by Joaquin MenchacaThe Church
CLERGY: Clerics, speciality priests, rangers, wizards
TURN UNDEAD: C: no, SP: no, R: no, M: no
CMND UNDEAD: C: no, SP: no, R: no, M: noThe cult of Zirchev is a secret society concerned for the welfare of Traldaran people. They are the scribes of history and possess a greater detailed account of Traldaran history including the heroic epics of many forgotten heroes. There are also tales of Hutaakan people and legends of a great and mighty empire called Nithia. However these tales are regarded as mythological rather than documented historical fact.
The cult of Zirchev has for years has undertaken quests to thwart some unknown evil of legendary past. They keep their exploits and presence a secret. Thus the common Traldaran would never hear of the cult, and other priests of Petra and Halav only suspect its existence, but afford no concrete proof.
As part of documenting history and protecting the common welfare of the Traldaran people, the cult monitors sinister villains, monster populations, and criminal organisations. The current attention of the cult focuses on Baron Ludwig von Hendriks of the Black Eagle Barony and the slaver organisation called the Iron Ring. In addition to this, the cult has taken special interest in the spread of lycanthropy and vampiric activity. They have detailed research on these creatures especially in regards to destroying these creatures when they become too troublesome or notorious. They have detailed information on the vampire society (nosferatu) within the Traldaran lands, and its political relations to other vampiric societies, such as those found within Glantri. This includes information on the Sulescu family of the Sulescu Barony.
The cult has two distinct sects called the Watchers and the Lorekeepers.
The Lorekeepers are responsible for documenting the recorded history, knowledge, and lore of Traldar. The Lorekeepers can either be priests or wizards. The priest will sometimes act as representatives under the auspices of the Church of Traldara. The priests are also responsible for recruiting members into the secret society and also seeking out and finding gifted children that can learn the arcane arts. The priests also fulfil the role as a messenger to the other Traldaran religions. The wizardly Lorekeepers are sometimes called the Circle of Tethrai, meaning Knowledge in Nithian, to reflect their wizardly practices and knowledge of the arcane. They have the added responsibility of documenting all knowledge of the arcane including spells, alchemical recipes, and formulas and runes needed to create artifacts. The other sect called the Watchers are essentially the eyes and ears of the cult of Zirchev. They monitor the various occurrences within the Traldar lands. They also act as guardians and protectors of the cult and they participate on missions for the cult of Zirchev as directed by the Lorekeepers.
The cult has a secret language which is not taught to anyone outside of the cult. This language is a forgotten ancient dialect of Nithian honourably called Tethrais, or language of knowledge. This language can be understood with a successful proficiency check by Hutaakans and Nithians either from history's past or from within Mystaran planet in an area sometimes referred to as Hollow World.
Speciality Priests (Lorekeeper Mages)
REQUIREMENTS: Intelligence 15
PRIME REQ.: Intelligence
WEAPONS: dagger
ARMOUR: cannot wear armour
MAGICAL ITEMS: As per mage
REQ. PROFS.: Read/Write Tethrais (Nithian dialect)
BONUS PROFS.: History (Traldaran), Lore (Traldar), Heraldry (Traldar)This wizard sect also called the Circle of Tethrai or Circle of Knowledge. In addition to documenting and tracking the lore, history, and knowledge or Traldar, they are responsible for guarding the arcane secrets of the cult and using their abilities to assist the cult.
Speciality Priests (Lorekeeper Priests)
REQUIREMENTS: Wisdom 14, Intelligence 15
PRIME REQ.: Wisdom, Intelligence
WEAPONS: dagger
ARMOUR: cannot wear armour
MAJOR SPHERES: All, Animal, Astral, Combat, Creation, Elemental, Guardian, Necromantic, Plant, Protection, Summoning, Sun, Traveller, Weather
MINOR SPHERES: Charm, Divination, Healing, Time
MAGICAL ITEMS: As per cleric and wizard
REQ. PROFS.: Read/Write Tethrais (Nithian dialect)
BONUS PROFS.: History (Traldaran), Lore (Traldar), Heraldry (Traldar)The Lorekeeper is responsible for documenting the lore, history, and knowledge of the Traldar people. The priests act as mouth piece for the cult of Zirchev. At 6th level, the priest of Zirchev begins tutelage of arcane arts and can cast wizard spells as if they were five levels lower in experience. At this point the Lorekeeper will require a spell book to document in Tethrais language the spells that are understood and learned.
Speciality Priests (Watcher Mages)
REQUIREMENTS: Strength 13. Intelligence 14
PRIME REQ.: Strength, Intelligence
ARMOUR: Any (penalties to casting magic with complex somantic components)
MAGICAL ITEMS: As per mage and ranger
REQ. PROFS.: Read/Write Tethrais (Nithian dialect), Tracking, Set Snares
BONUS PROFS.: Heraldry (Traldaran), Disguise, Hunting, Animal HandlingThese Watchers are foremost mages that also study in the art of warfare and huntsmanship. They receive a bonus weapon proficiency. This wizard can acquire proficiencies without penalties from the warrior category. The Watcher wizard can never learn spells from the enchantment/charm, illusion, and conjuration/summoning schools of magic. Further more, the wizard can receive the benefits of exceptional strength above 18 and receive constitution bonuses of a warrior for a constitution above 18. This blessed wizard also receives hit points of d6 per level instead of the traditional d4.
The Watcher wizard in studying the art of warfare and huntsmanship has some restrictions towards his studies of the arcane. He can never cast spells of 8th or 9th level. This wizard learns spells as if his Intelligence was two points lower than his actually ability. This limitation also affects the number of languages or bonus proficiencies that he can learn.
Speciality Priests (Watcher Rangers)
REQUIREMENTS: Strength 13, Dexterity 13, Constitution 14, Intelligence 14
PRIME REQ.: Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence
ARMOUR: Any (penalties to some special abilities accrue if wearing heavier armour than studded leather)
MAGICAL ITEMS: Same as Ranger
REQ. PROFS.: Read/Write Tethrais (Nithian dialect)
BONUS PROFS.: Heraldry (Traldaran), Disguise, Hunting, Animal HandlingThese Watchers study the art of war and huntsmanship and they defer the study magical abilities into they achieve 8th level. Upon reaching 8th level, this Watcher ranger will not receive priestly spell abilities, but rather abilities to cast wizard spells. At this point the Watcher will require a spell book to document in Tethrais language the spells that are understood and learned.