by Håvard
While a classic from the BECMI equipment list, I don't see it used too often. The main effect is to hit a Lycanthrope with it or throw it at them and they will have to save vs fear or run away.
Who does it affect?
Officially, not just werewolves, but all Lycanthropes are affected. In addition to the were-types I assume this also affects the Bhuts who are said to be Lycanthropes and the Mystara unique creatures known as Devil Swines.Could it also affect other shape shifters? I guess that would depend on the reason for their abilities and the true nature of the Wolfsbane plant.
I am thinking about having it affect Metamorphs, but it depends on how you want to treat them in your campaign. I lean towards making them more Fey in nature.
New Wolfsbane Items
This liquefied essence of Wolfsbane may be applied to any blade or piercing weapon. If applied to a non-magical item, treat the weapon as magical or silver when it comes to wounding a Lycanthrope. If applied to a magical or silver weapon, it adds +1d6 to damage against Lycanthropes. The oil lasts for one combat or if not used in combat it can last for one day after applied to the weapon. This item can be created by alchemists or characters with the alchemy skill and access to a laboratory. Cost: 50gpWOLFSBANE GAS
This ceramic bottle contains liquid which becomes gaseous when the bottle is broken. The gas will force one target lycanthrope to revert to human form. The target may make a save vs. petrification to avoid the transformation. Note that this does not remove the curse or revert the creature's alignment so, it will still be hostile towards the PCs. This item can be created by alchemists or characters with the alchemy skill and access to a laboratory. Cost: 150gp
What do you think? Other ideas for Wolfsbane?