Baron Yuschiev
by Stuart KerriganLEVEL 9 FIGHTER, Lawful Neutral, HIT POINTS 64 BASE THAC0 12
AC -3 (Plate Mail +2, Shield +1, Dex Bonus, Ring of Protection) or 5 (Robes, Ring of Protection +2, Dexterity)
Strength 17 To Hit +1, Damage +1
Intelligence 15 Languages 4
Wisdom 13 Saving Throws +0, Spell Bonuses 1
Dexterity 16 Armour Class -2, React/Missile +1
Constitution 15 Hit Die Bonus +1 (included)
Charisma 14 Henchmen 6, Loyalty +1, Reactions +2Magic Items
Amulet of the Marches (found in the Dragon's Cave in AC 1015?... I honestly can not remember how he acquired it).
The Amulet bestows a +1 bonus to Saving Throws, Attack Rolls, Damage rolls and to stats during a check upon any Traladaran or partially Traladaran blooded person, and whenever the person aids the Traladaran people he gains a cumulative +1 (GM's discretion) up to a limit of +5.
Longsword +2
Baronial Ring of Protection +2