New prestige class - Wyrmsinger
by John Calvin
Language - Draconic, Locate Object (x1/day)
Suggestion (x1/day), immunity to sleep
Leadership Feat
Locate Object (x2/day)
immunity to paralysis
Frightful Presence, Suggestion (x2/day)
Locate Object (x3/day)
eyebite (x1/week)
discern location (x1/week)
Wyrmsingers are individuals trained in the arts of interacting with dragons. They must have a keen understanding of draconic traditions and protocols, for when dealing with a dragon, (any dragon whether good or evil) one mistake, one perceived slight, could prove fatal. Wyrmsingers must also possess an air of confidence about them.
Hit Die: d6
Wyrmsingers hail from the Wyrmsteeth Range, where there is an abundance of dragons. The most usual route of joining their ranks is to find another Wyrmsinger to act as your sponsor. Sponsors assess a candidates potential, and if they feel that the candidate holds promise, the hopeful Wyrmsinger is brought before the Order's draconic mentor. This mentor makes the final decision as to whether or not the candidate is to be trained as a Wyrmsinger.
Individuals may bypass this process if they directly find a willing dragon to teach them the art. Half dragons may bypass all of the required skills and feats and may in effect take Wyrmsinger as their primary class, as long as they can find a full blooded dragon mentor.
Diplomacy: 9 ranks
Knowledge [Draconic]: 6 ranks
Performance: 7 ranksFeats: Alertness, Improved Initiative
Currently there are three different orders of Wyrmsingers in the Wyrmsteeth Range. The oldest of these orders is a college set up and run by an ancient blue dragon called Marasaphyl. The second oldest order was created by a gold dragon called Aurilinilith, and is based from a monastery high in the peaks of the Wyrmsteeth Range. The newest order has no central location. It operates in a guild like structure, and is run by a red wyrm called Vermylaxis
Order of the Draconic Voice:
This is the oldest of the Wyrmsinger orders. Its members are all trained by a blue dragon known as Marasaphyl. The college, as it is called, is located in a small mountainous valley, inside of the Wyrmsteeth mountain range. It is the centre of a small community which has basically grown up around the centre of learning. Many of the inhabitants have jobs which directly support the college.
Members of this order tend to be bards, although other classes also make up its ranks. They actively search the land for future members, and bring them to train at the college at a very young age.
Order of the Scaled Spirits:
This order was formed by the gold dragon known as Aurilinilith. She founded the order with a specific purpose in mind; to maintain the stability of the Wyrmsteethian nations. The order is based out of a small monastery located at the tip of one of the tallest peaks in the Wyrmsteeth Range.
Members of this order are mostly monks, all of whom are trained at the monastery since near birth. After the initial training is completed, members walk the land serving the dragons, and searching for new members.
Order of Tooth and Claw:
This is the newest order, and was formed by the red wyrm known as Vermylaxis. The order is structured like a guild, and although it has no central base of operations, it does maintain a local headquarters in each of the major cities in the Wyrmsteeth Range.
Members of this order are mainly rogues, although other classes are also trained by this order. For the most part, these Wyrmsingers are fairly mercenary, and will never perform a service without some type of compensation being offered. Members must also pay out yearly dues, and tithe a percentage of their earnings directly to the guild (which ultimately finds its way back to Vermylaxis).
Wyrmsingers perform a number of duties, either for their respective orders, or for the draconic rulers of Wyrmsteeth. These duties include (but are not limited to) the following:
This is perhaps the most common, and most dangerous, duty that a Wyrmsinger can perform. It involves taking a message directly from one dragon to another. Dragons on the receiving end of the message are not always pleased to hear it, and so the Wyrmsinger may have a difficult time staying alive.
Many Wyrmsingers spend their entire lives (however short) as a messenger.
Speaker/Voice of the Wyrm:
A somewhat less common duty than messenger is that of speaker. Many wyrms do not wish to interact directly with their many (humanoid) minions. They find humanoids to be tedious to deal with, and so many would rather deal with a single one (their speaker) as opposed to many.
Speakers are in high demand. They usually spend their entire lives serving a single dragon suzerain (and oftentimes also its lesser dragon vassals). Speakers oftentimes take on other duties, such as messenger, and community leader.
Community Leader
Wyrmsingers, no matter which order they are a member of, are highly respected in Wyrmsteethian society. They therefore oftentimes become a leader of the community. Although this leadership role does not imply a direct line of communication with the Wyrmsteeth dragons, those dragons are more likely to interact with a Wyrmsinger leader, than a non-Wyrmsinger one.
Eyes of Wyrmsteeth:
These Wyrmsingers travel far and wide. Their duty is to gather information from the various nations, and bring it back to their draconic masters. Sometimes a Wyrmsinger is called upon to do more than just gather information. The Eyes of Wyrmsteeth are not always passive watchers.
Class Skills
The Wyrm Singer's class skills are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (), Gather Info (Cha), Intimidate (), Jump (), Knowledge [Arcane] (Int), Knowledge [Draconic] (Int), Knowledge [History] (Int), Listen (), Performance (Cha), Scry (), Search (), Sense Motive(Wis), Spot ().
Class Features
Language - Draconic: During apprenticeship, the fledgling Wyrmsinger is taught the draconic language by his or her mentor. They gain this extra language slot even if their intelligence modifier would normally not allow an extra language.
Locate Object: This spell like ability functions exactly as the spell of the same name. For the Wyrmsinger this is accomplished by thought alone. This is a supernatural ability.
Suggestion: This spell like ability functions exactly as the spell of the same name. For the Wyrmsinger this is accomplished by thought alone. Dragons, in any form, are not subject to this ability's effects, nor are half-dragons or other Wyrmsingers. This is a supernatural ability.
Immunity to Sleep: The Wyrmsinger gains an immunity to sleep. No spells, poisons, or other effects which cause sleep, will affect the Wyrmsinger.
Leadership: This feat is gained when the Wyrmsinger reaches third level. If the Wyrmsinger already possesses this feat, then nothing else happens.
Immunity to Paralysis: No action can paralyse the Wyrmsinger.
Frightful Presence: The Wyrmsinger gains a frightful presence, and can unsettle his or her foes. The Wyrmsinger must be in full view for this ability to take effect. Creatures with fewer hit dice (except for dragons and other Wyrmsingers), and within 120 feet of the Wyrmsinger, must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + Wyrmsinger's class level) to avoid this fear effect. On a failure, those creatures with half as many hit dice as the Wyrmsinger become panicked for 2d4 rounds, while any others are shaken for 2d4 rounds.
Eyebite: This ability acts as the spell of the same name. It is a supernatural ability.
Discern Location: This ability acts as the spell of the same name. It is a supernatural ability.
Wyrmsingers who leave their chosen retain all of their current abilities, but can no longer advance as a Wyrmsinger. Their former orders will most likely brand them as a traitor and hunt them down.