Rules for using crystal balls
by RobinA Crystal Ball can indeed by somewhat unbalancing in the game.
However, some rules do apply.![]()
1 activating a Crystal Ball takes a full Turn (10 minutes=60 rounds), the images last 1 round plus 1 round for each intelligence Bonus of the user
2 Intelligence checks are required to activate such an item depending on the subject.
A)Known locations can be succesfully viewed on a succesful intelligence/meditation check of the user.
B)Well Known Persons can be succesfully viewed on a succesful intelligence/meditation check at -2 of the user.
C) Known persons can be succesfully viewed on a succesful intelligence/meditation check at -4 of the user.
D) Barely Known persons can be succesfully viewed on a succesful intelligence/meditation check at -6 of the user.
E)Unknown persons can be succesfully viewed on a succesful intelligence/meditation check at -8 of the user, as long as some identifying descriptions are known.
F)Unknown persons or Items cannot be viewed
G)Unknown Locations within 5'/level of the caster can be succesfully viewed on a succesful intelligence/meditation check at -4 of the user. (ie. Dungeon Exploring)
H) locations are viewed within the Ball as if seen from above with a radius of 1'/level of the caster
I) Persons are viewed fully as if standing a few feet before the person themselves unless there are obstructions forcing the view closer.
J) caster can zoom in on locations and persons or parts thereoff on a succesful intelligence/meditation check at -4 of the user.
K) Crystal Balls can be viewed only 3 times a day.
L) most Crystal Balls are below 6 inch diameter, making views tiny and missing details
M) Crystal Balls are fragile..If struck with a hard object or surface they break if a 1d20 rolls 8 or lower.
N)Crystal Balls breaking have a 50% chance to explode in a 5' radius causing 1d8 points of damae (minus Armor Value)
O) Larger Crystal Balls can provide greater detail and can be used more often.
P) Unsuccesful Images are Unclear, give NO details, No colors an lots of haze, delayed movement and such disturbances.
Q)Only Elves, Magicusers are able to use a Crystal Ball. A Dm may rule to include Wicca, Wokani and other spellcasters able to use Magicuser spells.
R) Only under very rare circumstances provided by the Immortal, a Cleric can make use (once a day) of a specially blessed consecrated Crystal Ball..Other means exist for them however, like the Use of a Magic Font Spell
S) Knowledge rather than distance is the Key to succes.
T) there are spells and Items protecting a target from being seen or divined, making the view as unsuccesful as if normally failed.Some DM's enable the view to see the location, yet not the protected target. Keep this severly limited, as even not seen but known still is actually a form of sight.
U) Crystal Balls are heavy, especially those attached or set in standards. The weight inclusive standard is roughly 50cn per inch diameter this is cumultive. without stanfard this is half that number.
A 6 inch ball weighs 50+50+50+50+50+50 x6=1800cn including standard. and 900cn without standard
A 8 inch ball weigh 50+50+50+50+50+50+50+50 x8= 3200cn with and 1600cn without.
V) A Crystal Ball is NOT touched durin g viewing, yet a mental connection is made. the ball then lies in its standard or free on a surface. So imagine doing this on a boat without a standard. It makes things more difficult and more fun.