The White Serpent of Tholl Votar or Bijela Zmija of Tholl Votar
by Aoz
STATS (BECMI) White Serpent Armor Class -8 Hit Dice 17 or 85 hp Move 120' (40') Attacks 2 Thaco 3 Damage 2d6 plus 30 Poison and tail 6d4 No. Appearing 1 Save As Save as 17th level Priest Morale 10 Treasure Type Cx3 Intelligence 13 Alignment Chaotic Monster Type Dragon Terrain Underground Bijela Zmija (In Croatian= The White Serpent) of Tholl Votar, a Great Wyrm, is 1303 years before transformed into an undead being.
Has a length of 602 feet long and ally of the Dragon Sorcerer named Cybrikain.
Immune to all poison and Acids. Sunlight burns his skin. Every round in Sunlight causes the White Serpent great pain and 1d6 damage (no save).
Innate abilities: Has protection from normal missiles (constant); invisibility(3/day) and water breathing (at will); polymorph self (at will, 3/day); and Stoneskin (3/day); sticks to snakes (3/day); and Word of Recall (2/day)
12th level priest/druid (spells cast as 21st level caster) and MR 90%