Herathian Specialty Magic
by Bruce HeardThis entry is inspired from the Herathian wizard spy craft, published earlier on the MMB. It translates the original master spy's innate abilities into common spells belonging to a specific Herathian school. We'll call this one Web Mastery. Naturally, there could be others. Web Mastery focuses on the art of intrigue, deception, and spying. Because of their nature, these spells work best with Herathian spellcasters. As a result, all these spells should be treated as being two levels higher when cast by non- Herathians. In other words, non-Herathians cannot cast Herathian spells above level 7. Web Mastery is a specialty school comparable to the more commonly known Diviner's school - Invocation/Evocation spells are not available to Web Masters, except for the common 2nd level web spell which becomes an alteration spell for Herathians. Lesser/Greater Divination spells and those described below are part of their school.
The Web of Intrigue
Most of these spells involve the gradual creation of an invisible and incorporeal web connecting the spellcaster to people, objects, and events associated to a plot. This invisible web of intrigue allows web masters to observe and directly affect their environment from a distance. For example, one of the Herathian spells allows web masters to sense their own webs and examine what they connect to, regardless of how far their strands stretch. The strands are plainly visible from the ethereal. On the prime, a true sight is needed to reveal these strands, and only as far as normal sight range permits. Casting a true sight spell amid the Forest of the Magus could come as a shock to an outsider, revealing perhaps hundreds of ghostly web strands cris-crossing through the sinister woods and probably connecting to several of the party members. Meanwhile, web masters could be quietly observing the characters connected to their respective webs, perhaps hundreds of miles from there.
A successful dispel magic will permanently sever a web strand. "Downweb" strands separated from the rest of their web are also destroyed. "Upweb" strands (those linking the centre of the web to the last connected element) remain unaffected. Each strand otherwise requires a separate dispel magic. For example, a single character could have been connected to a dozen other people, objects, and events. The DM and the web master's player should keep track of such strands as the game goes on. Entering an area of anti-magic would destroy all strands at once. Note that web masters "are" the centres of their webs, regardless of how many separate webs they may have created.
An amulet of proof against detection and location obscures a strand and prevents any new connections as long as the magical object is worn. This obscuring seems to the web master as if the strand has been severed. Severing or obscuring a strand after a web master had already observed the connected elements, does not erase the latter from the web master's memory - it only temporarily neutralises the strand. The death or destruction of connected elements does not sever the web master's strands (only the death of the web master will).
Perhaps the most important aspect of the web of intrigue, besides allowing web masters to spy on connected elements, is the casting of normal spells through the strands ("web-casting"). Spells cast through the web are considered three levels higher and some types of magic remain incompatible with the web's arcane structure. Incompatible spells include: fire-based magic, all invocation/evocation spells except web, and spells requiring the target to be touched (or anything else the DM feels is too much of a problem in the game). For example: for the purpose of web-casting a know alignment spell requires the ability to cast 5th level spells although it would still be memorised as a normal 2nd level spell. Lightning bolts are incompatible with the web (no invocation spells), so are incendiary clouds, (no fire-based magic), bestow curse (no spell requiring contact), or fingers of death (no spell above level 6). If attempted, these spells fizzle and are wasted.
Many of the spells listed below are illustrated in a little story given at the end of this entry. Hope you enjoy this. Feel free to comment/play test. Thanks!
(Divination, Level 3)Range: Special
Duration: 1 rd./level
Area of Effect: One element
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1
Saving Throw: NoneThe spell allows the web master to sense whether creatures, objects, or events are linked to other elements already connected to his/her web of intrigue (see connect, below). Creatures and objects must be in plain sight of the web master. Events only need to be heard of in a reasonably accurate fashion. The spell does not reveal how an element links with another, what specific elements it links with, or how many links there may be - only that there is some link with a web. The spells require a short incantation and the quick movements of the right hand's fingers.
(Enchantment/Charm, Level 3)Range: 10-ft./level
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: One element
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1
Saving Throw: SpecialThe spell creates web strands between the target of the spell and one or more elements of the web. Targeted creatures and objects must be in plain sight of the web master. Events only need to be heard of in a reasonably accurate fashion. If the target had no prior association to any of the present elements in the caster's web (see the associate spell earlier), a web strand connects the target directly with the web master. If prior associations existed, then web strands connect all these elements to the target. The spell requires a short incantation and a small string used as a cat's cradle.
Objects and events have no saving throw. Creatures get to save vs. spells normally unless the web master is of a higher experience level ( -1 penalty for each difference of level). The web master can also use this spell to reconnect elements who had been disconnected, such as with a dispel magic, or reverse the spell to deliberately disconnect an element. In itself, a connection has no effect on the elements. Web strands are needed as conduits for other spells described later (Trace, Analyse, Cocoon, Web Crawler, etc.)
Web strands can stretch indefinitely as connected elements move geographically or through the planes. The connection persists even after the destruction of an object or the death of a creature. In the case of a totally destroyed object, the strand then remains connected to the event of the destruction. In the case of a creature's death, the connection remains with the dead body (its grave), or the resulting undead creature. Else, if a creature's body is totally destroyed the strand remains connected to the event of the creature's demise. Shape-changing does not affect a strand except in the case of Herathian shape-changing. The latter causes a strand to become obscured as a connected Herathian switches between its two true personas.
(Divination, Level 4)Range: 0
Duration: 2 rd./level
Area of Effect: 60-ft. radius
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 rd.
Saving Throw: NoneThe web master must have learned the connect spell to understand the analysis. The spell allows the web master to scan his/her web of intrigue. During the first round after the spell is cast, the web master senses how all the elements are connected, how far away they are from him/her, their approximate direction, or on which plane they may be located. On the next round, the spell shows what elements were destroyed and which web strands have been removed since the last analysis. On the following round, the spell identifies who provided which tainted information to whom, if any (see the Trace spell description earlier). Finally, the web master can spend the rest of the spell duration observing specific elements of the web. This last effect, clairsentience, is comparable to both clairaudience and clairvoyance spells as far as what can be seen/heard and what may block the effect. The spell and its area of effect always remain cantered on the connected element. Anything outside the spell's area of effect remains shrouded in clouds. Each element observed requires at least one round for the clairsentience to come into focus within his/her mind. More importantly, once an element has come into focus, the web master may cast spells at it, the location, or anything visible there (no fire-based magic, no invocation/evocation spells, no spells above 6th level). The spell requires a bit of cobweb and a piece of crystal.
Detect Strand
(Divination, Level 4)Range: 0
Duration: 2 rd./level
Area of Effect: 10 x 60 ft.
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1
Saving Throw: NoneThis power enables the web master to detect any web strands belonging to another spellcaster and sense what they connect with if within the area of effect. The intensity of the web strand (faint, moderate, strong, overwhelming, etc.) depends on how far upweb or downweb it lies from its creator, and its creator's level of experience. The reversed spell, obscure strand, prevents its detection or an infiltration (see the 6th level infiltrate spell). A successful dispel magic will negate the effects of an obscure strand. Detect strand is otherwise comparable to a common detect magic spell. The spell and its reversed form both require a short incantation and the wide movement of the hands as if parting imaginary cobwebs.
(Alteration, Necromancy, Level 5)Range: 10 yds.
Duration: 1 day/level
Area of Effect: One creature
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 2
Saving Throw: SpecialThe spell causes the victim to become paralysed. The victim's body phases into the ethereal where it remains until the end of the spell or the victim's death. The victim must be alive and subject to poison attacks for the spell to function. A successful saving throw vs. spells merely prevents the victim's body from phasing out into the ethereal; there is no save against the paralysis. Appearing to be in a catatonic state, the victim undergoes a form of hibernation during which the victim temporarily loses a point of Constitution per day.
The spell is undone by waking the victim. This requires a bucket of water, shaking, shouting, or inflicting damage. The victim gets a Constitution check each round it suffers damage or someone attempts to awaken it. The victim awakes when succeeding a Constitution check or if effect has been dispelled, but fights at -2 to hit/damage until it can get a full night sleep. Lost Constitution is recovered at the rate of two points per day. This spell can be cast directly at a victim or through the web of intrigue in which case it is considered a level 8 spell. It requires a drop of poison and a bit of cobweb.
(Enchantment/Charm, Level 5)Range: up to 6-ft
Duration: 1 day/level
Area of Effect: One creature
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1
Saving Throw: NoneThe web master makes up a piece of information ranging anywhere from a truthful account to a total fabrication, and tell it to a creature already connected to his/her web. The information is magically tainted so that anyone else learning about it immediately becomes connected to the one who provided it (save as per the connection spell description). The web master can always sense if someone is connected to his/her web when seeing the person. The spell requires a short incantation and a small drop of fine perfume rubbed on the caster's skin.
Those people connected as a result of this spell can propagate the tainted information themselves, and so on. Those succeeding their saving throws and avoiding being connected neutralise the effects of the trace spell but only as far as they are concerned. Although connections are permanent until dispelled, the trace spell has a finite duration at the end of which the information ceases to connect any more creatures.
Web Crawler
(Conjuration/Summoning, Level 6)Range: Special
Duration: 5 rds. + 1 rd./level
Area of Effect: 60-yd. radius
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 6
Saving Throw: NoneThis spell is comparable to monster summoning IV with the following differences. The spell conjures a white, mostly translucent phase spider. This spider can mentally perceive the web master's intentions. It can see his/her web strands and crawl along them through the ethereal. The web master can order the spider to attack or fetch one of the connected elements, which it will attempt to do to the best of its abilities. The spider will pick the shortest path to reach its destination, taking a full round per connected element intervening in its path as it travels downweb. While under the spell effect the spider cannot leave its web strand until it reaches its destination. If the spell ends or the strand leading to its destination is dispelled, the spider phases into the ethereal and leaves. The spell requires a dried up spider and a small candle (not necessarily lit).
(Divination, Level 6)Range: 0
Duration: 1 rd./level
Area of Effect: One web strand
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 6
Saving Throw: NoneThe spell enables a web master to discover and examine elements belonging to someone else's web of intrigue. At least one strand must have been detected (see the 4th level detect strand spell). The infiltration is cast directly upon this strand and reveals 1d4 additional elements and the strands linking them together, starting with the more closely connected elements. If several strands connect with the same element, randomly choose which strands and elements the spell reveals. The spell does not automatically connect newly discovered elements to the infiltrator's own web, however it does associate them. Infiltrate requires the simultaneous use of the analysis spell. The components include a desiccated lupin snout powder and a crystal lens.
Detect Infiltration
(Divination, Level 7)Range: 0
Duration: 1 hr./level
Area of Effect: Caster's own web
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 6
Saving Throw: NoneThe spell allows a web master to inspect his/her own web and identify elements compromised by an intruder's infiltration (see 6th level spell). The spell must be used in conjunction with analysis (see 4th level spell) and can only reveal elements compromised by a single intruder at a time. If multiple infiltrations occurred, multiple spells will be needed, starting with the most extensive intrusions.
The spell may also send a tingling sensation to the web master at the time of an intrusion. The chances of this happening are as follows: 21% chance minus the intruder's experience level, for each element compromised, plus one. So, if a 12th level intruder compromised one element, the chances of setting off the alarm are 10%, or up to 37% if four elements are compromised (21-12, x 4, +1 = 37). If the web master sleeps at the time of the alarm, a Constitution check is needed to determine if the web master awakes (a failed check awakens the web master). The tingling sensation lasts a turn and gets more intense as additional infiltrations occur. The spell requires rakasta vibrissa and a small golden net.
Silent Stalker
(Alteration, Level 7)Range: 30-ft.
Duration: Until discharged
Area of Effect: Special
Components: V, M
Casting Time: 4
Saving Throw: Neg.A web master may cast this spell upon any one of his/her web elements without requiring a saving throw. It can otherwise be cast upon unconnected beings or objects. Unwilling beings are allowed a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect. Silent Stalker automatically creates an obscured strand replicating any other strand connected by an outside web master. For example, web master Ashad casts a silent stalker on a precious item. Later on, a rival by the name of Hoshem connects this same item with another element of his web. The silent stalker would instantly create an obscured strand to Hoshem's element. Outside elements connected in this manner do not show as being "compromised" unless Ashad runs an infiltration spell on Hoshem's web. The actual connection itself may require a saving throw, as described for the 3rd level connection spell. The spell requires a small piece of amber with an imbedded insect held in the hand when uttering the incantation.
Crawling Horror
(Conjuration, Necromancy, Level 8)Range: 0
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 Rd.
Saving Throw: NoneThe spell summons a Herathian nightmare from the ethereal plane, a spider-like creature made of fluttering dark grey shadows. Its mission is to guard a magical web of intrigue. The web master must cast the spell on a specific element of his/her web as the crawling horror's starting point or directly upon a foreign strand (which the creature would then consider an "intruder's" web).
The creature has the innate ability to detect infiltration as the spell and a 75% chance of spotting an obscured strand. It has the size, statistics, and abilities of a gargantuan spider except for the poison and an AC of 2. It is also immune to non- magical damage, sleep, charm, hold, and other mind-affecting magic. It can phase in and out of the ethereal. Finally, instead of poison it has a special attack that earned it its name: each time it scores a hit upon a spell-caster, the crawling horror drains an entire spell level (saving throw neg.) from the spell-caster's memory, starting from the lowest level available. The creature converts its victim's spells to summon web crawlers at the rate of one for every four spells drained. The web crawlers leave when the crawling horror is defeated or its creator's spell runs out. A surviving intruder only needs a full night sleep and normal memorisation to replace lost spells.
The spell's normal duration lasts 1 hr./level during which the creature quietly watches over its master's web. When the crawling horror senses an intrusion (or other crawling horrors), the spell duration becomes 2 rds./level. The horror begins crawling toward the closest compromised element and up into the intruder's own web at the rate of one connected element per round. It can sense all of the intruder's web strands and will pick the shortest path to the intruder, avoiding as best it can other crawling horrors. If it reaches its destination, the crawling horror phases in near the intruder and attacks immediately. If the intruder's spells have been entirely drained, the intruder becomes a web crawler under the crawling horror's control.
A crawling horror will try to intercept another hostile horror provided none of its web elements are compromised. If so, the defending horror would break off its attacks and immediately proceed toward the source of infiltration. If all connections are destroyed before the horror can reach the intruder's web, the spell reverts back to its normal duration and the creature resume its watch. Detect infiltration will automatically spot the presence of a hostile crawling horror (90% chance of sending an alarm to the web master). The creature returns to its plane if the intruder (or a hostile horror) is defeated or if the spell ends. The spell requires an origami spider and a wight's tongue.
Illusory Strand
(Divination, Illusion, Level 8)Range: 0
Duration: 1 hr./level
Area of Effect: One element
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 turn
Saving Throw: SpecialThis spell alters the appearance of a connected element when someone attempts to infiltrate another web. The illusion shows a totally different scene than the true element. This illusion and related saving throws are comparable to the 8th level screen spell. Furthermore, all other strands connecting from this element are masked as well and replaced with 1d4 illusory strands. These illusory strands are "detected" by normal means (detect strand, infiltration) and react like normal strands if dispelled. They connect to other illusory elements, up to a maximum of three illusory elements per experience level of the web master. They form a maze-like web of intrigue designed to delay and deceive an intruder. Illusory elements can be actual people, objects, and events if the web master desires. Upon subsequent visits, an intruder analysing the compromised elements would still see the same sequence of elements (perhaps requiring a saving throw) provided the illusion is still in effect. The illusion is good enough to fool a crawling horror for some time. The crawling horror may decide to turn back and follow different strands if it succeeds an Intelligence check (one per round). Improved strand can be dispelled provided it is cast specifically at the illusory element. The spell requires a bit of smoking incense and a small mirror.
Spell Examples in a Story
Associate: A thief stole a golden chalice from Shaya, a Herathian web master. Shaya had previously connected this item to her web, possibly planning to use it as a lure. The thief goes to a tavern and quietly hands it over to a fence. The deed accomplished, the two characters go to separate tables and order drinks from the innkeeper. Enters Shaya. She casts an associate spell. The spell reveals which character in the tavern is linked to her web in general (perhaps to some other element in her web of intrigue). She senses who in the room this is (the thief) since he remains in her plain sight. Hoping this individual is who she seeks, she casts a connect spell at the thief...
Connect: the thief fails his saving throw and is now truly connected to Shaya's web. Since her associate spell is still active, she now senses that two more people are linked with her web (the fence and the innkeeper) for reasons still unknown to her. She ignores the innkeeper and connects the other individual before leaving the tavern, planning to cast an Analyse spell at her very first opportunity.
Analyse: Shaya returns to her workshop and casts an Analyse spell. It first reveals the thief's direct connection to the chalice and the fence's link to both the thief and the chalice (a total of three separate web strands). By then, she knows the thief has remained in town, but that the other individual (the fence) has left. She focuses on the latter and observes him for a few rounds. She sees the man enter a rich mansion outside the city and request audience with a "Baron Malfred". She has time to catch some of what the two said to each other and see money and the stolen object changing hands. Before her spell ends, she quickly attempts to connect the baron to her web. With luck, the connection sticks.
Cocoon: Late during that night Shaya casts another Analysis spell and focuses on the chalice. It appears to be in the dark -- she casts a light spell which reveals the inside of a small chest, along with jewellery and some letters. Shaya then focuses on the baron who seems sound asleep. A chest lies near his bed, with a ray of light shining out through the keyhole. She smiles at her good fortune and casts a cocoon spell at the baron, followed immediately with a web crawler (see below).
Web Crawler: Shaya's spider materialises near her and awaits her orders. On the next round it crawls down her web, taking until the next round to reach the chalice. The spider phases into the prime, picks the chest, and phases back out. A round later, it returns its master with its precious cargo. Shaya then orders the spider to go kill the three people connected with the chalice. A round later, clicking and hissing, the spider crawls back through the web, still taking only one round (from the chalice directly to the baron now helpless in the ethereal) and takes quick bite on the next round. Nearly out of spells, Shaya casts a detect infiltration upon her web, and gets some much-needed sleep.
Infiltrate: Baalbuth, another Herathian wizard, casts a routine analysis the next morning. The spell reveals that one of Baalbuth's elements, Baron Malfred, died in his sleep. The body bears the all too familiar signs of a web crawler's bite. Baalbuth casts a detect strand and sees two unidentified strands still connected to the baron's body. The wizard casts his infiltrate spell and follows the strands. He discovers two new elements: a chalice inside a chest and a dead fence. The wizard curses as he only had one infiltrate spell memorised that day. He connects the chalice to the dead baron's body with his own webbing and, sensing trouble ahead, casts an obscure strand upon it. On second thought, Baalbuth also casts an illusory strand between the baron's body and the rest of his web, and nervously awaits the next day...
Detect Infiltration: Shaya suddenly wakes up, alerted by an ominous tingling in her spine. Someone had just tampered with her web. She had run out of connection spells the day before and thus remained unable to disconnect the web strands linking the three dead characters back to her. Now someone is on to her. Cursing her own foolishness, Shaya studies her spells for the day and promptly checks her web. Two of her elements have already been compromised. She casts an obscure strand on the strand connecting her to the chalice, followed with a crawling horror.
Crawling Horror: The creature materialises nearby, dominating its frail master and almost filling the entire room. Unfazed, Shaya coldly orders it to watch her web by baron's dead body. A low rumble rises from the depths of the beast when it returns to the ethereal. It quickly reaches the spot on the web connecting with the dead baron. It bristles and rattles as it immediately senses the presence a hostile web. At once, it crawls past the dead baron's web strand, sensing a prey. Shaya, from the safety of her crypt, observes the beast vanish as it enters the unknown webbing. It's out of her hands now. She quickly disconnects her link to the baron and the thief, and stores the chalice in a secure vault, worrying once more about preventing its theft...
Meanwhile, the creature wanders about the Baalbuth's illusory strands, disoriented and frustrated. It wastes precious time until it finally defeats the illusion. With a raging screech, it moves toward its prey. The beast finds the centre of the web and leaps upon the unsuspecting wizard. It scores a painful and nasty bite and Baalbuth feels part of his memory being drained in a frenzied blur. He frantically dodges, he runs, he throws valuable books and parts of his laboratory at the beast when a web crawler suddenly phases into the lab. By luck the wizard manages a quick teleport out of the room just barely escaping the web crawler's attack. Sensing the end of their spell coming, the two creatures quickly phase out of the lab and follow the Baalbuth's strand to his new location. They reach him two rounds after the wizard teleported out.
On the first round, Baalbuth attempts to cast a protection from evil only to realise he no longer remembers this spell. On the second round just before the two creatures phase in, he casts an anti-magic shell which severs all web strands connecting him to the rest of his web of intrigue. As a result, his entire web is destroyed but the two creatures leave.
Aftermath: On the next day, Shaya checks her web and discovers her chalice is no longer compromised and no unidentified strands exist. She believes her beast served her well and thinks nothing more of her deed. Baalbuth has no way of reconnecting the chalice with the dead baron. He could conceivably get access to the baron's body, but he still has no way reaching the chalice since he cannot teleport into a chest. Had Baalbuth not cast an anti-magic shell (and survived his pursuers) he would still have an obscured connection to the chalice which Shaya had failed to detect. Baalbuth could have probably identified Shaya later on, putting her in a very dangerous situation. He'll just need better luck next time.