New Mystara NPCs from D&D Worlds and Realms Book
by HåvardUlf the Mad: An Ostlander Warrior who explored a tunnel that may have lead to the Hollow World. Ulf and his companion Winter Wolf (Frost Wolf in Mystara) named Rattskjarl fought what Mordenkainen describes as a Remhorraz (White Fang from AC9 seems more appropriate) named Dodzworm. Uf was nearly slain, but encountered the Lord of Death (Thanatos? Hel?) and beat him in a drinking match which earned him the right to return to the realm of the living, according to a legend.
Luphandi: A renegade female Pegataur who has visited the Hollow World. Befriended Mordenkainen
Unnamed Adventuring Party
- Cleric
- Rogue
- Bard
Unnamed Alphatian Scholar
Unnamed Nithian Queen
Cleric of Ka the Preserver: Makes tiny clay lizardmen figurines. Has spent time in Serraine's Library as well as many villages across the Known World and even at great risk travelled to Glantiri
Alkarox: A Male Halfling Wizard with a Hawk Familiar. Note: Change his class to Hin Master if you want to stay closer to Mystara canon.
Thistle: A male Dwarf Rogue
Amalda the Fair: Female Elf Paladin