proposed Adjustments

by greatleapingcrab

One way way to make it more of a "now we can run away" spell then an "I win" spell would be to let any attack on the webbed victim give them a saving throw to break out of it the next round. Interpret that as seeing the blow coming and twisting to make it break the web as well.

Alternatively, add all damage done to the effective strength score for purposes of breaking free, and use the rules from the immortals players rulebook p.21 for how long it takes:

Strength Time Required

0 Spell duration
1-3 = 5-30 turns
4-8 = 3-18 turns
9-12 = 2-8 turns
13-15 = 1-4 turns
16-17 = 5-30 rounds
18 = 4 rounds
19-20 = 3 rounds
21-23 = 2 rounds
24-27 = 1 round

The 1991 D&D Game Rulebook p.34 says, "Targets can make only one Saving Throw vs. Spells to escape a web. Once stuck, they must fight their way out." So there's also that.

(Note: Some of this is taken from the old "Mr Reaper" RC errata/commentary).

Giving the whole party a free hit for a round or two is still a pretty good 2nd level spell effect, IMHO, especially if they're at an AC penalty for not being able to evade.