History of Western Davania
by Robert Blezardc. BC 4000
- During this time period, northwestern Davania is one continuous desert; the Arypt-Izonda basin is inhabited mainly by humanoids including ancient Rakasta breeds, the Sis'thik, and the Thri-Kreen (that have survived since the Age of Insects). A massive mountain range stretches across the northern coastline from the Strait of Izonda in the west to the ancient Amaluran Cliffs in the east. (Matthew Levy, Knightfall).
c. BC 3500
- The Sundering of Northern Davania. Huge geologic upheavals in the northern mountain range of northern Davania creates the region later named the Addakian Sound. The mountain range is sundered in half and much of the land sinks beneath the waves. The mountain range is divided into what become known as the Izondian Wall to the west and the Adakkian Mounts in the east. Due to changing weather patterns across the waters of the Izondian Deep, new jungle growth quickly spreads through the area and grasslands replace significant regions of the desert. The interior lands remain arid, however. The basin to the west becomes home to roving clutches of Thri-Kreens. This desert becomes known as Izonda while the eastern desert lands retain the ancient name of Meghales Amosses. The lands of old Adakkia lie in ruins and much of the region of Amalur becomes swampland. Native peoples believe that the cataclysm was an act of vengeance from the Immortals. The sundering uncovers many ancient ruins from the time of the Lhomarrians, which causes quite the stir among the historians of Blackmoor. Expeditions are sent to the region and strange artifacts are uncovered. (Matthew Levy, Knightfall).
c. BC 3480-3400
- On the continent of Davania, migrating tribal humans* from the northern coast of what will become known as Izondian Region, the southern mountains of the Brasol Range, and the western mountains of the Pelatan Shield begin to settle the new fertile lands of the newly created sound. For thousands of years, these tribes primarily exist as hunter gatherer bands (but they eventually begin creating isolated farming communities). However, no form of centralized human government arises in the region until after BC 1000. Humanoids move into the region as well but their numbers remain small in comparison to the human tribes until after BC 3000. (Matthew Levy, Knightfall). * Descendants of the Stonecarvers?
c. BC 3000-2500
- In the central lands of Davania, countless clans (and smaller families) of hin choose to migrate around the Brasol Range to find new lands to settle. The journey takes them down the Kenaton River and into the Adakkian Sound where they find solace among the human tribes that have been living there since the sound was formed. The halflings have soon created dozens of villages along the length of the sound and live alongside the humans in relative peace. The destruction of Blackmoor also causes many humanoids to migrate into the region as well. Tribes of troglodytes and caymen find their way into the Adakkian Wood and begin driving out the humans living there. (Hollow World Campaign Set, Håvard, Knightfall)
c. BC 2500-2000 [???]
- After the Enduk Empire falls at the hands of the Minotaur of Minoides, the minotaurs themselves inhabit much of Northwestern Davania while warring with the elves of Pelatan and Kwythellar and the lizard-kin and Gyerian clans of the region. Continual warfare weakens the minotaurs, and when the Tanagoro colonists arrive from the west, they drives the minotaurs into the Desert of Izonda. There the minotaurs continue to fight the lizard-kin and begin skirmishing with the thri-kreen. Meanwhile, the Tanagoro slowly move to the plains beyond and lose all contact with their homeland. They set up seven tribes based on 'profession' to help deal with their new land but the younger generation feels they can look after each other without so-called laws (thus, the creation of the sibling bands).(Francesco Defferrari, Steven B Wilson, Knightfall).
BC 1800
- Ten generations after their arrival in Northwestern Davania, the Tanagoro have learned to domesticate the ox and zebra. All knowledge of their homelands is lost to myth and legend. They now think of themselves as Aricans. (Steven B Wilson).
BC 1750
- The hin communities located along the Adakkian sound begin to rise to dominate the region. They push the troglodytes and caymen into the deeper parts of the Adakkian Wood and have outpaced the human tribes of the region in culture. Soon there are a dozen cities spread throughout the region. These Hin City-States remain independent of each other but work together in regards to protection from marauding humanoids from the Brasol Range or the deserts of Davania. Servasta Prides living along the edges of the Meghales Amosses Desert and Thri-Kreen clutches from the Desert of Izonda are a constant threat, as both have a taste for halflings. (Knightfall).
BC 1650-1550
- This time period is the height of the Hin City-States in the Addakian Sound on the continent of Davania. There are ten city-states and over three dozen vassal communities spread throughout the sound and in the forested hills of the Brasol Range. Servasta numbers are in decline due to large scale skirmishes and the Thri-Kreen migrate away from the halfling lands into the western half of the Desert of Izonda to keep from being hunted to extinction. The human tribes retreat from the sound to the edges of the desert. Others migrate into the forested hills that sit along the western peaks of the Adakkian Mounts, where even the hin fear to tread. The hin come to believe that they hunt the troglodytes and caymen to extinction, but, in truth, the Immortals move the bulk of the humanoids to the Hollow World. A handful of troglodytes are forced to survive in caves along the western mountain range of Brasolia while the surviving caymens move out of the forests and into the waters of the Adakkian Sound. (Knightfall).
BC 1300
- A large horde of humanoids invades Northwestern Davania from the north and enslaves the Aricans. Ogres mate with Arican slaves and give birth to a new race of ogre-kin who are much smarter than their ogre parents. (Steven B Wilson).
BC 1300-1100
- The halflings of the Hin City-States choose to remain in Davania and compete against the rising tide of humanity, as well as humanoids. While their culture is in decline, they continue to be stout warriors. They clash violently with the Varellyan dissidents of Talkai and their Sollux allies, but the conflicts are usually short-term. They war constantly with the half-orcs of Emesi who are descendants of the original humans they once lived among in peace. The Rakasta Prides and Oltec descendants of Dreka fight a guerrilla war against the Hin City-States with the help of renewed Servasta Prides. The Sis'thik empire of Shain often demands tribute from the hin communities and when these tributes are ignored, the Sis'thik rally their forces along with hired Troglodyte privateers from Ka and mercenaries from Shami. This constant warfare eventually becomes too much for the lower caste hin clans and many of them flee back the Hin Lands of Platea. By the end, the upper caste hin clans have been either cast out or sold as tribute to the city-states' many enemies. Many of these halflings remain as slaves in the humanoid empires to this day. The warrior caste clans sue for peace and give up a great deal of territory but internal squabbling and weak economical leadership ruins the city-states. A few of the oldest clans go down fighting in a crusade against the Servasta while the others either flee into the desert basins of Meghales Amosses or board ships and sail out of the Adakkian Sound and through the Straits of Izonda for lands unknown. The abandoned city-states are either claimed by local humanoids or by the jungle. (Knightfall, Francesco Defferrari).
BC 1250
- Ogre followers of Sumag arrive in the Tanagoro Lands of Northwestern Davania and are initially welcomed. However, some of the ogres, influenced by Hel, enslave the humans. Over the centuries, for good or bad, the two populations mix and ogre-kin are born. (Francesco Defferrari [edited by Knightfall]).
BC 900
- In the Tanagoro Lands of Northwestern Davania, an Arican priest named Zumando declares a War of Purification against the tyranny of the ogres and ogre kin. Even innocent and peaceful ogre-kins are driven off during the crusade. The followers of Sumag head north to the Arm of the Immortals (where they eventually found Gombar and Sumag) while other ogres and ogre-kin are forced south into the Desert of Izonda. Here the ogre-kin and the ogres fight together against both minotaurs and lizard-kin, who are defeated and scattered. (Francesco Defferrari [edited by Knightfall]).
- After four centuries, the humanoid horde ruling in Arica finally gets bored with controlling the land and head out for conquest across the Desert of Izonda. The ogre-kin stay around to mine precious metals in the mountains to the north. (Steven B Wilson [edited by Knightfall]).
BC 870-801
- In the Desert of Izonda, a civil war starts between the ogre-kin, led by Amuro, and the pure-blooded ogres, led by Aktrom. The pure-bloods are defeated and flee south (until they arrive in the area of what is known as the Green Bay). In the desert, Amuro founds the Invincible Dictatorship of Izonda. The capital city of N'diazo ("Conquest") is built on the south shore of the great lake at the centre of the desert, and Amuro declares himself “First Dictator.” Shortly after this civil war, more humanoids arrive from Brun, and the Izondians are forced to go to war once again. The church of Hel becomes the predominant religion among the Izondian ogre-kin, but other rival churches (such as Korotiku and Sumag) are never truly outlawed. Edizaro, son of Amuro, leads the Izondians in glorious battles against Pelatan, but he is eventually defeated and killed by the priestess Iemara in BC 801. (Francesco Defferrari [edited by Knightfall]).
BC 800
- Most of the ogre-kin living in Arica on Davania head north to find a land spoken of in the tales of their ogre forefathers. The Aricans experiment with horticulture, but prefer hunting and herding. They are too nomadic for serious agriculture. (Steven B Wilson).
BC 700-200
- In Northwestern Davania, the Izondians fight countless wars against all their neighbours during these centuries. They conduct major warfare against Nivall in BC 700 (and again in BC 200), against Arica in BC 650 (and again in BC 250), against Kwythellar in BC 500, and against Pelatan in BC 400 (and again in BC 300). There are also countless skirmishes versus Gyerian flocks, human tribes, minotaur clans, and thri-kreen clutches, as well as other humanoid clans/tribes in the lands surrounding the Desert of Izonda. The word 'Izonda' eventually becomes synonymous with the word 'warlike' throughout the region. (Francesco Defferrari, Knightfall).
BC 150-100
- In Northwestern Davania, The Invincible Dictatorship of Izonda fights a fifty-year war against both the Golden Matriarchy of Pelatan and the Lands of Arica. After the war ends, the Izondians found two small colonies in the northern lands of the continent. (Francesco Defferrari [edited by Knightfall]).
AC 0-800
- Countless wars and raids are fought across Northwestern Davania during this time period with the Izondians being the aggressors. (Francesco Defferrari).
AC 100
- Two-hundred years after the last war between Arica, Izonda, and Pelatan in Davania, 'explorers' from both the Golden Matriarchy and the Invincible Dictatorship try to convert and then subjugate the Aricans once again. The two empires end up warring against each other while the Aricans ferociously attack both sides. (Steven B Wilson).
AC 110
- The king of Pelatan, bankrupt from the war and too proud to admit that he lost, "cedes" the Arican region to Izonda ignoring protests from the Izondians that Pelatan never owned Arica. Izonda soon builds a fort near the gold mines but promptly forgets about it in the pressures of everyday dealings of the empire. (Steven B Wilson).
AC 435
- In Northwestern Davania, Izonda renews its wars against the humanoid clans of the region in this year. The fighting is especially vicious. (Francesco Defferrari, Knightfall).
AC 550
- Spread of lycanthropy. Rise of the Bokor and the Zande Witch Women (see Dragon #200, pg 14-18). (Steven B Wilson).
AC 750
- On the southern continent of Davania, Izonda wars against both Pelatan and Nivall. The war turns into a great defeat for Izonda. (Francesco Defferrari [edited by Knightfall]).
AC 800
- In Northwestern Davania, Izondian society goes through major changes in the year. The church of Hel has become less warlike (the Immortal doesn't want the Izondians to destroy themselves). The Churches of War become the churches of Jammudaru and Thanatos (two Immortals who spread their faith into Izonda around BC 800).(Francesco Defferrari [edited by Knightfall]).
AC 900
- After the dictator Takozo (a priest of Thanatos) leads the Izondians in a disastrous war against the elves of Kwythellar, the other churches rise against him and the church of Thanatos is soon outlawed. Meanwhile, the united churches of Valerias and Ixion become stronger throughout Izonda. Slowly, Izondians become less warlike even when the church of Vanya is founded in AC 980 by Heldannic missionaries. (Francesco Defferrari [edited by Knightfall]).
c. AC 950-980
- An adventurer from an unknown land on the continent of Brun visits and charts the coastline at the north end of the Akkadian Sound on Davania. It becomes the first detailed map of the ancient waterway and its many bays, inlets, and rivers, Many believe this adventurer was Rory Barbarossa who discovered the Thanegioth Archipelago but the truth is not known and the origin of the map remains a mystery. (Matthew Levy, Knightfall).
AC 990-1010
- Texeiran merchants seize control of entrance to the Addakian Sound on Davania. They build forts at key locations, organize local tribes into Missions, and begin importing slaves from various parts of Brun to the region. (Matthew Levy [edited by Knightfall]).
AC 1000
- In Northwestern Davania, the ogre-kin begin "encouraging" (enslaving, really) the Aricans towards greater participation in mining precious metals. Several bands are trying to get a Tribal Council together of all seven Arica tribes.(Francesco Defferrari [edited by Knightfall]).
AC 1007
- In Northwestern Davania, The churches of Valerias, Ixion, and Korotiku rise against Ewaro, the dictator priest of Jammudaru, who was planning to attack Pelatan. The churches of Jammudaru and Vanya are defeated (with the neutrality of the church of Hel). The revolution, called the Flowers' Strife, allows a woman to became Dictator for the first time in Izondian history. (Francesco Defferrari [edited by Knightfall]).
AC 1014
- The first slave uprising in New Texeiras in Brasolia on the continent of Davania. Natives aid some of the fugitive slaves; reprisals by Texeiran bandeiros begin. (Matthew Levy [edited by Knightfall]).