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The Selhomarrian Year and Events Within It

by Geoff Gander

As with other cultures, the Lhomarrians keep track of time. On the surface world, their year was measured by the phases of the moon, such that a full cycle of phases would constitute one Lhomarrian month. Thus, the old Lhomarrian calendar was much like the current Thyatian one in use in much of the Known World. Since their arrival in the Hollow World, the Lhomarrians have adapted to the lack of any moon or night sky. They have found that the various floating continents have cycles similar to that of the moon, such that their calendar remains essentially the same as before.

The Lhomarrian year is divided into twelve months of 28 days each. Each month begins on the equivalent of the first day of the new moon, and ends with the equivalent of the final disappearance of the last of the "old moon". Of course, this is now measured by the positions of the floating continents. The months are as follows:

Month Thyatian Equivalent Month Thyatian Equivalent
Haristar Nuwmont Saklatar Felmont
Thallistar Vatermont Gelmintar Fyrmont
Arristar Thaumont Brethitar Ambyrmont
Meneltar Flaurmont Dilmuntar Sviftmont
Ormintar Yarthmont Rostar Eirmont
Yhemtar Klarmont Gallotar Kaldmont

The year's seasons are divided as follows:

Winter: Meneltar, Ormintar, Yhemtar
Spring: Saklatar, Gelmintar, Brethitar
Summer: Dilmuntar, Rostar, Gallotar
Autumn: Haristar, Thallistar, Arristar

Below is a list of the various important days in the Lhomarrian year, and what events happen on those days.

Haristar 1st (Lhomarrian New Year): This is the first day of the Lhomarrian new year. On this day no work is done, and many families throughout the empire will gather together at each other's houses for the afternoon for feasting, singing, and other festivities. In the evening, local talented people put on song and dance shows, and travelling bards sing songs of epic tales.

Haristar 4th (First Day of Autumn): This day is recognised throughout Selhomarr as the first day of autumn. The leaves have begun to change colour on some of the trees, and the harvest is almost complete. Druidic circles all over Selhomarr perform their autumn ceremonies for all to see

Thallistar 4th (The Battle of Pirolos): On this day everyone in Sepirolos observes one hour of silent contemplation about the battle that destroyed the colony of Xerothnyi forever, in BC 7024, and the roles their ancestors played in the battle. Flowers are picked from the fields and laid in a great wreath in the town square, which is then burned at nightfall, to commemorate the passing of the dead. Elsewhere in the empire, people observe the hour of contemplation, but do not perform any other acts of commemoration. Military units put on parades to salute the fallen.

Thallistar 11th (End of Harvest): Although the actual ending of the harvest varies year by year, most Lhomarrians have chosen this day to mark its official ending. In the evening, country folk sing and dance, and a great feast is shared by all - sometimes an entire village will set up a large row of tables and feast together. All money owing on the previous year's taxes is also due on this day. Livestock is often gathered on this day in southern regions for herding into winter shelters.

Thallistar 22nd (Emperor Tamaris' birthday): Today is the current emperor's birthday. According to tradition, the ruler must, on his or her birthday, give a voucher to every poor person in Calimnis, redeemable for a healthy supper at any eating establishment in the city. This is paid for out of the ruler's pocket, and the princes often do the same thing in their own provinces on their birthdays. This forces the ruler to come into contact with the least fortunate, and to remind him or her of a ruler's duties towards all citizens, no matter what their social station might be. In the evening, the ruler is treated to entertainment from the most talented actors and bards in the empire.

Arristar 3rd (Battle of Pelenzor): Soldiers hold parades on this day to mark the anniversary of the Battle of Pelenzor, in which Lhomarr and its allies were routed in BC 7027. It was also in this battle that Brell, the legendary general of the Lhomarrian armies, was killed. After the ceremonies commemorating the battle are over, soldiers recite the life story of Brell.

Arristar 14th (Beginning of the Wandering): Today marks the first day of the Wandering, when all youths who have turned 18 in the previous year must embark on a year long trek to find themselves. They are forbidden from returning home until the year is over, and must prove that they have learned something of the world, of others, and themselves. After a great breakfast and private celebrations with families, the youths fill their backpacks and leave home by midday.

Arristar 15th (Ending of the Wandering): Those youths who started their Wandering the previous year come home by the end of this day. They will be welcomed as adults, having proven themselves as independent members of society. After being welcomed by their families, they are treated to two whole days of feasts, celebrations, and opportunities to share their experiences. From this day forth, they are officially citizens of Selhomarr, with all the rights and privileges of that station.

Meneltar 1st (First Day of Winter): According to Lhomarrians, today is the first day of winter. The leaves have mostly fallen, and the harvests have been completed.

Meneltar 23rd (Discovery of Prys): On this day sages and bards commemorate to discovery of Prys, which is now the Vulture Peninsula, around BC 8600. Details of the voyage of discovery are recounted.

Yhemtar 18th (The Sinking): This day marks the anniversary of the sinking of Old Lhomarr. Sages and bards recount the last great battles of the war against the Carnifex, and rail against the wickedness of the Outer Beings for destroying the Old World. The ruler leads a remembrance ceremony at the Great Temple of Xeron in Calimnis, and reads off a list of the greatest heroes of those days. This day is a very mournful one.

Yhemtar 19th (The Homecoming): This day marks the beginning of the Lhomarrians' time in the Hollow World. Bards and sages tell the Tale of the Homecoming, an epic poem which takes hours to recite, and details the war with the Carnifex, the sinking of Old Lhomarr, and the founding of Selhomarr. Many people give thanks on this day for their prosperity, and set aside a portion of their meals for those less fortunate than themselves.

Saklatar 15th (Winter's Bane): In the southern regions of Selhomarr, where the climate is more severe and the winters less forgiving, people break free of winter gloom for the day and celebrate the coming spring. Hot drinks are shared by all, and many families go outside to experience nature's beauty in winter, sometimes aided by local druids.

Gelmintar 1st (First Day of Spring): Today marks the first day of spring, though the more southern portions of Selhomarr will see snow for several weeks yet. Many people celebrate the warming temperatures and sprouting leaves with dances and feasts, and this day is believed by many to be an especially lucky one for marriage, such that many wed on this day. Priests of Xeron and the various druidic circles throughout the empire mark the occasion with ceremonies.

Gelmintar 12th (Discovery of Xerothnyi): This day marks the commemoration of the discovery of the land that became Xerothnyi, now known as the Isle of Cestia, around BC 8600. Accounts of the great voyage are recited, and bards sing about the difficulties of the journey, and the wonders of the discovery.

Gelmintar 18th (Battle of Okhtor Pass): Soldiers go on parade throughout the empire to celebrate the heroism of those who fought in the legendary Battle of Okhtor Pass, in BC 7025. Surviving accounts of the battles that day are read out, and spirits of those who survived the battle are thanked by priests of Xeron through offerings of food and drink.

Brethitar 13th (The Sowing): This day is chosen by many Lhomarrian farmers to begin preparations for this year's planting. Seeds are purchased or taken out of storage, and fields are tilled. Animals are also let out into pasture at this time in southern regions.

Dilmuntar 1st (First Day of Summer): Today is officially the first day of summer in Selhomarr. The sowing of the crops is well under way, and the plants are already in their full glory. Many druidic circles throughout the land celebrate the changing of the seasons.

Rostar 14th (Midsummer's Festival): During the evening of this day, people all over Selhomarr celebrate the high point of summer with feasts, dancing, singing, and the telling of tall tales. It is a time of joy, to celebrate life, for winter is not far off.

Rostar 19th (Day of Communion): Throughout Selhomarr, every Ilarnnian spends the entire day in meditation, trying to contact their ancestors in order to gain spiritual guidance. After a modest dinner, families will gather to revel in the joys of life: singing, drinking, and feasting. These festivities last well into the next day, the remainder of which is spent resting.

Gallotar 27th (Tax Assessment Day): On this day the ruler's taxmen go throughout the empire and visit every citizen, no matter what their social position. Each household is required to present documents attesting to how much money was made that year, and the taxmen calculate how much is owed in that amount, and how much property tax should be paid.

Gallotar 28th (End of the Lhomarrian Year): On this day people all across the empire celebrate the ending of the old year, and the coming of the new one. At feasts during the evening, people recount funny anecdotes of the year's happenings, and others make resolutions for the coming year. The celebrations carry on into the night, in time for the new year to be ushered in by the revellers.