Another adaptation from Star Frontiers. The Federation in Mystaras broader universe, having links with Blackmoor, always seemed way too short of detail. We really get to see so little of it, and it strikes me a Galactic Federation needed more than just a couple of races. So I've liberally stolen from many different sources, the first being Star Frontiers.
Yazarians were one of the 5 races listed in Alpha Dawn, alongside dralasites, vrusk, humans and sathar. I've already uploaded stats for the classic Star Frontiers antagonists the sathar, and the friendly and weird dralasites. Shall schedule in the vrusk for next week, then maybe some other aliens down the line.
by Cab Davidson
Stat Yazarian AC: 7 (and see below) HD: 1 Movement (Running) 120’ (40’) Movement (Gliding) 240’ (80’) Attacks: 1 weapon Damage: By Weapon Number Appearing: 1d6 (3d6) Save As: F1 Morale: 10 Treasure Type: Special Intelligence: 16 Alignment: Neutral XP Value: 15 Yazarians are a spacefaring race of roughly man-sized creatures resembling short furred simians, with tan to brown fur across most of the body and a rather thicker mane of fur around the shoulders and head. A flap of skin stretches between their arms and legs, allowing them to glide, at an angle of 30° downwards or less.
They are the most intelligent of the core races of the Galactic Federation, a fact often masked by heir tendency to be pushy, aggressive and on occasion simply hostile. They train themselves to enter a rage in melee combat, giving them a bonus of +4 to hit and damage. They favour vibroswords (ignore physical armour and inflict 2d6 damage) and collapsium armour (AC 0, requiring charged power packs) in melee combat, and laser pistols and rifles (100/200/300 or 200/400/600, inflicting 2d8 damage) in ranged combat.
Yazarians have excellent infravision (90’) having evolved in near dark primal forests, and can suffer in bright light – they invariably wear darkened goggles in such conditions. They favour light, open, loose clothing and rarely wear shoes (their feet being almost as dextrous as their hands). An interesting aspect of yazarian culture is the concept of ‘life enemy’, chosen at any time in a yazarians life. This may be a competing clan, an enemy race, or even a specific disease (if the yazarian is a doctor) or company (if the yazarian is in business). The more potent the selected enemy, the more honour there is in that choice, and it is seen as fitting and noble to try to defeat that enemy. If that enemy is defeated (a cure is found for the disease, the company folds, the enemy killed, etc.) that is considered a worthy achievement in yazarian society, and the yazarian might or might not choose a subsequent foe.
Yazarians may progress in any character class, frequently preferring to be fighters or mystics.