by John Walter BilesFound in the vicinity of the Azcan Empire in the Hollow World, mainly. They can take on a human, jaguar, or hybrid form.
Werejaguar, Level 5 Skirmisher
Medium natural humanoid (shapechanger) XP 200
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +9; low-light vision
HP 64; Bloodied 32
Regeneration 5 (if the werejaguar takes damage from a silver weapon, its regeneration doesn’t function on its next turn)
AC 19; Fortitude 17, Reflex 14, Will 15
Speed 9, climb 6 (not in human form)
m Azcan Club with Obsidian Chips (standard; at-will) | Weapon
+10 vs. AC; 1d6 + 4 damage.
m Claw (standard; at-will)
+10 vs. AC; 1d6+4 damage
Claw, Claw, Rend (standard; at-will)
Make two Claw attacks on the same target; if both hit, add 2d6 damage for rending by the back claws.
Death From Above
The Werejaguar adds +2 to hit when leaping down from above at a target. This stacks with any other bonuses gained by such an attack.
Change Shape (minor; at-will) | Polymorph
A werejaguar can alter its physical form to appear as a Jaguar or a unique human (see Change Shape, page 280 of the MM). It loses its claw attack in human form.
Alignment Evil Languages Neathar, Azcan
Skills Athletics +11, Stealth +10
Str 18 (+6) Dex 12 (+3) Wis 14 (+4)
Con 16 (+5) Int 10 (+2) Cha 11 (+2)
Equipment Azcan Clothing, Azcan Club with Obsidian ChipsWerejaguars are not affected by the Lunar cycle; rather, they need to eat flesh in Jaguar form every 24 hours or the hunger for it overwhelms them. Priests of Atzanteotl often see Werejaguars as sacred and many hope to become such. They are the most common lycanthrope in Azcan lands.
Werejaguar Priest of Atzanteotl, Level 8 Elite Controller (Cleric)
Medium natural humanoid (shapechanger) XP 700
Initiative +6 Senses Perception +13; low-light vision
HP 176; Bloodied 88
Regeneration 5 (if the werejaguar takes damage from a silver weapon, its regeneration doesn’t function on its next turn)
AC 24; Fortitude 22, Reflex 18, Will 24
Saving Throws +2 Action Points 1
Speed 9, climb 6 (not in human form)
m Holy Obsidian Dagger Strike (standard; at-will) | Weapon
+13 vs. AC; 2d4+5 damage and one ally within 5 squares gains +4 to hit the target until the end of his next turn.
m Claw (standard; at-will)
+13 vs. AC; 1d8+5 damage
Claw, Claw, Rend (standard; at-will)
Make two Claw attacks on the same target; if both hit, add 2d6 damage for rending by the back claws.
Curse of Atzanteotl (standard; at-will)
Ranged 5; +11 vs. Reflex; 1d6+4 radiant damage and one ally within line of sight can choose to either gain 6 temp HP or make a saving throw
Death From Above
The Werejaguar adds +2 to hit when leaping down from above at a target. This stacks with any other bonuses gained by such an attack.
Healing Word (Minor, twice per encounter) | Healing
Close Burst 5 but only one target; target may spend a healing surge, adding 4 extra HP.
Blood for the Sun (Minor; encounter) | Healing
Upon reducing a foe to zero HP, the werejaguar heals 44 HP.
Change Shape (minor; at-will) | Polymorph
A werejaguar can alter its physical form to appear as a Jaguar or a unique human (see Change Shape, page 280 of the MM). It loses its claw attack in human form.
Alignment Evil Languages Neathar, Azcan
Skills Nature +13, Perception +13, Religion +10, Stealth +13
Str 18 (+8) Dex 14 (+6) Wis 18 (+8)
Con 16 (+7) Int 12 (+5) Cha 14 (+6)
Equipment Ceremonial Robes of Atzanteotl, Obsidian Dagger, Sacrificial Bowl, Holy Symbol of AtzanteotlAs noted above, some priests of Atzanteotl become holy were-jaguars, using their powers to further enforce his will and find sacrificial victims.