Giraffe, War
by Håvard
STATS (BECMI) Giraffe Giraffe, War Armor Class 7 7 (lower with barding) Hit Dice 4 (L) 5 (L) Move 240 (60') 240' (60') Attacks 1 kick 1 kick Damage 1d8 1d8 No. Appearing 1 (3d10) 1 Save As F4 F5 Morale 5 7 Treasure Type Nil Nil Intelligence 2 2 Alignment Neutral Neutral XP Value 75 100 Monster Type: Animal (Rare)
Giraffe's are unusually tall herd animals. While rare in many parts of Mystara, they are more common on Savannahs of Davania and Skothar and near the Tanagoro lands in southern Iciria in the Hollow World. They are usually difficult to tame, but some tribes of Tanagoro have managed to domesticate them and turn them into mounts suitable for battle.
Carrying Capacity 3,000 cn at full speed. 6,000 cn at half speed.
Barding Modifier: x2
Terrain: Savannah, GrasslandsImage source: https://www.deviantart.com/thegoldenbearcat/art/The-War-Giraffe-687780420